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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Make sure you are getting enough iron. I felt like that when my iron levels were a little low. I agree about taking it slow. Try walking outside first and then work up to the treadmill. It really does take your body awhile to recover.
  2. Becca


    Take it easy! You do need your rest. I am so glad you are feeling pretty well and congrats on your sleeve!
  3. Becca

    My "Ah-hah!" Moment...

    Such a sweet post! I am so happy for you and your daughter~
  4. Congrats on all of your success! I will look for you on Youtube!
  5. Becca


    HOORAY! I am so very happy for you! You are a super star! What an amazing accomplishment.
  6. I am so excited for both of you! The sleeve is amazing and has changed my life!
  7. Becca

    taco rack

    Looks pretty neat!
  8. Not loving all this lose skin...what do you do to tone up?

  9. Becca

    Another Video blog

    I will sub ya! I am 641becca!
  10. WOW! That is so amazing! Keep up the great work.
  11. Becca

    Eight Months Out!

    What a great success story! I bet you will look amazing at your wedding!
  12. Becca

    6 months post op

    Simply amazing! Congrats!
  13. Becca

    My Suitcase is packed

    You will do GREAT! Keep us posted on how you are doing. HUGS!
  14. It is frustrating when people say things like that. No part of being morbidly obese is easy. I have just learned to not let it get to me. I look and feel great. The sleeve has been one of the best decisions of my life. I am thankful to be able to come here for support because no one but us really understands what it is like.
  15. Becca

    I'm Sleeved!!!!

    CONGRATS!!! Hope your recovery is quick. Let us know if you need anything!
  16. You look wonderful!!! Congrats!
  17. I am so glad you are feeling better! I will catch up on your videos this weekend. HUGS!
  18. Becca

    face lift

    I am so glad everything went well! You are going to look awesome! I hope your recovery is speedy.
  19. I think you will love the sleeve. It is so nice to not have to worry about fills and having a foreign object in your body anymore. My sleeve has been amazing. I have been very successful and I feel amazing!
  20. Becca

    My Fav Compliment so far

    I am a teacher and one our custodians commented on my weight loss too. It was so sweet of her. Congrats on the NSV! I am sure many more will come!
  21. So sorry you are going through this rough time. You should see if there are any support groups around you that you could attend. I would focus on getting yourself well and the rest will fall into place when it is meant to be. We are always here for you. HUGS!
  22. Only one more pound and I will have lost 100! (Combination of band and sleeve weight loss)

  23. Becca

    Officially unbanded and sleeved

    Sorry about the scar tissue issues, but a BIG CONGRATS on your sleeve. Sleeve life is awesome! I still can't believe how successful I have been. Best wishes for a speedy recovery and lots of weight loss!

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