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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by litlkrazykat

  1. I am 6 weeks pregnant and of course my belly hasn't grown yet. The port hurts, is this dangerous to the baby? My nerves are shot. Also, I had to just remake a profile, i forgot what my username and password was before. i tried everything and I am upset I forgotten them. i haven't been on here since November or so. I feel like screaming! Ploease help withany advice. Thanks, kari

    Ok its me from above. i found my old account thank goodness. I am still scared and hurting where my port is now moved to.

  2. Hi Lilkrazykat !

    So how was it ? Getting filled ? Did they use the Flouroscope / X-ray or just poke around ?

    I get my first fill in a couple of weeks.

    -Brian :thumbup:


    Hey it wasnt as bad as I thought. She just poked around a little and got it. I was relieved. its so much easier after the fill. My appetite is soooooooo much less. Thank goodness! Now just dreading the work thing soon. lol I go back Sunday.


  3. Hi Everyone!

    I was banded on 9-10-10 and can't believe it will be a month soon! Where does the time go? I am very happy, thankful and blessed that I finally did this. I have used this forum to help make decisions and learn each day! I am so happy everyone posts and replies as I feel only experience is the best answers :unsure:

    I'm 8 days away from "normal" food! Yes! My first fill is 10-17-10. I am nervous about that cause of all I have read about: no drinking, chewing, small portions etc...thank you everyone for all your info!!

    Hi! I to was banded on 9-10-10. I got my first fill today! Its not bad at all! I can still drink and eat fine. Just not as hungry as often! Its wonderful! Don't worry! :tongue2:

  4. If eating "normal" foods is more important to you than your health and well-being, then you should rethink surgery and not have any fills until you are ready to accept that fact that you may miss out on something you "love" to eat.

    As sarcastic as it sounds, I am not being facetious. You have the rest of you life to set priorities and sometimes there is a very gray line between happiness and health.

    All I was saying was tired of liquids. I think I made my choice 6 months ago when I opted for this life change. Little to late to rethink surgery lol.:biggrin:

  5. Hey guys. I'm glad I found this too. I was banded 9/10/10. I have been less sore as each new day comes. Today I'm having a mental breakdown it feels like. I'm so tired of watching my son and husband eat food. I know I have done the right thing by having surgery. I am just so depressed and down. I do take depression medication. My emotions are going haywire. I have to cook for my 3 year old and its killing me! Sigh, just venting guys. :thumbup:

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