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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. So glad you shared your story and I hope you are feeling better. I am so thankful you found a doctor. When my lapband fell apart and I was in serious pain, no one would even talk to me about a revision. They did not want to touch a shattered and slipped band from Mexico (I had my band in Mexico due to an insurance exclusion I used to have). Many offices basically hung up on me. Luckily, I finally found an amazing revision doctor that took me on. Take care of yourself and keep us posted!!!
  2. That is great you did so well! I really think the key is having a plan before you go to a restaurant. I always "think" I want something, but if I order it, I can only eat a bite or two. Now I only order a la carte or I share with my hubby/kids. I hate ordering food and not eating it. The waiters always think something is wrong! LOL
  3. Congrats on your surgery. I hope you are doing well!
  4. So happy for you!!! I just know you will get to your goal with the sleeve!
  5. Becca

    I've been sleeved!!!

    That is great news! Welcome to the new you!!!
  6. Becca

    really upset

    Start over today and finish this! The sleeve is worth the effort, trust me! You don't want to lose this opportunity to really change your life. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!:dance:
  7. I am four months out too and I eat a snack in the afternoon. I am a teacher and I really have to eat something after school. Otherwise, I get home very hungry and this puts me in a likely situation to eat something "bad". Then I don't have room for for dinner (which leaves me hungry again late at night). I usually eat an apple, cheese stick, or pork rinds. I like the pork rinds because they are crispy like a chip, but there are NO carbs. I have been doing this since about two months out and I am still losing at a good rate. My doctor allows us a snack, with the preference of it being mostly protein.
  8. loves the weight loss, but not all the loose skin that comes with it!

  9. Becca

    The Dreaded Stalls...

    Your body is catching up. Just keep it up and you will lose again. A majority of us go through stalls. You will usually notice that your clothes get loser even when the pounds aren't dropping because you are still losing inches. Try walking if you aren't already. That helps you get your metabolism going so that you burn more calories all the time. Hang in there and congrats on your great success so far!!!
  10. Becca

    band to sleeve

    Congrats on your revision!!! The sleeve is far superior to the band....you will see! I wish you a speedy recovery. Please let me know if you have questions or need anything!
  11. I just wanted to know if you count all the carbs you eat or just net carbs? I was counting every carb and then I got some of the Carb Master yogurt that listed net carbs so it got me wondering which everyone else counts. Thanks!
  12. Becca

    A few NSV's

    Amazing transformation! Beautiful!
  13. Becca

    Anyone Read This?

    I am living proof the band DOESN'T work! But the sleeve DOES!!!
  14. Becca

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I am totally in! I started the Couch to 5K program, so I hope that will help me get to my goal! SN.................................Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal Becca.................................192....................192...........175..............17............
  15. Started the Couch to 5K program. Hoping to help tone everything up!

  16. Becca

    Income tax

    Yes. I claimed my lapband when I had it in Mexico. You can also claim travel expenses (hotel, flight, etc).
  17. I am so mad at myself for giving into some Easter candy! I am about to hop on the treadmill to lose this pound I gained!

  18. Yay! You will be there before you know it!!!
  19. I understand not wanting to tell. Before surgery, lots of people were very judgemental when I told them. Now that I am losing the weight so quickly, they all have all been pretty positive about it. Just so you know, you will get TONS of questions about how you are losing the weight along with compliments. It can be overwhelming at times. I decided to tell and I explain it by saying I had a fairly new procedure where they made my stomach smaller. If you have any concerns, wait until after surgery to tell when you feel more comfortable. Before surgery, I was so worried about what people thought. Now, I really don't care anymore. I am just so happy the sleeve is working and I feel so great! Good luck with everything!
  20. I agree that you have lots of voice in your writing! So glad that you were able to enjoy the time alone in the pool. That really sounds nice. I hope your continue to feel better. Congrats on your weight loss so far!
  21. I totally understand! I am a Texas friend and this budget crisis is so stressful. My husband and I are both teachers and we are hoping we still will have jobs next year. I had a bad day today with food as well. I usually do fine with snacking, but today for some reason I ate lots of little things that added up to a lot. I had a Reese's Peanut Butter egg and I haven't even really liked candy since my sleeve surgery. The only good to all of this is that I can start over tomorrow. I won't be around all of my family's great cooking to tempt me. Glad you shared this. It is nice to know we can be here for each other and that we understand like nobody else can. Hugs!
  22. Becca

    My Texas Sleevers

    Good luck! I live in Houston nearby, so let me know if you need anything!

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