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LAP-BAND Patients
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About tanchels

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/05/1971
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday tanchels!

  2. Happy 41st Birthday tanchels!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary tanchels!

  4. tanchels

    Is this normal?

    It is normal. I was banded sept 07/10 and I still have the pain. It is fading away but it was impossible to breath normal. I had to take shallow breaths and hold my stomach if I needed to belch. I am still sleeping in an elevated position but no longer straight up. It does get better. I was getting pain towards the left just under my rib. Now it is mild but when I eat it comes back for a a couple hours. So yes it is normal and it will go away with time.
  5. I was banded in Toronto. I am a member on the clinics forum but I am not limited to that one site. The more information and more experiences I read about the more knowledgable I feel about my own band. I am not interested in meeting for tea. I doubt there are too many people on the Northern Peninsula with a lap band anyway, lol. I am on this site seeking infomation about individual experiences. I ate my first bite of real food this morning...scrambled eggs! yumm yumm!!!:thumbup:
  6. Things are beginning to get better. Still in liquids, getting awful gas pains if I try to eat creamy or purifed. :wub:
  7. Hi, I am from Newfoundland, presently living on the northern peninsula. I was banded Sept 07/10. I am only 6 days post op. I would love to chat and share stories and experiences. My experience so far is pain! I am having pain under my left rib that shoots up into my neck and +++ gas. I still sleep sitting up and any deep breaths or sudden movements literally take my breath away. Is this all normal??? I am hoping it will soon resolve and I can start my new life.

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