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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Dave_NW

  1. Dave_NW

    Hello Everyone. I hate mind games.

    I agree with the others - if there are no consequences, you'd eventually find yourself eating more and more. Any weight you'd lost would soon be gained back again. I know from personal experience. I was on South Beach Diet, and never ate so much food in my life. My jaw actually got sore from eating so much every day. I stuck with it, and lost more than 30 pounds in two months. I had dental surgery, so went off the diet. Despite knowing how to eat right, and convinced I'd always eat the South Beach way, within a very short time I'd gained back more than 60 pounds. You're doing fine on your liquid diet because you know you HAVE to eat that way. Willpower is fine, but few people can truly do it by themselves. Dave
  2. You're going to get a lot of great advice here. You've found an excellent resource. I'm still pre-op for a few more weeks, but this is what i've learned: Keep reading, study everything you need to understand, and really think about what it is you're thinking of doing. Set a goal for yourself that's real and attainable, and keep that in mind. Everything else is just details you can adjust along the way. It helped me to sort things into groups. There is the Pre-op time, which includes referrals, appointments, diets, and lab tests. It ends with a surgery approval and scheduled surgery date. That was one goal I set and achieved. Second goal is surgery day. Getting ready for it, preparing what is needed to make it successful, having things ready for after surgery, and being mentally prepared for the exciting and fascinating rest of your life. Post-op life is the next goal. Learning to live with the band, how to work it to your advantage, new diet, exercise, and learning how to listen to your body. Managing things to best advantage. In between, ask questions here. There are a lot of folks here who are in all phases of this journey, and who are willing to share what they have learned. Most important, know you are not alone. Good luck! Dave
  3. Dave_NW

    I've hit a wall ....

    :thumbup: Not that it's any of my business, and I certainly have no idea if this is even a fair question, but is there any chance you're starting menopause? I've always heard stress can bring it on early, and that it plays hell with hormones and diet and such. Dave
  4. Dave_NW

    Major Bummer ! Surgery post-poned

    I'm surprised they don't want to take out your tonsills first. :thumbup: After you get rescheduled, come join us in the December Surgery forum. We're a nice bunch in there. Dave
  5. My surgeon says the same thing. No pre-op diet, but three weeks liquids after surgery, then on to pureed, then on to solids. Somewhere in there a fill or two happens. :thumbup: Dave
  6. Dave_NW

    Banded 2006-I hate my band

    I think one of the nice things about the band is having second chances like this. If you'd had another surgery type, you wouldn't get a second chance. Good luck on your new journey! Dave
  7. Isn't bacon one of those "don't eat" things? Dave
  8. Congrats! I did something similar. I saw everybody on September 29th, had one followup on October 14th, and I got my surgery approval on October 20th. My surgeon had a scheduling conflict, so we've agreed not to do the surgery till December 6th. But that's soon enough! Good luck! Dave
  9. Dave_NW

    90 Pounds Lost

    I'm late to the party, but wanted to congratulate you as well. Those numbers are awesome! I'm getting banded December 6th. I hope I can report such a great loss as yours by this time next year. Cross your fingers! Dave
  10. Dave_NW

    tired of doctors

    Ever wonder why what the doctors do is called "practice?" You'd think after all that schooling, they'd be experts at it... :sneaky: I have a Kindle reader on my cell phone. I actually appreciate the waiting time, so I can catch up on some reading. Dave
  11. Dave_NW

    Aqua Aerobics - Anything similar?

    I agree with Amy. I had in-the-pool physical therapy a few years ago after knee surgery, and I felt so good afterwards, I continued doing the movements in the Water for months afterwards. If I'd had the opportunity to learn how to do aqua aerobics, I'd have kept that up instead. Exercise is less like work if you enjoy it. Dave
  12. Jenn, what does your doctor say about this? If you really are this frustrated, and if things are that bad, then you need to ask about it. Dave
  13. Dave_NW

    Psych Evaluation

    Wow. My psych eval was very, very different than yours. Mine was a friendly interview that lasted about 20 minutes. We talked about where I've been in my weight loss life, how I feel about having surgery, and whether I know how things will be different after surgery. There was no questionnaire to fill out. He signed off on things, and that was that. Hmm... Dave
  14. Dave_NW


    I also take pain meds for my degenerative arthritis. I've been assured that there is no problem taking my prescription with the band. :thumbup: Dave
  15. It works well for me. I like it. Just be sure to use it cold. Makes the flavor beter, I think. Dave
  16. I'm posting this in The Men's Room because I need a man's reply. Sorry, ladies, you're not included in this one. Obviously, we guys tend to be hairier than (most :thumbup:) women, so shaving before surgery is more of an issue. My question for those of you who have been there: How far up and down were you shaved for your surgery? Was it only in the stomach area where incisions were put, or did they shave it all? Did they shave your chest area too? And what about below your waistband? Did they shave anything down there? Did you shave yourself, or did you wait till the surgery people did it? I'm getting ready for surgery in a few weeks, and wondering what to expect. Thanks, Dave
  17. I think the people who have the most trouble are those who think the band is a magic bullet that will suddenly fix everything, and make the person's life perfect. Reality is far different. As I've heard a hundred times, "The band is just a tool." The rest is up to the person to use the tool properly. For all the failures I read about, I think I read more success stories. And I'm just stubborn enough to think that I'll be a success story. I got fat by eating one meal at a time. I intend to get thin the same way. :blushing: Dave
  18. Dave_NW

    Is my Nutritionist keeping me fat - Part 2

    Ross, maybe you should try changing WHAT you're eating, not necessarily how much or when. I admit, I haven't yet been banded, but I'm an old hand at dieting. The first time I did South Beach Diet I lost like crazy. I had dental surgery so went off the diet, and I gained it all back, plus a bunch more. (No surprise there.) The next time I tried South Beach, even though I ate exactly the same things I did the first time, I didn't lose more than a few pounds, and then the scale got stuck. I finally gave up in frustration. So maybe look at the way you're eating, and what your meals are made from, then turn it on its head, and do things completely different. Or eat dinner for Breakfast, or something. Try shaking up how your body receives the calories you give it, and see if it makes a difference. Go on a liquid diet for a few days, or change the type of Protein you're eating. Look at every little thing you eat, and make sure you aren't defeating your own efforts through inclusion of something that is adding carbs or calories or whatever back in through invisible means. (I once found the salad dressing I really liked was LOADED with calories, and was mislabeled. Changed to a different dressing, and life moved forward.) Weight loss tends to be a mathematics game: Calories Eaten - Enough Calories Burned = Weight loss. So maybe you should look into getting one of the Bodymedia armband monitors to help you track your calories, exercise rates, and sleep quality. I just got one and am excited to use it. Check out bodymedia.com, but buy it from costco.com. They have a better deal. Good luck! Dave
  19. Dave_NW

    Tricare - requirements / nutritionist

    Tara, just a follow-up to your questions: I'm now approved for surgery. Here's the schedule: Referral from PCM to WLS Surgeon 19-Aug-10 Attended WLS Seminar at Surgeon's Clinic 25-Aug-10 Office Consult - Surgeon/Staff 29-Sep-10 Lab Work 1-Oct-10 Endoscopy 14-Oct-10 Surgery Request sent to Insurance 15-Oct-10 Surgery Approval from Insurance 20-Oct-10 Office Consult/Sign Surgery Consent forms 16-Nov-10 Surgery Scheduled 6-Dec-10 This process could have been done faster, but my surgeon and I both have scheduling conflicts. We ended up postponing surgery for me from the first week of November to the 6th of December. So the answer to your initial question is No, Tricare does not require you to see a nutritionist or go on a managed weight loss program. Dave
  20. I'm ramping up for surgery, perhaps as early as the end of this month. (Yeah!!!) As part of that, the day after tomorrow my surgeon is doing an endoscopy on me. What is that for? I know it involves putting a camera down my gullet, but then what? Does it hurt? Will I ever sing opera again? (Just kidding - I couldn't carry a tune if I had a bucket... :smile2: ) Dave
  21. unjury is excellent Protein powders in several flavors, and vitamins/supplements sold under a sister brand name (Opurity). www.unjury.com. And to the OP, I don't think it's sold in stores. Dave
  22. Congrats, Kaye! I'm also approved and scheduled for December 6th. It'll be a great day for us both! Dave
  23. Dave_NW

    Anybody using the Bodybugg?

    I bought one from costco.com. It arrived today. Looks pretty cool! It comes with a year's subscription to the website, but I don't want to set it up till I get closer to surgery day, so I don't waste that subscription. Anyone have any tips to share about how to get the most from it? Dave
  24. Yes. Different names, but the same procedure. What makes the sleeve work well is that your digestive tract is left intact. Your stoma and pylorus are not changed. Your intestinal tract is not modified. Basically, everything is left alone, except the stretchy part of the stomach is removed, so you can't eat very much. But if you're experienced eating with a lapband, you already know how to eat small. One of the biggest advantages to sleeve surgery is removing the stretchy part of the stomach also removes the grehlin, which is where hunger pains come from. Imagine a life where you have to remind yourself to eat, because you never feel hungry. And before you ask: I would love to have this surgery for myself, but my insurance won't cover it yet. I don't want to wait, so I'm having band surgery first. If I need further help later on, (and if my insurance will pay for it), I'll have it revised to the sleeve. Good luck! Dave
  25. Make sure you're not confusing vertical gastrectomy with vertical gastroplasty. The first is the sleeve procedure that is still gaining in popularity. The second is stomach stapling, which most surgeons no longer perform because it doesn't work very well. All else being equal, and if your insurance company won't budge, then I think I'd opt to having the band removed, and don't do anything else at the moment. Start saving like crazy, then self-pay with a better doctor for the surgery you want, if it turns out you need it. I'm seeing ads all over this forum for lap bands for less than $4K, and sleeves for less than $5K. You might want to spend a bit of time reviewing www.verticalsleevetalk.com, the sister site to this one. It is an enormous resource, and the success stories will amaze you. A great number of people on that forum are self-pay, since their insurance carriers won't pay for it either. Good luck! Dave

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