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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. I totally understand because my band caused me constant pain. I was so happy to wake up with that thing out of my body too. I am so happy you are getting your sleeve. The sleeve has worked amazingly well for me. I would wait until after your trip to be sleeved. It took me about a month before I felt completely "normal" again. I wanted to sleep lots and eating is tricky with the post-op diet. So happy for you! Keep us posted friend!
  2. These feelings are normal, but trust me on this...you are making a great decision. The sleeve has given me my life back. I am sooo happy! As I lose weight, I feel so amazing and like my true self. I feel having the sleeve was one of the best decisions of my life. Good luck to everyone! I know you will all do amazing!
  3. Becca

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    You are so inspiring because you never give up! I know you will rock the July 4th challenge!!!
  4. Becca


    Yay! So awesome! Congrats!
  5. Becca

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    Thanks! You are so close to One-derland! Wow!!!
  6. Becca

    Shrinking tattoo

    Very beautiful!
  7. I hated the band, but I LOVE the sleeve! I can eat healthy foods again and I am not in pain. I was pretty much in constant pain from the band. I also hated all the randomness of the band working. One day I could eat anything and then the next day, I couldn't drink water. The sleeve works 100% of the time. It is always there for me. I have lost 50 pounds in less than four months. It feels great to be successful. I wouldn't have the bypass because I know of the side effects from a friend. She has to have IV transfusions of vitamins to stay healthy and her teeth are falling out because she can't absorb calcium. I am so glad my doctor and this forum lead me to see how great the VSG is! I couldn't be happier with my choice. Good luck!
  8. Becca

    Helpful Hints for Success???

    Drink your Water, eat Protein first, and exercise when you are able to. Exercise makes you burn more calories all the time, so I feel it has helped me the most with success. Also, keep in mind that we all go through stalls here and there. If you follow the rules, you will get to your goals. The sleeve is an amazing tool. Congrats on your big day!!! PS: The sleeve actually works! You will be amazed how much better it is than the band.
  9. I had the same reaction. Especially the first time I went to a restaurant post op. It will get better. I agree that I do prefer to leave the table when I am full because I just don't want to even think about food anymore. Congrats on your sleeve!
  10. Becca

    Easter Sunday - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN............Starting Wt....Current...........Goal.....Lbs to Goal Becca.........215..............194................195................0... I made it to my goal this time! One-derland is a great place to be. I LOVE my sleeve and this great forum for all of the support! Happy Easter Everyone!
  11. Becca

    7 Week Weight Loss Average?

    I had lost about 30 pounds at seven weeks. You probably should plan to have your dress altered just in case. Weight loss varies so much from person to person. My feet have gone down half of a size. Good luck with the wedding!
  12. Becca

    Finally !!!!

    Awesome job! Keep it up!!
  13. I barely have any clothes that fit. Such a strange, yet great feeling.

  14. That is so awesome!!! Congrats! The sleeve is so superior to the band, that's for sure!!!
  15. Hi Everyone! I just wanted to share my progress so far with my sleeve. I started my weight loss journey with a lapband at 286 pounds. My band leaked, slipped, and broke apart in my body. No fun and it never really worked. I had my revision to the sleeve on December 27, 2010. One of the best days of my life! So far, I am down 47 pounds in three and a half months. I feel amazing and I am so happy! A few recent NSVs. I made it to ONE-DERLAND! I went to a wedding, was gone for a weekend with no calorie or carb counting, and I LOST two pounds. I have to shop in the "normal" section of the store and I still can't believe it! Sleeve life is great! Don't hesitate if you are thinking of having the surgery. I LOVE the sleeve and you will too. I can't wait to finish my journey and make it to my goal. Here is a before and after pic.
  16. I did watch it and I just kept feeling bad for some of the overeaters. I wish they could have the sleeve...
  17. Becca

    Birthday Cake

    I would have the cake and a drink too if you want it. I also just wanted to point something out to you from experience. Before I had surgery, I was eating everything in sight because I thought I would NEVER be able to have my favorite foods again. I was wrong. With the sleeve, you will be able to eat treats again. It will just be in way smaller amounts. Now, my tastes have changed greatly and many foods I used to gorge on don't appeal to me anymore. I did have a small piece of cake last weekend and some champagne at a wedding. I enjoyed it and I didn't gain a pound (I actually lost weight). I would enjoy your birthday and know that you are doing something great for yourself! You will enjoy cake again post sleeve. I hope you have a Happy Birthday!
  18. I had the band and I hated the port. It hurt like crazy and the fills sucked. So glad to have that horrid torture device out of my body!!! The sleeve is far superior~
  19. A non-scale victory. I guess now that I think about it, two of the things I listed had to do with the scale. LOL
  20. Wow! How great. I am so happy for you. You have a GREAT surgeon obviously for talking you into the sleeve over the band. You look super amazing!
  21. Becca

    3500 Calories per pound of fat?

    Great question! I have always wondered this too. Especially since I went to a wedding a couple of weekends ago out of town. I ate wedding cake, lots of my mother in laws great cooking, and we ate out at restaurants a few times. I know I was eating more than I normally do, but I didn't calculate it. Then I LOST two pounds. I just don't get it!
  22. Becca

    Well HELLO Sprout

    Awww....so sweet! I am so happy for you. Thanks for keeping us posted.
  23. I had a revision from band to sleeve. I really think you are in a stall. I lost 22 pounds my first month, which I was very happy with. Everyone is so different, so it is hard to say how much you will lose. (Although ten pounds is pretty big in a week!) The biggest and fastest success I have seen is from those who do extreme low carbing (30 grams or less). Exercise is also important. I have found the sleeve to work very well and consistantly. Just be patient! I know you want that big huge loss, but what I love about the sleeve is that the pounds are staying off. I had major regain with the band when it failed me. I have times when I stall and times when I lose lots. If you stick to the plan, it will work!
  24. Thanks for all of the support everyone! I really do love everyone on this forum. It's like a family!

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