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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by targethungry

  1. Hi All,

    I had my surgery last month and am now on the mushy food stage of the diet. Since the operation, I always have a nasty taste in my mouth and bad breath. I was hoping that this would subside when I moved to mushy foods but it has not improved.

    Just wondering if this is this normal and will it improve?


  2. Hi all,

    I was banded on 15 October last and have been on the full liquid diet until tonight. I wanted to maximise weight loss and lost 20 pounds up until Sunday 7 November last but lost nothing yesterday at weigh in.

    This evening, I blended mixed vegetables, a scoop of mashed potato and some turkey with Soup and ate nearly a full cup. I am just wondering what quantity I should be eating. I was also wondering how your weight loss has progressed on the mushy food stage of the diet. I haven't exercised so far as I was eating 500 calories per day up until last week and then upped it to 650 calories each day last week as I was very hungry. As my weight stalled this week and as I am progressing on to mushy foods, I think it is probably time to start exercising now but you might let me have your opinion.

    I am due my fill on 2 December next. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks

  3. Hi there,

    I had my gastric band fitted on 15 October last in Belgium. I am still on liquids eg. Soup, yogurts, and my appetite is really returning.

    I could get a fill on Thursday 4th November next and the next date available after that will be 2nd December. I want to avoid hunger pangs over the next few weeks but am wondering if it would be too early to have my first fill next week on the 4th??

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Thank you so much for the lovely message Rockstar. It is very reassuring to know that this website provides such a strong support system. I look forward to hearing how all goes for you on your op day. Take care and best of luck with it all.

    I will research the realize band tonight.:unsure:

  5. Hi there,

    Its great to have found this forum. I am hoping to have gastric band surgery next month with Dr. Chris de Bruyne.

    I have been yo yo dieting for twenty years and have tried all weight loss methods including weightwatchers, slim fast, hypnosis, lipotrim, Atkins diet, educogym, curves, walking 30 miles per week, going to the gym for 4 hours per week and weight training. I now weigh 14 and two pounds and am 5ft 2 inches. I suffer from high cholesterol, an underactive thyroid, weight related depression and insomnia. I have no quality of life and rarely socialise due to my weight. I have fluctuated between 9 and 16 stone over the past fifteen years and feel that I now really need an aid to assist me in losing the weight and keeping it off for life. I understand that the gastric band surgery will not solve the problem but that it should help in tackling the issue.

    I am now 33 years old. I would also really like to have two children in the next four years and do not feel able to get pregnant until I get control of my weight problem and associated depression. I am worried about pregnancy with the band and potential c sections and the effect that they could have on the band. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million.

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