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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca


    Yay! We really need to get a Houston support group going! You will love the sleeve.
  2. Becca

    leak anyone

    So sorry to hear you have a leak. I pray you have a speedy recovery.
  3. I was having this issue as well. I am almost two months out. I mainly try not to drink at all when I eat, but I don't really wait 30 minutes after I eat if I want some water. I don't have enough time to sit and watch the clock. I have been backing off the protein shakes and trying to eat my protein as much as possible. I will have a shake if my protein is low at the end of the day. It is all a learning process and it really does get easier each day!
  4. I survived an entire spinning class and boy do I hurt! LOL

  5. Becca

    Broke through my stall

    Great, great job!!!
  6. Welcome!!! So glad you are here. You will love the sleeve. It is sooo much better than the band!
  7. I have to count calories, carbs, etc, as well. It has acutally helped me understand how I became so big. Carbs are hidden in foods everywhere. Counting everything keeps me accountable to myself.
  8. I had a pretty bad experience with my band and I am now HAPPILY sleeved! I had complication after complication with the band. Now with the sleeve, things are going great! I am losing weight and food doesn't have control over me anymore. You will love the sleeve! I was self pay for my lapband ($8000- Dr. Rodriguez). I had a 2800 co-pay for my revision (Dr. Nowzaradan).
  9. I had my surgery date pushed back to an insurance glitch, so I totally understand. I know it is so hard. Vent anytime to us! We are here for you. I know you will get your date. Hang in there!
  10. Becca

    Zumba Wii Review

    Thanks for the review...I've been debating buying it for the Wii. I just have all those other Wii workout games that I have only used a few times, so I don't want to get Zumba and never use it. I have been wanting to go to Zumba at the Y, I just haven't worked up my nerve yet. Maybe when I get to ONE-derland I will go. It does look really fun!
  11. Becca

    53 day stall

    I read that working out in the morning before you eat can force your body to use up it's fat stores. I know you will get through this stall!!!
  12. That is one big lesson I have learned with the sleeve....you must measure! Even one bite too many can cause that horrible too full feeling. I have to really watch it if I go out to eat at a restaurant. I try to share instead of ordering my own food to avoid it. It is what we paid for though! LOL
  13. Becca

    One month out pics

    Looking GOOD! Congrats!
  14. I would try a liquid diet the day before your weigh in. I know it will be hard, but the sleeve is worth it!!!
  15. I totally understand how you feel....I lived with a failed lapband for 3 1/2 years. I had so much pain from the band. While I was waiting for my insurance approval for a revision, I couldn't sleep for months because the tubing broke and was poking me everywhere. Now I have the sleeve and I LOVE it! The sleeve works.
  16. It is so strange how that works! When I go through little stalls, it seems like my clothes keep getting bigger, too. You are doing so great!!! You will get there, I know it.
  17. Becca

    Swimsuit Season

    That is something I am looking forward to as well! I also want to take another trip to Disney World so I can replace all of the fat pics of me with thin ones. LOL It will be fun to not dread bathing suits anymore.
  18. Becca


    You will do great!!! The sleeve is a wonderful thing.
  19. I am so happy you decided to change your life and have the sleeve. You made the right choice...bands are not fun!!! The sleeve on the other hand is amazing. Enjoy your new life and we can't wait to hear about your success!
  20. These are great! I want to take a family picture. We don't have any because I am always so self consious about how big I am.
  21. Becca

    My Update....

    You look so great!!!! I am so happy for you. Keep it up.
  22. I am doing great. Sorry I didn't see your post from ealier. I have been busy trying to fit in working out. I am down 30 pounds with the sleeve (72 total from when I had lapband surgery). Glad you are doing so well!!!!

  23. How's it been going???

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