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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mommyto1

  1. I was banded on October 15 and as of last week (at my last dr's appointment) I was down 35.4 pounds! I'm thrilled with the results. I keep telling everyone I should've done this years ago.
  2. Is it just me, but I'm finding it hard to adjust to not being able to have something to drink while eating? Prior to being banded, I always had either water or ice tea (sugar-free) with my dinner and a cup of coffee with breakfast. Anyone else having the same issue?
  3. Maybe you should talk to your doctor. I was banded on October 15 and was able to start on proteins shakes on the Monday afternoon after I had surgery. Even after starting on the protein shakes, I was still a bit hungry, but I had so much more energy.
  4. Mommyto1

    potatoe Chips

    I'm only 2 weeks post-op so I haven't even thought of chips yet, but I love Popchips. Amazon has some great deals on Popchips every few months for the individual bags. My whole family enjoys them.
  5. Mommyto1

    Strange question

    I slept on my couch for the first 2 days with a few extra pillows for support. My biggest recommendation would be to have a heating pad available because I really felt that helped tremendously with the gas pains.
  6. I had very little worry about the band not working for me prior to my surgery. I was just banded on October 15, but I went into this knowing that in order for the band to work, I had to change my habits. I started changing my eating habits in the months leading up to be banded. I also got off my behind and dragged myself to the gym 4-5 days a week. I'm 10 days out from surgery, already back at the gym and feeling great. I know the band will work for me because I'm not going to let myself fail.
  7. Mommyto1

    Another hurdle down

    My paperwork was submitted on September 21 and I was approved on September 28. My doctors office doesn't require a pre-op diet other than the day before surgery, so I really could've had the surgery sooner than October 15. The reason I waited is because I wanted to make arrangements to have people around to help with my son, the few days after surgery. My surgeon's office actual had an opening the same week as I got my approval. I think scheduling of the surgery depends on your surgeon and whether they have a pre-op diet required.
  8. Mommyto1

    Lets talk excercise !!!!!!

    I was banded on October 15 and at my appointment on October 4, my doctor said I could start doing the treadmill and exercise bike whenever I felt up to it.
  9. Mommyto1

    I got my surgery date!!

    Congrats and Good Luck!!
  10. As soon as I outgrow something, it's going to Goodwill. I hadn't thought about packing up my summer clothes, but there's no way I'll fit into them next year, so I might keep 1 or 2 outfits until I'm sure we won't get any warm here but the rest I'll donate.
  11. You have to make the decision that is right for you. I was banded last Friday and I had no complications. I'm 34 years old and I figured that I needed to make some life changes if I wanted to see my son grow up. I've tried every diet and had minimal success and it was always short-term success. There are failure rates with anything you do in life. I've gone into this with the attitude that I WILL NOT fail, I feel this is my chance to start new. I'm sure your family is just nervous because with any surgery comes risks. Good luck!!
  12. I don't have United Health Care, but at my initial meeting with my surgeon I was given a prescription with all the tests I needed to have done. You will probably have to go to you PCP to obtain a letter of medical necessity to be submitted to your insurance company (most companies require this) and then you'll have to get medical clearance from your PCP. Good Luck!
  13. I have BCBS of NJ, I had well over the 40 BMI, but regarding the 5 year weight records, I never had to provide specific weights to my insurance company. My primary doctor simply wrote her letter of medical necessity and indicate that for the last 7 years that she's been treating me I've suffered from obesity.
  14. My doctor didn't require any pre-op diet, just Clear liquids the day before surgery. I went 2 weeks ago to sign my consent to surgery and have some questions answered and have my weight taken. Well, today I went in for a post-op check up (to have the doctor check my incisions) and I've already lost 11.2 pounds!!! I'm so so excited! I knew that I had lost some weight, but 11 pounds, I couldn't believe it. I feel even more motivated to get my butt up and moving. I know it's mostly Water weight, but heck I can't remember the last time I lost 11 pounds.
  15. Mommyto1

    One day to surgery day

    Good luck on Wednesday.
  16. Mommyto1

    3 days post op

    I'm also 3 days post-op. I've been burping quite a bit today, but it's helping relieve some of the gas pressure I've had. I'm feeling really good. As for drinking from a straw, I don't know if it's just my doctor, but I was told not drink from a straw. I think it has to do with taking in air and making you gassy, but someone else told me it could actually stretch the stomach pouch. I was drinking from a sports bottle earlier today and I realized I was more gassy than I was yesterday, so I'm sure that had something to do with it.
  17. Mommyto1

    I'm Banded

    Congrats! I was banded on October 15 and the only real discomfort I've had is gas. Otherwise, I feel really good. Still a little sore today, but getting better everyday.
  18. Mommyto1

    If you have UHC Choice Plus..

    I don't have UHC, but my insurance company approved me a week after the paperwork was submitted. I was getting antsy, so I called and they told me by phone that I had been approved. From what most people have said it typically takes between 1-2 weeks for approval, sometimes longer sometimes less.
  19. I'm feeling great. Still have some gas pains, but not nearly as bad as Friday/Saturday. Using a heat pad, really helped with the gas pains. I have a follow-up appointment with my surgeon this afternoon and then I can start on my Protein shakes, which I'm really looking forward to. The incisions are not as sore as I thought they would be. A friend of mine that had the surgery a few months ago made me so worried about the pain, but it hasn't been bad at all. I think a lot of it is frame of mind too. My reasons for having the surgery is to be healthier and if that means being sore for a few days/a few weeks, I'm fine with that. I know that any discomfort will pass and I'll come out of this a healthier person. I hope everyone banded is feeling good and to those waiting Good Luck!!
  20. Mommyto1

    3 days Post op

    I was banded on Friday and the gas pains have been worse than the actual incisions for me. I was reading on these boards and someone recommended using a heating pad. Let me tell you, the heating pad has worked wonders. Yesterday, my shoulder was so sore I could barely move it and today, I feel so much better.
  21. Mommyto1

    3 days post op newbie here :)

    I was banded on October 15 and I've had terrible gas pains also. A heating pad has really helped with that. These boards have been great for getting info.
  22. I had my surgery yesterday and with the exception of having gas pains, I'm feeling really good. The last 2 nights I've slept on my couch with a ton of pillows because I just didn't feel comfortable in bed. I have a young child that also likes to sleep in my bed, but thankfully he prefers going to bed with his daddy. The toughest part there was explaining to him that I couldn't pick him up, but he saw my "boo-bo" and he understood "Mommy can't pick me up, she has a boo-boo on her tummy". Having this surgery has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I've been overweight most of my life and I can honestly say I had done a ton of research before the surgery, so I was fully prepared for it. Good luck to you!
  23. Mommyto1

    Home sweet home

    I was really nervous too, but I have to say the pain/discomfort was much less that I thought it would be. Today, I'm having some gas pains, my shoulder is pretty sore, but I'm going to go for a little walk and hope that it subsides. Other than the gas pains (which isn't awful), I'm feeling really good. Good luck on Monday. Just remember it'll all be worth it.
  24. I'm home from my surgery this morning and although I am a little sore and a little groggy, I'm feeling pretty good. I went in for surgery at 7:45am and I got home from the hospital at around 1:00pm. I'm so happy to be home and banded!! My little boy (3 years old) came running up to me when I got home and he saw a bandaid on my hand from the IV and he said "Oh mommy you got a boo-boo. Are you sad?" When I said No, he said "Ok, I love you". That was the best part of my day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
