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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Becca

    Tomorrow is the Big Day!

    You will do great! We will be here cheering you on!
  2. I eat them a lot too. I love that they are crispy like chips but without the carbs. They have lots of protein, so I don't feel bad about eating them at all!
  3. I had a revision and with the band I was always hungry. I either had one of two extremes: too tight and everything slimed up or I could eat whatever I wanted (usually the second one). Now with the sleeve I have restriction. I can only eat a small amount and I get really really full. There are a few "slider" foods that I can eat more of like popcorn or chips, but I try to stay away from them as much as possible. I have found that I just don't obsess about food anymore. I do have a bit of hunger when it is time to eat, but once I get something in my stomach I am fine for hours. I LOVE my sleeve. I am losing weight (54 pounds in 4 1/2 months). The sleeve is a great tool!
  4. I drink a diet drink every now and then. I am four 1/2 months out. It doesn't bother my sleeve at all and I am still losing weight. Sometimes I just want to drink something with taste to it. I always make sure to get in my required Water, too.
  5. Becca

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    WOW! Congrats. I can't wait to say that!
  6. Becca


    If you have cable, we can rent if for free from our box on the exercise channel. You could also try Youtube or buy a video.
  7. WELCOME!!!! I am so happy you aren't considering the band. The band caused me so much pain (literally) and heartache because it failed me. My band slipped, leaked, broke apart in my body, and I could barely swallow the few days before my revision. My sleeve has been nothing but amazing! IT WORKS!!! I am constantly having to buy new clothes because I just keep losing. It is so amazing. You really are making the best choice. Having a foreign object in your body is just a crazy idea. I wish I would have just had the sleeve to begin with. It is the far superior choice!
  8. You may be surprised at how your tastes change after sleeve surgery. I don't really like anything sweet anymore. I "think" I want it, but I can only have a bite or two of sweet stuff, including chocolate. You can drink the diet (sugar free) hot chocolate after surgery to help any cravings you have on the liquid post-op. Plus so many of the protein shakes and protein bars are chocolate flavored, so I don't think you will have a chance to miss it too much! LOL Good luck!
  9. Good bye 190's! I was so happy to see 189.4 this morning!

  10. Welcome. Congrats on your upcoming sleeve date! It really is one of the best decisions you can ever make for yourself!
  11. Sweet! I just fit into my size 12's too. Can't even remember the last time I was this size. So happy for you!
  12. Becca

    Mini-Goals, anyone????

    Mini-goals are a great motivator! My next goal is to lose ten more pounds so I can be "overweight" instead of "obese"!
  13. At four months out, my scars are still pretty red. How long did it take for yours to fade? Thanks!
  14. Becca


    Thanks! Your scars looks great. I am going to get some Mederma for mine.
  15. Becca

    Right or wrong choices???

    I don't think it is a problem at all. I kind of wish I had thought of it when I was in that phase. I got so sick of having the same thing all the time! I wish you a speedy recovery!
  16. Loved reading all the responses. I am just so glad to have this fun and supportive forum. We are the only ones who know what it's really like!!!
  17. It sounds like you have lost quite a bit already, which could be why it is hard to lose weight now. I would suggest tracking your calories and carbs just to see exactly how much you are taking in. You may need to try low carbing it or reducing your calories. You also should try changing up your workout routine. Your body can get used to what your are doing and not burn fat. I started the Couch 2 5K program and running is really helping me to lose right now. I hope you can find a doctor to talk to. Sorry things aren't going well. Hopefully things will turn around. I do get a little hunger now at four months out, but I have found eating Protein first really helps keep it under control.
  18. I am amazed every day by how successful the sleeve is!

  19. I would try upping your calories and see what happens. Maybe 1000 is too low for your body, so it is holding on the fat. Your body may be in shock right now and just needs some time.
  20. Your post was very entertaining! I totally understand~ I have tons of lose skin and I hate it. It's just part of the process. I am really pushing myself to go to the body toning classes at the Y. They have us use lots of weights and I am seeing a difference. I also bought a Shake Weight. It is suppossed to tone your arms so we will see! Hope things get brighter for you! Congrats on your weight loss.
  21. Becca

    I am officially REVISED to a SLEEVE!

    Congrats and so glad you are home! I stuck with liquids for the first ten days, then I started shakes. I found that warm drinks (hot tea and diet hot chocolate) made it easier for me to drink at first. I had my drain removed before I left the hospital. Those drains are very annoying! I hope you have a great recovery. So glad everything went well! You are going to see how awesome the sleeve is in comparison to the band.
  22. Becca

    Sleeved On May 4, 2011

    So happy for you!!! YAY!!!!

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