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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacy160

  1. Stacy160

    What I'm going to say

    My whole family knows, everyone I work with knows, and some close friends know. It gets trickier for me at work...I work in a physical therapy clinic where probably at least a third of our patients (actually, it may be closer to half) are returning patients who may have been with us multiple times over the years--some of them go back 15-16 years, so they know us well. That makes the surprised "OMG!" comments when they return inevitable. My co-workers were under strict instructions from the beginning not to be blabbing about my surgery with the patients, or talking about it out in the gym where everyone is, just because I don't want the attention directed at me like that and I don't want to have to deal with a thousand comments and questions. BUT, some of those people who I know well and like a lot, I've told and I haven't ever, in the 11 months since surgery, had one single negative comment about it. When someone I really don't know asks, which happened yesterday, I just say that I focus mainly on protein, eat small meals, and exercise.
  2. Too bad about your friend... WLS would undoubtedly help her back issues immensely. As far as your doctor goes...well, why have surgery performed by a doctor who doesn't want to listen to you, and who doesn't "like" the surgery that so many other bariatric surgeons seem to think is becoming the new Gold Standard WLS over the bypass? And WHY doesn't she like it... because she's not proficient with it, or because it's not as profitable as performing bypass? I'd be looking for another surgeon, honestly.
  3. Stacy160

    drinking while eating

    I drink right up until I start eating too... it runs right through, it's not like it's still pooling in there waiting for the food to come. But afterwards? Uh-uh... can't do it. I usually have to wait at least an hour, and sometimes that's pushing it (depending on what I've eaten, too)... there's just no room and it feels like the liquid just wants to come right back out...blech.
  4. Stacy160

    When I hit my goal I'm going to...

    Well, I'm still several pounds away from my first goal (give or take 3-4 lbs. on any given day), but I was able to cross all my goal items off my list a couple of months ago, so that was cool, and unexpected! One of the HUGE ones was to run a 5K for the first time in my life, which I did 3 months ago. So now when these damnable holidays are over (OK, I'm really referring to the constant stream of sugar coming through the front doors at work), I should be able to get there in a couple of months, then to my final goal of 148-ish a couple months after that. If that long. By then I'll be running outside, so I think my celebration will be to do a 10K or a half-marathon, and I don't know what my reward will be. Always thought it'd be a tattoo but I'm 45 now and don't really feel the urge to get another one, so maybe it'll be a really nice dress and heels, or some actual pretty, sexy bra & underwear set or something. I dunno, but I like this thread!
  5. Stacy160

    2 Periods in 3 Weeks!

    Welcome to whacked-out hormoneland. This happens to a lot of gals... hormones are stored it our fat, and when we start losing a lot of fat quickly, it also releases a lot of hormones quickly into our systems, throwing everything off. Down the road when you start slowing down and getting closer to goal, it should regulate better, but as long as you're losing steadily and quickly, this can happen! Watch out for major mood swings as well... this can make you feel like you're PMSing constantly too!
  6. Stacy160

    Hot Flashes

    I had them too, on and off for the first couple of weeks. I was sleeved at the end of January, so most of the time I was freezing, but then I'd cover up with a blanket to get warm and next thing I knew, I'd be breaking out in a sweat. It regulated after a couple of weeks to where I was just freezing all the time LOL.
  7. Stacy160

    Happy Birthday to TIFFYKINS!

    Happy Birthday Tiff!!
  8. Stacy160

    Can I eat cereal w/ milk?

    Cereal has always been one of my favorite foods... also a HUGE trigger, and it goes down all too well after surgery! Even when I'm being super-strict, when I allow myself a "treat" (something other than just protein or non-starchy veggies), cereal's usually the first thing I turn to.
  9. Stacy160

    What brand of yogurt

    I haven't bought the Chobani because of the carb count. Some people are really sensitive to carbs, and others do great with calorie restriction alone, regardless of the make-up of the calories--I'm one who can't lose if I got over 40-ish carbs, no matter how low I keep the calories. With the plain yogurt, what I do most is put in a few drops of vanilla extract and a couple packets of Splenda or Truvia, but you can also use sf flavored syrups, sf jam, stuff like that.
  10. Here's what you'll definitely need: For the hospital: Chapstick, sf lozenges (Ricola makes good ones) 'cause if they keep oxygen on you, you're gonna be SUPER-dry, Gas-X strips. For home: Protein... you may want to experiment a little beforehand (although some peoples' tastes change after surgery--mine never did). Muscle Milk Light and Isopure are a couple you can buy without having to buy a whole case or tub. You can order samples of different Proteins from several of the bariatric sites as well. You'll need much less than you think you will... I'm 11 months out and I still have 7 tubs of it sitting in my kitchen, mostly gone by now, but that also includes 2 tubs of unjury unflavored, one of which is more than half full, and the other that's unopened. If you'll be on full liquids, a few cans of cream Soups... again, don't buy by the case! Yogurt... Kroger Carbmasters is very inexpensive, VERY low in carbs, and very high in protein. Plus it's thin like regular light yogurt which will make it easier to eat on that brand-new swollen tummy than Greek yogurt, which is wonderful but has a consistency more like heavy sour cream. A shaker bottle would be handy, or a blender if you want to get fancy and make smoothies out of your Protein drinks. I can't stress enough not to over-buy LOL... It's hard to understand beforehand how little you'll be eating, that's why I bought so much protein and literally cases of soup--my head was in the "before" mode when I got them. Buy light and you'll have plenty of time to re-stock when you need to.
  11. Stacy160

    When to tell???

    Dearie... ... you're not under any obligation to tell anyone anything, at any time. You can answer their questions honestly (such as your 'going to the dietician' answer), but nothing says you have to give them details... even afterward, when they want to know how you're losing all the weight, you can tell them very portion-controlled meals with very low carbohydrates, and no drinking with meals. That's the truth, right? I think I'd wait with the in-laws until afterwards, and again you can honestly say that you didn't want your MIL to worry and then suffer migraines because of you. With your parents, your mother especially, you might be best off just not ever telling them about it, but of course that's your call....I wouldn't tell them ahead of time, in any case. You'll know what you're comfortable telling who afterwards.... I've loosened up a bit with it, and I still don't announce it, and there are still people who just don't need to know, but once you've lost a bunch of weight and people see you doing healthy things (with your eating, or working out, running, whatever), it becomes easier to tell because now you've got something they can SEE that helps justify it in their eyes. How can they complain about you being active and healthy, right? Good luck!
  12. Stacy160

    Diet Carbonated Drink

    Watch those RNYers with their stretchy pouches and see how long it takes them to start putting the weight back on. I have a diet soda a couple of times a week, but i have to pour it in a glass and stir it up good to get the carbonation out, otherwise it's just not at all comfortable or enjoyable. Still tastes dang good though, even flat!
  13. Stacy160

    What brand of yogurt

    There's something about the carbs from yogurt that makes them not really count as high as they're listed, but I can't remember exactly what or why that is... might want to Google it though. I love the Fage and Oikos greeks, but lately I've been getting the Kroger Carbmaster yogurt, which only have 4 carbs. Lots of yummy flavors and they're like three for a dollar (compared to almost $2 each for the Greek). They're not thick and heavy like the Greeks are, which I love, and have more the thinner consistency of regular yogurt, but for the price, flavor, and carb/protein counts, you can't beat them.
  14. Stacy160

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    After having a baaaaaad food day yesterday (both at work and then at the office Christmas party afterwards), maybe I can get my ass up and on the treadmill today. *sigh*
  15. Stacy160

    Use of Alli/Xenical/Orlistat post surgery?

    Why would you want -- or need -- to??
  16. Stacy160

    Introducing me...

    Hi Mona! I'm 5'8" also (no 1/2 for me, and these days I really have to stand tall to make the 8"! LOL), and my original goal weight is also 160. Got 12 pounds to go and if I can do it, so can you! You're making a wonderful choice with the sleeve, and lots of people have lost over 200 lbs. with it. Welcome!
  17. Stacy160

    Body image changes after WLS

    I originally picked 160 as my goal. I'm 5'8" and that's right about where I was when I graduated from high school. I looked great then, and I looked good at 172 when I was last there in 1988. I'm at 172 now and just not feeling it. I can fit in the tiny-waisted jeans I wore then. Not only can I fit into my skinny hubby's jeans, I tried to give him a pair of my old ones yesterday and he couldn't get them buttoned! But I don't SEE what I really look like when I look in the mirror. I didn't when I was fat (always looked smaller to myself), and I don't now... I don't see thin, although I do absolutely see thinnER. Even last night, we stood side-by-side in front of the full-length mirrored closet doors, and front-to-front, and looking that way I can see that I'm about his size, but I still don't look at myself and understand what size I am. It takes pictures to do that, and even then I have to cover up my face to really "get" it. Several months ago, I decided that while 160 might be fine, the top end of "healthy" weight (BMI) for me is 154-156, so I've had 148 in my head. The notion that I will actually get into single-digit sized jeans is a huge motivator for me, and at that weight I could conceivably be not only in 8s, but in SIXES, which is almost inconceivable, even with vanity sizing (I'm currently in a 10). I've even thought that "too skinny" might be fun for awhile, just to feel what that's like, although I don't see that happening 'cause I'm too lazy to work that hard for it LOL. But anyway... yeah, it's an issue and I'm right there with ya.
  18. Regarding the antidepressants: A few years ago, I had my gyno write me a script for some. I was kinda whacky at the time (I think that's about the time the whole peri-menopause thing started), but the real reason I wanted them, which I told him, was to see if they'd help me get my head in the right place to lose weight. After doing a lot of research, I asked for Wellbutrin. With most antidepressants, one of the major side effects is loss of libido. Wellbutrin has the opposite effect--it can actually increase your drive. Well--it worked both ways for me, it helped with the food issues (it's also used to help smokers stop smoking), and definitely increased my libido. Unfortunately, two weeks after starting it, I broke out in hives, which I later found out is a fairly common allergic reaction to it. Sooooo, that's something you might consider trying... it could help solve three problems at once for you!
  19. Stacy160

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    I've been terrible this weekend. Yesterday I just felt draggy and yucky and pissy all day long, and today I just do not feel like exercising, although otherwise I feel normal (not like yesterday!). I actually stood up and went into the bedroom a few minutes ago to change into some running clothes, and just walked right back out again. I have no words of encouragement to offer anyone today, 'cause I'd be a total hypocrite if I did!
  20. Stacy160

    Pills after VSG?

    Ask your doctor about it ... lots of peoples' doctors give the OK to take pills normally right after surgery.
  21. Stacy160

    My husband is a jacka**

    WOW. Wow. Well.... any questions you might have, I think you've answered yourself in the title of this thread. That stinks, I can't imagine being that a situation like that.
  22. I was kinda wrong... they did do some sort of leak test during surgery (checking for bubbles with the stomach submerged, or something like that), but not the post-surgical nastydrink thing.
  23. You sound EXACTLY like me before surgery -- I could have written that post. I did have a hiatal hernia that was found (didn't know about it beforehand) and fixed during surgery and I have not had ANY heartburn or reflux at ALL since then.... it's been such a huge relief!!
  24. Nope! My guy doesn't do them routinely (just adds to the expense for self-payors). He said that symptoms tend to present pretty quickly (high fever, rapid heartbeat), and if there's any indication he'll do it, but not unnecessarily.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
