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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. It is all up to your doctor. You will have to discuss it with your surgeon. My doctor requires it because he says it helps detect leaks and infection. Even though I HATED the drain, it is usually on there during your hospital stay. It is worth putting up with for the sleeve. Good luck!
  2. I am so sorry. I totally understand because I had my lapband in Mexico. When I started having complications, everyone treated me horribly. Luckily, my insurance took off the WLS exclusion. I had about ten doctors practically hang up on me before I finally found one who would revise my band to the sleeve. Just the mention of Mexico and they would end the conversation. I hope you can find a doctor in your area. I pray things get better for you. You should not have had to deal with any of that. I am so glad you stood up for yourself. You are a superwoman!!!
  3. Wow! You are really working that bikini! You look so amazing. Congrats!!!
  4. I had a failed lapband and I LOVE my sleeve. Honestly, I am so glad to have that horrible thing out of my body! The sleeve is a great thing. I felt so much like a failure too, but now that I have been successful with the sleeve, I realize it was not me. Good luck! We are always here if you have more questions.
  5. Becca

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    I would love to meet everyone, but I can't afford Florida right now. I would love to have one in Texas because it is a little more central. I was thinking San Antonio. There is lots to do and we could just pick a weekend to go. As long as you stayed in a hotel on or close to the Riverwalk we could all meet up. Any thoughts???
  6. Congrats! I am so happy you are doing so well. I also always grab the bigger sizes at the store and I am learning to adjust. I think it is from years and years of everything being too tight. Way to go on the size 4's. Amazing!!!
  7. My date got pushed back too so I know how you feel. It is so frustrating when you plan for something so big like that. On a positive note, it will give you some time to mentally prepare. I was completely ready when my date finally came. The sleeve is such a great thing, so just be patient! HUGS!
  8. I added you all! My channel is 641Becca. I don't have many videos due to my crazy busy schedule (plus fitting in daily workouts), but I love the WL community on Youtube! I watched many videos before my surgery. I will try to catch up on everyone's videos as soon as I can.
  9. Becca

    F'd by lapband BIGTIME!

    My band caused me extreme pain, so I feel for you and I am so so sorry. I really hope that your stomach will heal and that you can get the sleeve in the future. I wish all these complications would be told to patients before getting the band. I know I would have NEVER had my band had I know of all the horrible side effects. Hugs and we are always here for you.
  10. Awesome post and you are doing so great! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Becca

    NSV we all just got.

    I am just wondering when the success of the sleeve is going to be told to the public. I know I've see a couple of shows here or there talking about it. It still seems like so many have no clue about the about the surgery. I am glad to hear someone say it isn't the easy way out.
  12. Becca

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Becca.........215......................199..............195.............4 Made it to One-derland finally!!! Woohoo!
  13. 199!!! One-derland at last!!!

  14. I hope you feel better soon! Sorry for the rough week. HUGS!!!
  15. Becca

    What do you think it is?

    This is a great topic. I think a lot of it has to do with the carbs in our diet. I also think that life is exhausting. When you balance, work, kids, friends, and the bad economy, it is very overwhelming. I think a lot of people eat to deal with the stress. I really do believe that overeating is an addiction in many as well.
  16. You can watch the clips on his website if you missed it. The interesting thing was that the experts said lapband only shows a 17-20% rate of weight loss long term (2 years + out). Why is that successful? I agree he should expose all weight loss surgeries, especially the sleeve.
  17. YAY! Congrats. I was planning on doing a few days of protein shakes since I am right at 200.
  18. Becca

    WTF do I wear to this wedding?!

    You and I have a lot in common! I spent ALL day looking for a dress for my sister in law's wedding next weekend. It took me six hours trying on about 60+ dresses to finally find the one I liked. Due to the skin on my stomach, dresses just don't fit right. I did find one at JC Penneys. Unfortunately this was the last store out of six I went to! I wish I would have went there first. Sigh... Just keep trying. It might help to go with someone who can get you different sizes when you are trying things on. I hope I at least burned lots of calories trying on all those dresses!
  19. Wow! You look great! Congrats.
  20. I weighed in at 200 today~ One-derland is so close!

  21. I am so happy for you! Keep us posted on your progress. We are so happy you are here!
  22. Becca

    Just ate 5 Big Macs ,3 Large fries

    Too funny! Glad to not be eating that stuff anymore though!
  23. CONGRATS!!! Welcome to the "sleeved" side!
  24. Becca

    so tempting!

    I had to wait about four months for my revision to be approved so I totally understand. Use the time to read the forums and study up on the sleeve. Youtube videos are great to watch too. I was so at peace with my decision and felt so ready when the time came for my surgery. It is a long wait, but we will be here to get you through it!

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