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LAP-BAND Patients
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About etexlady

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 07/31/1969

About Me

  • Biography
    My name is Trish, I am scheduled for my surgery on Sept. 23, 2010.
  • Occupation
    Manager @ LaQuinta Inns & Suites
  1. Happy 44th Birthday etexlady!

  2. Happy 43rd Birthday etexlady!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary etexlady!

  4. I am doig alot better this week. I had to be admitted into the hospital for a few days on the 29th. I was severly dehydrated & in severe pain. I haven't lost anymore weight so I am discouraged at the moment. How about you?

  5. Hi, I was just banded on 9/30.

    Over all I am feeling great. Just wondering how you are doing? Wishing you much sucess on your weight loss journey!!

  6. Don't give up yet! You have came to far ....This is just a speed bump. I was banded on the 23rd and felt such horrible pain as you do. I was very swollen and the Dr. had to remove some fluid from the band. Same day I ended up in the hospital for two days with severe dehydration & pain. The Dr was mad at me that I did not call him sooner. So please consult with your Dr. today. I feel much better today and hope you do soon.
  7. Your day is here!! What excitement!! Keep us updated! Praying for your comfort.
  8. Good Luck! Today is the day!! Keep me updated!!
  9. Well what a week!!:thumbup: I was banded on the 23rd and was in horrible pain and could not keep anything down but was sent home. On the 29th they took out my fluid fill and said I was just swollen. But later that night i was put in the hospital due to being extremly dehyrdated & in pain. I today feel much better and am back to work this morning. I am stiff & sore, but not going to complain,cause last week I thought I was dying. I was asking myself why did I do this. I have lost weight, but not the healthy way. The doctor said yeah you lost 21 pounds since the begining of your journey. So guess they were trying to cheer me up lol.
  10. I had my surgery on the 23rd and was put back I the hospital on 29th due to being dehydrated & keeping nothing down. I was in horrible pain! But I feel much better now. Do call your doctor!
  11. Thank you for the words of encouragement!! I need them right now! Big day tomorrow!!:rolleyes2:
  12. You are lucky Sourmissg...I have to do the whole preop liquid diet thing and it is kicking my butt!! I must say I am not a soup person. I have been so excited and now I am getting nervous. Hocuspocus, Good luck to you as well!
  13. Awesome!! Are you on the liquid preop?
  14. etexlady

    2 week Pre-op Liquid diet

    I am on my pre op liquid diet as well. I am worried cause I had potatoe soup last night and it had bits of potatoe in it. They were smaller than a pea but still they were there. How long does it take to get out of your system? Will they be able to tell I had any? Oh my gosh this is hard!!

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