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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Becca

  1. Congrats!!! I love my sleeve and you will too. I can't wait to hear about your journey!!!
  2. Hi VST! I have been so busy being back to work as a teacher and have missed you all!

  3. Becca

    Here we go!!!

    It's all good! I haven't been on in awhile because I started back to work as a teacher and I have been super busy. I am losing slow right now, but I have noticed my body really changing shape in a good way. Hopefully I can wear all my cute clothes I bought for work for awhile. : ) .
  4. Hi everyone! I have finally made it to the last 30 pounds of my journey, I have struggled a little this month. I have been on summer break (I am a teacher) and I just haven't been as motivated. Carbs have been sneaking in and working out has decreased. I honeslty have just been living life and having a great time with my kids. Thus, I only had a four pound loss for July. I am ready to kick it up though! I really want to be at goal by my surgiversary on December 27. I am committing to logging my calories again and working out daily. I am responsible for my success. I WILL do this!!!!
  5. I told close friends and family before surgery (along with some co-workers because I was out three weeks). I got one stupid comment from a thin person who said surgery wasn't necessary to lose weight, but I tried not to get too upset. Some of my family members were freaking out about me getting my stomach cut out. I was sick of my painful lap band and knew the sleeve was for me. So glad I now have my wonderful sleeve! I do get lots of questions about how I have lost the weight. I tell most about the surgery. I did get one negative response. A heatlh conscious friend was excited about my weightloss until someone told her how I did it. She says "I cheated!" Yea right! Honestly though, 99% of people are supportive of my sleeve.
  6. Hi Sleeve Family! I just thought I would write and let everyone know how I am doing. I finished my seventh month of sleeved life at 174 pounds. I lost 70 pounds in seven months with the sleeve (112 pounds total with the band and sleeve). I have also lost two more pounds this week. I just wanted to post this for those starting this journey. Don't be scared....GO FOR IT! The sleeve WILL change you life in wonderful ways! I recently went to a wedding and I was floored that I was able to buy a size 10 dress to wear to it. I still have 29 more pounds to go until I hit my goal. I know if I stay dedicated, I can do it by my December 27 surgiversary. I can pretty much eat anything (in small amounts), except that hamburger meat sometimes doesn't agree with my sleeve. I still have great restriction. I mainly count my carbs and keep them around 70. I have NO acid reflux so I don't take any medications, except for my Vitamins. I LOVE my sleeve! Here is a pic of my daughter and I this past weekend for a wedding and the other picture was taken the night before my band to sleeve revision.
  7. Becca

    Seven Month Update

    Thanks everyone for the encouragement! My doctor was Dr. Nowzaradan in Houston, TX. I am thankful for him. I had a really messed up lapband and he was able to safely remove it and give me my sleeve.
  8. Discuss with your doctor you pain options for after surgery. I just thought I would get a morphine pump because it seemed like everyone else did. Well, I woke up with NO pain medication and it was AWFUL! It took them awhile to get it to me through my IV. Also, DON'T compare yourself to everyone else. We are all on our own journey. I am losing a lot slower than many people on here, but I am happy with my accomplishments. I feel sick when I do extreme low carbing, so I don't do it. I eat protein first and keep my carbs around 70.
  9. WELCOME!!!! You are making a FABULOUS decision. The sleeve has changed my life in such wonderful ways. I LOVE that food does not control me anymore. I look forward to shopping and getting dressed in the morning. I feel amazing. You are going to do great and I am so happy for you!!!!
  10. So I thought getting my wisdom teeth out would make it easy to drop a few pounds due not being able to eat much. I forgot that I would feel too bad to exercise, so the scale is not moving! LOL

  11. It is normal to be scared, but you are going to do AWESOME! I self paid for my band and it was useless. At least you are paying for the wonderful sleeve that works! As long as you follow the rules, you are going to lose weight and live a healthy life. We will be here cheering you on!!!! I am not far from you in Houston. HUGS!
  12. So sorry about all your pain! HUGS!
  13. Great transformation! Wow!
  14. Becca

    Wedding soon

    Love the date! I guess you will be getting your dress altered! I haven't had problems with cake, but most sweets just don't appeal to me anymore. I have had a couple of bites of cake here and there without any issues. I do think it is a good idea to try some ahead of time just in case. We all have issues with different foods. I can't tolerate hamburger meat, for example. Congratulations!
  15. Becca

    Tired and Week

    Did you doctor test you for anemia? I became anemic three weeks after surgery. I took some Iron pills and felt 100% better. When you start to eat real foods, you will get your strength back too. The first three weeks are difficult. Each day will get better and better. Your body needs time to heal. You may need extra rest and maybe your body just isn't quite ready for lots of walking just yet. I know it is hard now, but hang in there. I hope you feel better soon.
  16. Becca

    Magic bullet

    I got one for Christmas, so that's the only reason I have it. I do think they are a bit pricey. It works pretty well though. I like that is sits on the counter and doesn't take up much space. It is super easy to clean and I make smoothies for breakfast in it. I am pretty much out of the protein shake phase. I did use it for that and it worked fine.
  17. Welcome!!! You will find such a loving and supportive family here! I had a band to sleeve revision too and life couldn't be better. I wish the same for you!
  18. SWEET! You have made an amazing achievement!
  19. Becca

    Surgery on 9 Aug! Yikes!!!

    WELCOME!!!! The concerns you have are normal. I was terrified when I would think about having most of my stomach removed. You know what though, you don't need all of that stomach! It just allows you to eat yourself to death. I am so happy with my sleeve and I love being able to stop myself from mindless eating. Lose skin is just part of the process. I have horrible skin on my stomach (that I hope one day to have removed). I am able to wear Spanx to hold it in and so it's not so noticable under my clothes. I will take the lose skin to be able to wear cute clothes! hair loss will happen, but it grows back. I was never a big fan of Protein shakes. The only ones I could really tolerate was the Premiere brand. I am sure if you shop around you can find one that is lactose free. There is something called Bene-protein that I used for awhile to add to foods. It is tasteless. Maybe you could try that. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life!
  20. Callanetics! These are deep toning exercises that work for guys and girls. I am really seing a difference since I started doing the program. You can buy the video online.
  21. Becca


    Load up on carbs!!! I have also hear of people wearing ankle weights to the doctors office. Don't give up though!!! Sending positive thoughts your way!
  22. Congrats on your sleeve date! It will be here before you know it!!!
  23. Becca

    Got dehydrated at Sea World

    It is sooo hot! I got dehydrated when we took the kids to Six Flags this summer. I just would constantly ask for glasses of ice water (they give them free) and I drank often. The problem I had was that I needed more than the usual amount because of the water loss from sweating. I felt so bad at the end of the day and so my husband got me some Poweraid Zero. I felt much better after drinking that. I would drink the Poweraid Zero when you are out sweating. The electrolytes really do help when you are dehydrated. I am so glad you are ok!!!!
  24. You got this! Just ten pounds to go is AMAZING!!! I understand about the NUT. Mine told me to never believe any of the advice on "those" forums because the information is usually wrong. LOL Rock it girlie!
  25. 30 pounds until I hit my goal!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
