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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I had a band and I will say the sleeve is entirely different. I have been amazingly successful with the sleeve. The sleeve does give you restriction. The band never did that for me. The restriction is constant. You do have to make good food choices. Protein fills you up and keeps you full. If you eat junk, you don't get the restriction and you will be hungry again soon. Having the ghrelin reduced has helped me not be obsessed about food anymore. For the most part, I want healthy foods. I do have a couple of trigger foods that I just avoid (peanut butter makes my head hunger go crazy for example). I am thankful each and every day for the sleeve. It has given me my life back. We will be here to support you. I think you will be successful. Most do very well with the sleeve.
  2. Becca

    Happy Thanksgiving To All You Wonderful Folks Here At Vst

    Happy Thanksgiving to you!
  3. I take one day off a week. My doctor recommended 210 minutes per week of exercise at the minimum. I try to get that in no matter what. I got sick a couple of weeks ago and didn't work out for about a week and a half. I stalled and didn't lose a single pound. Plus I felt horrible and started getting so flabby! You are doing great! I don't think there is any harm in taking a day off here and there.
  4. I ate like crazy right before my sleeve surgery. I thought that I wasn't going to be able to eat anymore. It is totally normal. The sleeve surgery changed my life! (And I had a band,which did not help me much at all, except to make me feel like more of a failure). With the sleeve, the ghrelin is reduced way down. I believe that is what took away my obsession with food. Then your stomach is so small, that you are forced to change your eating habits. You don't have a choice. You are going to do great. I know February seems like far off, but it will be here before you know it. I am so happy you are making this life changing decision. We will be here to support you!
  5. Two hour workout yesterday and I am doing the same today. Can you tell I am nervous about a Thanksgiving gain?

  6. Yep, this is what I am facing! I am in a stall now and with Thanksgiving this week, I am very nervous. I even went to workout for two hours today, but then it made me want to eat like crazy! Ahhh! I only ate protein, but still it was annoying. I am planning to give low carbing a try again. That is the only thing that broke the big stall I had when I was close to One-derland. These last few pounds can be very tricky to lose!
  7. I would try to appeal. I am so sorry. Don't give up!
  8. We are all so different. You shouldn't compare yourself to anyone else. You have done amazingly well! You should be proud of yourself. I really don't think there is any exact science to the weight loss. If you keep following the rules and working out, your body will get there. If you are getting off track, face it, and make the changes to make things better. You really can do this!
  9. Trying my best to fill my life with positive people and letting all the negative ones fade away.

  10. I think that shouldn't matter if you were already approved. The key is that the sleeve allows you to keep the weight off that you lose, which is were most of us fail without WLS. Don't worry about what others say. This is your journey. If you have other co-morbidities that is even more of a reason you should have the surgery. You health is very important. Good luck! The sleeve is an amazing tool!
  11. Hey Everyone! We should promote this group. I know there are lots of Houston area sleevers out there. It would be fun to have a meet and greet.

  12. Becca

    Ashamed of WLS?

    I was embarrassed when I was getting my revision. My band never worked right, and I know people blammed me for that. They thought it was me just pigging out, when that wasn't the case. There were lots of times with the band that all I could eat was ice cream or other sliders. I felt better when my revision doctor told me that my band actually had a defect, which caused it to fall apart inside my body. Now that I have been successful with the sleeve, I tell everyone that asks. Most people I am in contact with have asked me what I am doing to lose weight and I explain it to them. I hope that I can inspire anyone else struggling to get the sleeve. Life is too short to spend it suffering with obesity. I figure that most people wouldn't believe me anyway if I just said I dieted. I rather just tell the truth in hopes of helping someone.
  13. My doctor said it is because it can flush the food out of your sleeve and then you will be hungry quickly after eating. I have also found that it hurts to drink and eat. I may take a sip or two while eating, but usually I am fine not drinking anything at all with my food. I am not sure if there is a danger to it, but it does seem that all of the doctors stick to this rule to increase our restriction.
  14. Yay! You are giving yourself and your daugther a wonderful gift. I love that I can keep up with my kids now. Good luck and come back here for support when you need it. We will be ready to welcome you to the sleeved side!
  15. I was obsessive about counting everything in the beginning months after surgery. I would keep the carbs around 70-80 per day. I only hit a big stall a couple of times and I would low carb it then (around 30 per day). Lately, I have just been focusing on protein, and not worrying so much about carbs. The first month of doing that, I had a good month of weight loss. Now it has slowed down, but I am very close to goal. I decided to stop worrying so much about carbs because I know I can't live the rest of my life low carbing it. I feel weak and sluggish when I am low carbing, especially after working out. I do try to eat the good carbs though. I stay away from bread and sugar.
  16. I went through the same thing. DON'T GIVE UP! Keep fighting. My doctor submitted the final appeal, so I am not sure what the doctor's office said to get it approved. I did have lots of band complications that may have played into them finally approving. Are you seeing a revision specialist? Specialist have the data to back how successful the sleeve is after a revision. That is total BS about not being successful with the sleeve after the band. The band never worked for me. Now with the sleeve, I have been 100% successful. The insurance company thinks they can bully you by denying. You need to ask to speak with someone and let them know you plan to keep fighting this. I get so mad with these insurance companies! It is not our fault that we were "sold" this story of how great the band is. Just don't give up. I called the insurance company a couple of times a week for about three months until they approved me. I let them know I was not going away. Hugs!!!! I pray that your Level 2 appeal goes through. The sleeve is worth fighting for.
  17. Becca

    Spit - dont swallow!

    I went to the movies with my hubby a couple of weeks after surgery. I did that with a bite of popcorn. Then the craving was gone and I was good. Otherwise, I followed the post op diet pretty perfectly, so I don't feel too bad.
  18. I'd say you are defintely successful!!! Way to go!!!
  19. Ok That's good to know. My were burned as well, so hopefully I am good. I love my kids, but I am already overbooked with three sets of games, practices, and activities.
  20. I had my revision on December 27, 2011. So far I've lost 88 pounds. (130 with band and sleeve). GREAT idea!!!
  21. I had my revision on December 27, 2011. So far I've lost 88 pounds. (130 with band and sleeve). GREAT idea!!!
  22. Becca

    Pre-op Blues!

    I know it is hard now. You are making such a GREAT choice getting sleeved. You are going to be amazed at how your life will change! Be prepared for lots of compliments!!!
  23. So sorry you are going through this. I would try the PPI and see if that helps. My life was horrible with the band, so I can totally understand how things could get so bad for you. There are certain foods that make me throw up with the sleeve. You may try a food journal and see if there are foods you can tolerate. I wish you the best. Hugs!

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