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LAP-BAND Patients
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About CottageBliss

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  • Birthday 11/01/1955
  1. Happy 57th Birthday CottageBliss!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary CottageBliss!

  3. LOVE MMA!!! My kids did BJJ and from what I can see as they roll around on the floor, you might want to focus more on other aspects of Martial Arts for a while. I know most fights end up on the ground and see you wanting/needing to be 'ready' for ground work but until you see how the band works for you, I wouldn't do BJJ. Drop some weight build up more muscle and I think you will be fine w/ BJJ. My son is 379 and getting the band in November...he is waiting on BJJ and walking, due to cracked heels (docs orders) and will work on weights and holding karate stands and doing stand up. Kudos to you for putting your health first.

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