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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacy160

  1. Stacy160

    Coconut Water

    What section of the store do you find it in? And do you find it in regular stores, or do you have to get it at a health food place? I'm intrigued!
  2. Thanks everyone! I'd like to find more "unposed" pics...I really didn't realize exactly how FAT I was until I saw the one from the back in the tan pants. This thing is so cool! :thumbup:
  3. Stacy160


    From the album: Before and During pics

  4. Stacy160


    From the album: Before and During pics

  5. Stacy160


    From the album: Before and During pics

  6. Stacy160


    From the album: Before and During pics

  7. Stacy160


    From the album: Before and During pics

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
