Hello everyone. Well today is Day 2 of my Pre Op diet. I feel horrible. I keep thinking of food or like fries and hamburger etc... Why does this happen? You know I noticied that it is not that I am hungry because I don't really feel hungry, it is more mentally. My heart tells me I want to lose the weight, I want to keep going and follow the diet to the T and not mess up. These past two days I have done it and followed the diet all the way and excercised about 45 min a day. I really want to do this the right way but it seems like everywhere I turn I see food or I hear someone talking about it and my mind skips a little lol.... You know I went to Wal-Mart last night and as I was walking around I kept seeing these beautiful skinny women and in my mind I was telling them stuff lol..... I was being mean and I am never like that, this is not me!!! I am sorry to go on and on but honestly I have no one to tell so I decided to come on here and vent. HOWWWWW did you all get through the 2 week diet? Mine does not even sound as hard as others I have heard but boy is it tempting to give up and just eat. But of course I won't because 2 days have already come and gone and I did so good, did not cheat or anything. My 2 week diet consists of this:
1 early Am protein shake 20grams protein
1 Mid Morning Protein shake 20 grams protein
Lunch=fat free 6 oz yogurt and a medium fruit
snack either a cup of cottage cheese fat free/or 1 oz of nuts like almonds/pecans no flavor or 2 string cheese fat free
Dinner 4 oz of lean meat chicken, tuna, fish and 1/2 cup of corn, potatoes and 1 cup of vegtables
Does not sound hard but boy it sure is lol.... I know I want this bad and I now I will get through it just really wanted to vent. Oh also did any of you weigh yourself constantly???? I keep wanting to weigh myself every morning, is this good or bad? Anyway thanks for reading.