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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dave_NW

  1. Honestly? After that kind of ordeal, I'd look hard at alternatives. Sounds like your banding hasn't been good, so a third one almost seems like asking for more trouble. Bypass is radical and irreversible. There are complications, and if you don't have lots more weight to lose, it may be unnecessary. Have you considered vertical sleeve? You get the restriction you need, there is no slippage possible, no fills needed, you can take whatever meds you need to take, and you can manage your diet to suit your situation. Since you already know how to eat with a band, you can do the same with the sleeve. You'd be way ahead of the curve. So that's my vote. Good luck, regardless of what you decide! Dave
  2. Dave_NW

    Tricare Fees?

    I don't know how Tricare sees it, but my surgeon's team includes a Nutritionist on staff. I've checked the claims section of my Tricare account online, and it shows where the Nutritionist billed Tricare for my consult - and Tricare paid for it. :w00t: And nobody has mentioned a "program fee" or anything else from the surgeon's office. So maybe they don't have one for certain insurance programs? I do know they "vetted me" before they'd schedule a consult. So maybe they like Tricare for being so easy to work with. ?? At this point the only thing I expect to pay for will be the $25 copay for the overnight stay at the hospital on surgery day, and a $12 copay for office visits. Dave
  3. Dave_NW

    Tricare Fees?

    I agree Tricare Prime is pretty easy to work with. My surgeon submitted the request to approve for surgery last Friday, and I was approved yesterday. From day of my first consult appointment with him till yesterday was only 22 days. The hardest part of the whole process has been waiting for the appointment days to roll around. Dave
  4. Sekinj, you have a valid point. But I've noticed there is a problem with this entire website: If you click "Today's Posts" under Quick Links at the top of the page, you get a list of post titles, one after the other. The post titles are enticing, interesting, and a lot of them invite a response from the viewer. But the title of the Forum it's posted in doesn't display till the far right side of the page. Posts get all scrambled up, and it's confusing about where the actual post belongs. I noticed it on my first day here, and I figured the place is so huge, and has been around so long, that the individual forum titles don't mean much to most people. That's why so many women post in The Men's Room, then apologize when they realize what they did. (Not a complaint, just an example.) The same thing happens in other Forums. So even if it's inconvenient to wade through the posts you don't expect to find, you need to remember you may find the answers you're seeking in a forum other than the post-op one you read most often. There can be some pearls hidden among the chaos - you just need to dig for them. Dave
  5. Dave_NW

    Unflavored Protein Powder

    Go check out unjury.com. They have small samples you can get for a few dollars each. Try before you buy. They even have a chicken Soup flavor. Dave
  6. I'm not required to have a pre-op diet either, but I wanted to see what I was in for. So I've been experimenting with different Protein shakes, to find one I like. So far, unjury.com has the best flavors. I was home from work last week for a few days, and I decided to try following the post-op clear diet for a day. I drank 2 ounces of Protein shake per hour, plus six to eight ounces of Water in the same hour. I was not hungry all day, even though I expected to be. If it's going to be like that, about the only thing I think I'll be fighting on Clear liquids is boredom. Dave
  7. There seems to be a lot of different processes and requirements, depending on who your insurance is with, who your surgeon is, and your medical condition. It is possible to "fast track" things, if you're persistent, and your surgeon has his/her act together. But there still seems to be specific requirements most everyone needs to meet. In my case, my surgeon refused to even schedule to see me until I'd attended one of their weight loss seminars. He has an on-staff bariatric nutritionist, physician, psychologist, and nursing staff. I was able to see everyone needed on the same day, during a marathon back-to-back appointment day. So I think my journey has been pretty short. Here's my timeline: Referral from PCM to WLS Center approved by Insurance: 8/19/2010 Attended Mandatory WLS seminar at Surgeon's Center: 8/25/2010 Surgeon's office consult and marathon appointments: 9/29/2010 All Lab Bloodwork done (14 tubes of blood): 10/1/2010 Endoscopy: 10/14/2010 Surgery Request submitted to Insurance: 10/15/2010 Surgery Request APPROVED by Insurance (YAY!!!) 10/20/2010 Surgeon consult, to sign surgery consent documents: 11/16/2010 Surgery Day: 12/6/2010 Things could have gone even faster, except my surgeon had scheduling conflicts, and I had to wait a month after the seminar before I could get in to see him. We were going to plan surgery during the second week of November, but I wanted to be sure my support people will be available to help after my surgery. We elected to wait till after the Thanksgiving holiday, which I suppose is weirdly appropriate. Even with the scheduling delays, from date of PCM referral to the WLS Center to my Surgery day will be about 15 weeks. That's pretty fast, I think. Once you've seen your surgeon, you'll have a better idea of what you're facing. Don't try to short circuit the system - things exist for a reason. Take your time, do your research, start gathering the pieces and parts you'll need for pre- and post-op life, and get ready for your big day. A word of polite caution: You didn't get fat overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. This is a process, not a magic bullet. If you get too impatient, you're setting yourself up for severe disappointment. How does the old saying go? "Slow and steady wins the race." Good luck! Dave
  8. Dave_NW

    15 pounds down, week one?

    Congrats, Erick. Sounds like you're well on your way. I'd enjoy the loss, and know you shouldn't ever see those pounds again. As I understand it, sliming is basically your salivary glands going into overdrive, making excesive amounts. You keep having to swallow or spit lots of mucus and saliva. PB is just that - a "productive burp." Basically, a belch with chunks, that is more than just expelled air. Nasty. Neither is fun, from what I hear. Dave
  9. Dave_NW

    Protein Shake Ideas

    I'm liking the unjury chocolate Protein shakes quite a bit. If you go to their website, www.unjury.com, you can order sample size packets of their flavors. In addition to two kinds of chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, and unflavored, they also have a chicken Soup flavor. Nice variety. I find they go down very easily, if I put in ice cubes and fat free milk, then run it through the Magic Bullet blender. If ice cold, it's really very good. Dave
  10. Dave_NW


    Since he's only legally married to one of the women, nobody is underage, and the kids aren't being subjected to anything inappropriate, I don't see where they're breaking any laws. So I don't think the State has any grounds to bring charges, other than to stir up lots and LOTS of press about things, which results in ratings for the show. (These people were even on Oprah last week...) Having said that, (and probably because of all the press), I watched a few episodes of the show yesterday. I think the wives are the smart ones, and I think the husband is a colossal, arrogant jackass. I was projecting things a bit, but can't wait to hear the one wife has divorced him, and the women are all living as a group home without him. I think when the media frenzy is over, the show will quietly fade away, like so many others of its kind. :smile: Dave
  11. Dave_NW

    Anyone out there?!!?

    Well, hi everyone! I guess I should stand over here with all of you. And I am SO glad to finally be here! As of today, I'm penciled in for surgery December 6th. Everything is done except for a consult with a specialty surgeon who assists my regular surgeon during bandings. (He's the hernia guy - I have both a hiatal hernia and an umbilical hernia they'll be repairing.) My insurance (Tricare) reports my surgery approval is "Pending Review" which I'm told means it's a done deal, once they look over all the supporting paperwork. So after reviewing everyone's schedule, we decided on December 6th as THE DAY! UPDATE: As of this morning, 10/20/2010, I am officially APPROVED FOR SURGERY! My insurance carrier called, did a little phone interview, and approved me on the spot. Nice! I'm so ready. Wishing all of you successful surgeries! Dave
  12. Dave_NW

    Shaving before surgery

    Thanks, guys. That's what I was looking to hear. Dave
  13. Well, heck. I have to officially withdraw from this thread. I found out today my surgeon has date conflicts, and had to postpone my surgery. I won't be getting my surgery in November after all. So now I'm off to find the December folks. Congrats, November People! Hope you have a safe and successful surgery! Dave
  14. Dave_NW

    Anybody using the Bodybugg?

    Anyone know the difference between a Bodybugg and the BodyMedia Fit? They're made by the same people, I think. costco.com has what appears to be a great deal on the Fit model: Costco - BodyMedia® FIT Lifestyle and Calorie Management System I'm interested in getting something like this, but want the most bang for the buck. What do you think? Dave
  15. I'm trying to locate or start a support group in the Skagit County area. Does anyone know if there is such a thing? If not, is anyone interested in starting one? Let me know! Dave
  16. Dave_NW

    Lapband or Vertical Sleeve

    Unfortunately, that conversation was held about two weeks ago. (And I called my insurance company again this past Friday to ask again.) I went for a consult specifically to get sleeved. During the marathon appointments that day (psych, physician, nutritionist, and surgeon back to back on the same day) I learned my insurance won't pay for sleeve unless it's performed at a military treatment facility. The closest one of those is several hours from my home, on the other side of several major cities (think: "lots of traffic.") This surgeon is about an hour away, so is much closer. The answer I haven't been able to get, either from the insurance coordinator or from Tricare directly, is why will they pay for it at a military treatment facility, but not at the Tricare-approved civilian surgery center TRICARE SENT ME TO BECAUSE IT WAS CLOSER TO MY HOME! They will pay for band or RNY bypass, and even stomach stapling, which my surgeon says nobody does anymore because it doesn't work. But not sleeve. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Dave
  17. Thanks for posting. I learned a long time ago with them that things show up on the website long before a letter turns up in the mail. And receiving that letter is always hit or miss - sometimes they send it to my doctor, sometimes to me. For other things I've been printing the authorization letters directly from the website, and taking or faxing them to the doctor. Seems to work much faster. Keeping my fingers crossed for a quick approval! Dave
  18. Dave_NW

    Lapband or Vertical Sleeve

    Thanks. (Dang it. Not the right one... ) Dave
  19. Dave_NW

    Lapband or Vertical Sleeve

    Do you mind telling us who your insurance is? I'm this close to having surgery, and my insurance won't pay for the sleeve, but they will pay for the band. I'd prefer the sleeve, if insurance will pay for it. Dave
  20. I bought a Magic Bullet at costco for less than $50 that has a bunch of extra things in the box. Still learning about it, but I'm impressed with what it does, and how easy it is to use. I expect it'll suit my needs just fine. Dave
  21. Dave_NW

    Any one in NW WA

    Looking to start/attend a "live" support group. I live in Skagit County, and could attend meetings in Whatcom, Skagit, Island, or Snohomish counties. Anyone here know of an existing group, or interested in starting one? I'm being banded next month, and would welcome the chance to meet others going through the same thing. This website is great, but it might be easier to meet people in real life. Looking forward to meeting you! Dave
  22. I posted this in reply to another thread, but though it should go here, too: I guess I should step up and ask to be in this group as well. As of yesterday, all prerequisites have been met, and my surgeon has gone for approval from my insurance. (Tricare Prime.) I'm told they're quick to approve, and they're trying to pencil in my surgery for early November. We'll see how it goes. Hard to think that after all this time, it's finally just a few weeks away... Dave
  23. Dave_NW

    November Band for me

    I guess I should step up and ask to be in this group as well. As of yesterday, all prerequisites have been met, and my surgeon has gone for approval from my insurance. (Tricare Prime.) I'm told they're quick to approve, and they're trying to pencil in my surgery for early November. We'll see how it goes. Hard to think that after all this time, it's finally just a few weeks away... Dave
  24. Dave_NW


    Haz, now that I've been through it, I can say to just relax and don't worry about it. It's an easy thing to get through. I was nervous, too, but when it was done, I was like, "Ok, when do we start?" I literally knew nothing during the procedure. If they hadn't told me what they found, I wouldn't have known they'd even done anything. Good luck! Dave
  25. Sorry to hear you've had such problems. That would drive me nuts trying to resolve. A few ideas: 1. My insurance (Tricare Prime) will only pay for a second surgery when it is medically necessary to correct problems caused by a previous surgery. Perhaps you can get recommended for a revision to the sleeve to correct the issues caused by the band. 2. The prices I see for band and sleeve self-pay surgery are coming down. If you check the ads on the edges of this forum, you'll see sleeve surgery is "only" $5200. The folks over at verticalsleevetalk.com absolutely RAVE about Dr. Aceves in Mexico. So maybe you can figure a way to self-pay and use him? Not too much money, and you may have some answers you can live with. 3. Post your question over at that same forum. verticalsleevetalk.com I spent a ton of time there before learning my insurance won't pay for the sleeve unless it's done at a military treatment facility. That's how I ended up here. There are a lot of revision people at verticalsleevetalk.com, many of whom are very resourceful about getting insurance companies to pay for things. Hope this helps a bit. Good luck! Dave

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