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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca

    Coffee coffee coffee

    I drink coffee just about every morning at six weeks out. I started drinking it again about three weeks ago. If you use the fat free creamer, there is only 10 calories per tablespoon. I have never had an issue. I often add milk to get in some protein. I read that black coffee can upset your stomach, so I always add creamer or milk.
  2. Becca

    Take that Psy Lady!

    Congrats! I am so happy you were cleared. As far as which surgery to pick, the sleeve is 200% better than the band. The band never really worked for me. The sleeve is amazing! I have restriction without throwing up and I don't want food 24/7. You can pretty much gaurantee that with the band, you will be back in for some type of revision surgery with 10 years. Plus dealing with the fills is no fun. Just trying to help you out. I wish someone had been there to tell me the about the sleeve before I had my band. I should have had the sleeve first instead of living in pain with the band for 3 and a half years. Good luck!
  3. I love your new profile pic!

  4. Becca

    Can I eat too much?

    I am about six weeks out and I have noticed the same thing. I had a check up yesterday. My doctor said that once the swelling goes down, you can eat more. He reminded me I have to make good choices about what I am eating. The sleeve is a tool. It is a reminder to me that I still need to track calories and measure food while I am in the losing stage. I don't want to get in the bad habit of eating more just because I can.
  5. All sorts of things are vanishing! I hope it's just a glitch!
  6. I am just now reading this and I am so happy for you! Your feelings are so much like mine. I am just so thankful for the support of this site. I would have never had the courage to revise to the sleeve if it wasn't for the wonderful sleeve friends that revised before me. I know you will reach the rest of your goals! Congratulations!!!
  7. Becca

    Any regrets?

    No regrets!! I love my sleeve. The only regret I have is getting the lapband. I wish I would have just had just gotten the sleeve in the first place.
  8. Oh no! Thankfully I stocked up when I went to Cosco last time. I don't have many left though. : (
  9. Becca

    New Scale -- Uh Oh!

    I would up the starting weight. You deserve credit for every pound lost!
  10. I use straws if I go to restaurants. My doctor never said I couldn't. I haven't had any problems.
  11. Becca

    I'm always cold

    Yes! I am always cold. I am making my husband crazy turning the heat up high! Burrr. I read somewhere that your body will adjust after a year. I sure hope so.
  12. Becca

    Do you like food?

    Right after surgery, hardly anything tasted good to me. I had to force myself to eat. Now that time has passed by, I do like food again. I just can't eat much of it. I don't have any desire for sugar or sweets at all at this point (cakes, cookies, etc). I honestly crave good foods. I eat meat and a few bites of vegetables. Sometimes I do eat fresh fruit because it makes me feel better. One thing I do like is the diet Swiss Miss Hot chocolate. It has on 25 calories and 4 carbs if you make it with water. I don't really care for coffee like I used to, so I drink that instead. One issue I do have is that once I am full, I don't want to be around food anymore. It makes me feel sick. I try to measure my food to avoid taking one bite too many. At restaurants, I really pace myself to avoid getting to full. It is pretty amazing when you think about it though! It's the restriction I wanted and love! For me, I am just not obsessed with food anymore. I eat a small amount and then I go on with my day. It's pretty great!
  13. Becca


    I visit the forums, watch Youtube videos, read or workout. My interest in food is very low compared to how I used to be before the sleeve. Even if I think I want something, I usually just have a bite or two and I'm through with it. I try to keep trigger foods out of the house to keep myself from being tempted if I were to get really stressed. A support group would be very helpful for you if that is possible. Good luck. You can do this!
  14. Becca

    So confused

    I lost weight too on Weight Watchers and it all came back! Why do you think they have so much business? They know most won't be able to keep it off. The sleeve is so amazing. I have had weight problems since I was young. I can't believe the difference the sleeve has made in my life. For the first time ever, I have control over food. I am losing weight. I feel amazing. Most people with the sleeve are very happy and that's because it works! Don't miss out on this life changing tool!
  15. I had no problems with liquids either. My doctor said it's because some people have a lot of swelling and some do not. If there is no swelling, everything just goes right down. Once you move on real food, believe me, the sleeve will show you it is there! I ate a few bites of chicken breast with a bite of salad tonight and I felt stuffed.
  16. That is so great to share your experience in such detail! I am so jealous though- I never got a morphine pump! I did get the good stuff through my IV anytime I needed it, but waking up with no pains meds was not nice. I cried for some in recovery and then when they moved me to my room, I started screaming for the nurse because my stomach was burning. LOL Once that was over, I was fine. The nurses were good about taking care of me and making sure I had my pain controlled. I wish you the best and I am impressed you are already at the gym! Way to go!
  17. Becca

    should I go on a diet

    You are doing so great! I think tracking cals is a great idea. I track every single thing I put in my mouth on My Fitness Pal. Tracking calories makes me realize how I got so fat in the first place! I never used to measure and I was eating four or five servings at once. Now I measure everything. I am not super crazy about meat (I hate steak) and so I do eat about 60 or so carbs a day due to fruit and vegetables. I may lose a little slower, but I am losing so that's all that matters right? Good luck- you will get to that goal!!!
  18. A neighbor I haven't seen in awhile asked me what I was doing to lose so much weight. I did tell her it was the sleeve, but it is still amazing to have so much weight loss success in such a short time!

  19. Becca

    120 lbs and plication?

    I honestly would have the sleeve. You don't lose the ghrelin with the plication and I believe that is a big part of why I am so successful with the sleeve. I had the band and that was a horrible experience. The sleeve has been just amazing! I was terrified about having 85% of my stomach cut out, but now I think it is one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. I am losing weight, I have control over food, and I feel so good. Of course, keep researching and do what is best for you. The sleeve is such a great thing! You will have us to support you whatever you decide!
  20. I am a teacher, I will say that I am exhausted when I get through with work at the end of the day! I have to take a nap almost everyday when I get home. I am pretty early out, so I can't give you an answer exactly. I just wanted you to know that I understand where you are coming from. I would think stress can effect weight loss. I have found if I eat fruits and vegetables, I feel so much better. It does up my carbs a bit, but to me it's worth it. Teaching is such a rewarding job, but it can be so draining. I get so tired when I work out, too. We just can't win! Just keep thinking about summer...when things are a lot more relaxed! LOL
  21. Becca

    Finally sleeved!!!!

    Those first few days can get to ya. But the time flies by and before your know it, you are all healed and super happy about the weight loss! Congrats!
  22. Becca

    pregnant wow

    I am so happy for you! Congrats!

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