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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacy160

  1. Stacy160

    40 Pounds DOWN!

    WOW, that was fast... good job!!
  2. Stacy160

    How much food can you really eat?

    Depends on what I'm eating. Two ounces of chicken breast or drier steak stuffs me to the gills... more tender meat, I can do about 3 ounces of. Last night I had 4 oz. of shiratake noodles and 4 meatballs (with sauce) and was very full after that. If I treat myself to a bowl of Cereal, I'm satisfied with a cup of cereal and half a cup of almond milk, but could probably get more in if I let myself. I've done an entire bag of microwave popcorn... not proud of that. You'll hear people talk about "slider foods" ... those are the ones like the popcorn, and the cereal, that are really light and usually full of carbs, that go in easily and slide right down. If you stick with the denser Proteins, you'll get fuller faster, and stay that way longer.
  3. Stacy160

    9-15 May - Pledge your Points!

    I got 45 minutes on the treadmill this afternoon, and did about 15 minutes of upper-body strengthening at work yesterday, for 60 minutes of work, putting me at 11/15 points for the week. I really like this idea and thread!
  4. Stacy160


    3 1/2 months ago I couldn't even believe I'd ever be able to say that, but there it is! 199.4, right there on the scale this morning. It's my day off, we're getting ready to have breakfast and catch up on Season 3 of Dexter, and it's a good day in the household today!
  5. Stacy160

    Well, I'm doing it...

    Just curious, why would you want a larger sleeve??
  6. Stacy160

    Amount of Stomach removed?

    I'm chatting with my hubby on Facebook right now, and I just asked him what the length and width of my removed stomach were (the surgeon showed it to him right afterward). He's estimating it was about 9" x 5", but it was also still inflated from leak testing.
  7. Stacy160


    I think I'd have to pointedly remind them why you had the surgery in the first place, how much has changed for the better for you all, and then very sternly tell them that if they can't be supportive and do nothing but try and drag you down, then to keep their mouths shut. But that's just me.
  8. I could have gotten by on my own, but with the abs so sore the firs 2-3 days, it sure was nice to be able to say "Hey honey... can you grab me a popsicle while you're up?"
  9. Stacy160

    Question about energy

    I tried going back to the gym a month out of surgery... I shouldn't say "tried," I DID go back, but noticed a definite difference. It took me much longer to work back up to my previous level on the elliptical--actually that's not true, I never did. I'd been up to an hour before I quit going (several months before surgery) and it only took me a couple of weeks to get there. After surgery, 3 weeks after going back to the gym, I was still only up to about 45 minutes and struggling to make it that far. As far as overall energy goes, it was great for the first 3-4 weeks then the fatigue set in and I was really tired for a couple of months. Then at the 3-month mark (April 25th), suddenly I felt like my old self, and I've been getting back to working out more regularly, although at home either walking outside or inside walking and running on the treadmill. I think it's the combination of getting over the physical affects of the surgery itself, and being down 40 lbs, making exercise so much easier and enjoyable. And yeah... seeing that scale go down and loving the feeling of working out and dripping sweat and feeling so energized and fresh and clean after a shower, it's all motivating! I'm bummed on my work days that I can't do it (working 6:30am - 7:30pm... no thanks lol) even though I can usually fit a quick treadmill session in at work or take a walk outside during the middle of the day. Boy am I rambling, I don't even remember what your original question was. Should have waited til the coffee kicked in! Anyway, I hope somewhere in there I managed to get to what you were looking for LOL.
  10. Stacy160

    9-15 May - Pledge your Points!

    I think I get it ... I skipped Sunday, but counting yesterday's adventures on the treadmill I'm going to pledge 15 points, and yesterday puts me 4 down (for 40 minutes, right?). Have I got it right? I like this!
  11. Well, I went a little crazy myself LOL.... here's what I keep track of: - neck - upper chest (under armpits, above boobs) - bustline, braless - bustline, in bra - ribcage (directly under boobs) - waist - flank (what most people think of as the hips) - butt (around biggest part) - upper arm elevated - upper arm relaxed against body - lower arm (just above elbow) - upper forearm (around biggest part) - wrist - around palm of hand - hips (upper thighs, together) - upper thigh - lower thigh (just above knee) - calf - ankle - around midfoot Yeah, I wanted to track everything. :laugh0:
  12. Stacy160

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    HW - 258 SW - 246.4 LW - 203 Today - 201.8 I WILL be under 200 at this time next week, I willIwillIWILL!!!
  13. You'll regret it if you don't!! And measurements -- you MUST take measurements, because especially early on, when it's harder to look in the mirror and see the changes for yourself, the numbers won't lie, and it's soooo cool to see them going down. :sad0:
  14. Stacy160

    Brain Stomach Disconnect?

    My hubby's to the point where, instead of going for seconds, he waits to see if he has to finish mine first. :ack2:
  15. Stacy160


    I started feeling hunger about a month or so out, and went back to drinking 2-3 cups in the morning, thinking that it'd help keep the appetite down, like it did before surgery....WRONG, it just made me so much much hungrier!! So I quit it for a couple of months, and then a couple of weeks ago started trying just one cup in the morning to flip my switch from "duhhhh..." to "GO!" and so far it hasn't seemed to affect my hunger. Might just be something you have to experiment with! :biggrin2:
  16. Stacy160

    Pigment of my skin

    Is it looking actually pigmented, as if you were tanning, or is it more of a dusky-looking shade? All I can figured, if you were sleeved within the last few weeks, is that maybe it's old bruising making it's way to the surface, although generally gravity would pull it downward. Interesting!
  17. Stacy160

    Not Happy.

    Seriously, you're pissed about losing 17 lbs. in only 3 weeks? Really? Or am I misunderstanding something? :001_smile:
  18. Stacy160

    Can I hurt my sleeve by...

    I seriously doubt you could damage it by coughing... that'd move it a little bit, but wouldn't really push, pull, or traumatize it (I'm visualizing what would happen in there with a cough LOL). Were you on oxygen in the hospital? They kept me on it the whole time I was in there and it was SOOO dry.... for days afterward my nose and throat just felt like sun-dried leather and my voice was so croaky and hoarse. Could that be the cause of the tickle? You might try some sugar-free Halls or Ricola, those really felt great for me during that time. :001_smile:
  19. Stacy160


    I wouldn't have wanted to be home on the first night, but even by tonight you should feel noticeably better. I can tell you that by one week out, all soreness was gone and other than some tenderness at the main incision, I felt completely normal. It starts getting fun soon, I promise! :scared0:
  20. One and the same... the name of the procedure is Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. :scared0:
  21. I try to keep the carbs below 40 grams, but on days where I just do NOT want any more meat and decide maybe I want a bowl of Fiber One, or half a PB&J or something, I still make sure to keep my calories in check, just so I don't get too crazy. :biggrin:
  22. Stacy160

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good luck tomorrow!! :biggrin:
  23. Stacy160

    Post Op Clears to full liquids

    I was on clears the day before, of, and after surgery, and then it was full liquids from then on, with no problem (except for the time I mindlessly slugged back 2-3 gulps of Water before I realized what I was doing... oops!). That included Jello, yogurt, cream soups (strained if there were chunks). Don't worry if you think you're taking in too much with the liquids... maybe your stomach doesn't have as much swelling or the swelling's going down faster than some people's. I had the same concerns, when I could eat a full bowl of tomato Soup in 10-15 minutes, but others reassured me that it was only because the liquid runs right through (although creamy stuff WILL make you feel fuller than clears). (btw, tomato soup with a spoonful of greek yogurt was my absolute most favorite, heavenly thing on liquids. ) Once you're on mushies, you won't believe the difference. I couldn't wait to have some refried Beans with sauce and melted cheese, Taco Bell-style, and was shocked to find that I couldn't even get down a quarter cup of them to start with. But dang, they sure were delicious after all the liquids and sweet Protein drinks! :confused1:
  24. At Walmart, look near where they have the Rubbermaid stuff and kitchen utensils, measuring cups, etc... that's where I found them. Have fun shopping! :confused1:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
