I was put on the same liquid stage as you too.. Anything that can fit up a thick straw. I stuck to Soups, Yogurt and Protein shakes. I have to do this for 3 weeks (finally finishing this Thursday yay!) After this stage its then Mushys...so anything that will "squish" through your fingers like weetbix, Tinned Fruit, Chunky soups etc... for 2 weeks. Then normal food.
I dont eat until I feel full, I have maybe half a mug of Soup and then another 2 or 3 hours later some more if im feeling hungry. I didnt really get hungry until this week (3rd week) But I still take it easy and try not to have too much..Slippage scares the crappola out of me haha.
Good Luck, Hope this helps.:thumbup: