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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by KimK813

  1. KimK813

    F- 6/20/11

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  2. KimK813

    Whats on YOUR skinny list?!!?

    Love the goals! From simple to extreme, they are all attainable! Here are some of mine: Walk without my thighs rubbing Buy clothes not located in the "Woman's" section Play with my nephew without giving out before him Wear smaller uniforms at work Have people NOT recognize me in old photos Feel good about myself and my point in life Get off this blood pressure medicine! Good luck, everyone!
  3. KimK813

    Which Fill # Was it?

    It took 5 fills, 8 months, and 10cc in a 14cc band, but I get it now. I am loosing 2-3lbs a week, not hungry between meals and I physcially get ill if I try to eat to much. This is what I signed up for. Stanley (the name for my band, because it is a 'tool') are FINALLY seeing eye to band! Good luck, everyone!
  4. KimK813

    Restriction finally

    I was banded Sept 7, 2010. It took 5 fills over the course of 8 months before I finally got restriction. Now I am very comfortable with where I am. I am loosing 2-3lbs a week and am not hungry between meals. I focus on Protein, fruit and veggies. I drink alot of flavored Water. I go to the gym and play my Wii. I am a better woman than I used to be and it shows! Good luck everyone!
  5. KimK813


    Congratulations! My biggest thrill so far has been being able to cross my legs without holding onto them! Now to test those airplane seats and seatbelts! Good lucj everyone!
  6. KimK813

    Chia Seeds

    Absolutely curious, I googled Chia Seeds. This is from Wikipedia... Chia seed may be eaten raw as a whole seed, providing Protein, fats and Fiber.[9] Ground chia seed is sometimes added to pinole, a coarse flour made from toasted maize kernels. Chia seeds placed in Water or fruit juice are consumed in Mexico and known as chia fresca. The soaked seeds are gelatinous in texture and are used in gruels, porridges and puddings. Ground chia seed is used in baked goods including breads, cakes and biscuits. Chia sprouts are used in a similar manner as alfalfa sprouts in salads, sandwiches and other dishes. Chia sprouts are sometimes grown on porous clay figurines which has led to the popular U.S. cultural icon of the Chia Pet. In a one ounce (28 g) sample, dried chia seeds contain 9% of the Daily Value for protein (4g), 13% fat (9g) (57% of which is ALA) and 42% dietary fiber (11g), based on a daily intake of 2000 calories.[9] The seeds also contain the essential minerals phosphorus, manganese, Calcium, potassium and sodium[9] in amounts comparable to other edible seeds, such as flax[10] or sesame.[11] Although some research indicates potential for dietary health benefits in certain disease conditions, this work remains sparse and inconclusive.[12] I may have to give these a try! Good luck, everyone!
  7. KimK813

    C- 2/25/11

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  8. KimK813

    E- 4/9/11

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  9. KimK813

    D- 3/26/11

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  10. KimK813

    B- 12/5/10

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  11. KimK813

    A- 10/26/10

    From the album: Kim's Journey

  12. KimK813

    Being "tight" ?

    I asked my doctor about being so tight in the morning. I find it impossible to eat anything, so I stick to my Protein shakes. He told me that it has to do with being horizontal while you sleep and the fluids settling in your band. When you get up and get vertical, everything slowly starts to settle and you can eat more as the day goes on. While he said this is the "theory" it makes perfect sense to me. Good luck, everyone!
  13. KimK813


    I was pretty regular pre-band, but immediately after surgery I had 3 very heavy irregular periods within 6 weeks. I went to my GYN and she said not to worry, it should go back to normal in a few months. Trust your doctors! In 3 months, I was right as rain again. Good luck everyone!
  14. I use Body Fortress Protein powder from Wal Mart. $16 for 2lb tub, no shipping. Comes in basic S/C/V. Good luck everyone!
  15. KimK813

    Need a protein shake

    I buy Body Fortress Protein powder (chocolate, strawberry, and Vanilla) from Wal Mart. I mix the vanilla with milk or NSA CIB but my favorite is Strawberry with Strawberry GV sugar free drink mix. Not thick like a shake, but very berry! Tastes alot like Kellogs Protein Water but MUCH cheaper! Try the vanilla with SF Orange (tastes kinda like a Creamsicle). Good Luck everyone!
  16. KimK813

    Need a protein shake

    I buy Body Fortress Protein powder (chocolate, strawberry, and Vanilla) from Wal Mart. I mix the vanilla with milk or NSA CIB but my favorite is Strawberry with Strawberry GV sugar free drink mix. Not thick like a shake, but very berry! Tastes alot like Kellogs Protein Water but MUCH cheaper! Try the vanilla with SF Orange (tastes kinda like a Creamsicle). Good Luck everyone!
  17. KimK813

    Tickler Weight chart

    Click on someone's and it will take you to the website.
  18. Glad to hear it. I got a 1cc fill yesterday and got FULL off of a cup of yogurt! What a difference a day makes! Good luck everyone!
  19. AMEN! I, too, weigh myself daily and use it as a barometer for my goals. But do whatever works for you. AND REMEMBER... the lapband is a tool not a magic fix. Like all good construction projects, it takes time to get it right! Good luck everyone!
  20. KimK813

    May Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Kim Age~ 34 Weight on May1st~ 220 Goal Weight for May 29th~ 215 Exercise Goal for May~ gym 3x a week and walk more Dietary Goal for May~ Eat more fruits and vegetables Personal Goal for May~ Call my parents more often Date Banded~ 9/7/10 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ since surgery, 32lbs, total 59lbs
  21. KimK813

    Whats going on?

    This is actually helping me alot. I have an appointment in a couple of week and was wondering what to do. I am at 9cc's and had restriction for a couple of weeks after my last fill, but it has more or less faded. However, I am tight in the morning, looser by lunch, and have no restriction by dinner ( or supper, as they call it in the south!). I think I will ask for .5cc and see where that takes me. Good luck, everyone!
  22. KimK813


    The band is a tool not a miracle. You have to start retraining yourself to eat smaller portions and learn when you are full not "stuffed". Sometimes a very small adjustment can make a BIG difference. food getting stuck is horrible and I am still training myself to chew well and eat small portions, but I know it is up to me to make it happen! Good luck!
  23. KimK813

    Food Frenemies...

    Since my surgey and my restriction has really kicked in, I am discovering a list of foods that are no longer my friend. I am sad and excited at the same time. Here are the ones I have discovered so far: Bananas Bread Rice Pasta Steak How about you? Any former food friends out there? Good luck everyone!
  24. I have had 4 fills so far, 9cc total in a 14cc band and have distinct restriction. It's been almost 3 weeks and it doesn't appear to be going away, so I think this is it. I know it's different for everyone, so just be patient and your time will come! Good luck everyone!
  25. KimK813

    Head Hunger...

    I have restriction. At work, I eat small portions and am satisfied. I get home, get busy working on something and I am fine. BUT, when I am not busy, just watching TV, the munchies strike. I KNOW that I am not hungry, yet I get something to eat anyway, sometimes with unwelcome results. I know this is head hunger, but how do I fight it? More importantly, how do I win? HELP!! Good luck everyone!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
