U just took the words out of my mouth, I wanted to say the same, like imagine one of the leaders of the USA is executed on Christmas, it wasnt nice at all and it reuined all of our holiday!.
I know I am answering this too late but As an Egyptian muslim girl, I can see very well that the media played it well to make u have mostly a bad picture or even untrue one about our society, So i chose to stay away!.
My heart goes for ur troops that Mr Bush keep on sending to Iraq, everyday While watching ur news from Nbc or abc and seeing families saying goodbye to their sons and daughters, it breaks my heart, but on the otehr side and to be FAIR just put urslef on the Iraqi's shoes and tell me wont u try to get rid of anyone who is just trying to invade ur country ?, I guess there would have been better ways to solve this problem other than this solution.Both sides are losing lots of victims and I just hate it!!, Now saddam is gone, regardless u like him or not he was a very strong man yes he did lots of crimes BUT he was able to control a country with lots of different religious not only 2 btw there are more relgions there that u may not heard about, Making the or reaching a natioanl union is hard in these countries with lots of beliefs. I am not defending his crimes but who can tell me non of the leaders have mistakes?,I guess it is time for Mr bush to back off and save the troops for a real thing not a self benfit or self revenge war!, he is just trying to proove his point and it is just nonsense.
Thats my opinion and I DO RESPECT ALL OF U!
Have a nice day all:)