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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by topazz

  1. Sunshine, I also postponed mine a few weeks too. I am a teacher, and originally was going to do it in October. I held off till Nov 11, as that is a holiday weekend and will not have to use too many sick days either. I was so glad to have the summer off so that I could do all of the required pretesting!! That was s lot running around!!
  2. Oh Fluff, hang in there!! You can do this!! Just think of the road ahead of you and how it will all pay off! I'm sorry you're having a rough time, but you did day 1, so you are on your way! Good luck with your banding!!
  3. topazz

    One day post op!

    Congrats Mishay! Hope you have a speedy recovery!! Please keep us posted on how you are doing!!
  4. Just a quick pop in to say hi to all and welcome the newbies to our November group! I went this weekend and bought my Muscle Milk Light, fat free chocolate pudding, and Carnation Instant Breakfast. The puddings and CIB were on sale, so I stocked up for my pre-op diet which starts Nov 1! Have a great night all!
  5. purple, I got a lot of flack about doing it in November too. Everyone said to wait until after the holidays. But I just want it done! I actually hope that after the holidays I have at least dropped 20 lbs!! I am actually doing it 2 days before my birthday, so everyone thought I was even crazier! I just look at it that the next round of holidays and my my next birthday will be the best I had in years!! I went to BJ's today and saw that they sell Muscle Milk Light. 18 in a case for $25.00. That is a great deal! So I bought 2 cases for now and I'll get another 2 in a about 2 weeks. They also sell Myoplex Light too. I have not tried that one yet. But I am happy since my nutritionist recommended these brands, and they are a great price! I was going to stick with Medifast, since I liked the taste of it, but the Muscle Milk tastes fine to me too. And it is half the price of the Medifast. So that was my perk for the day!! :smile2:)
  6. topazz

    I cheated...

    Boston, it's ok. So you just start all over again! No need to get worked up. This is such a huge emotional experience that you are going through and it will take time to make changes. Just be proud of the six days you have done and think about the great feats you will be defeating in the future! I am totally freaked out about my pre-op diet, as I am flying to FL for a baby shower a week before. I'll be soaking wet from the salivation pouring out of my mouth at that shower with all the food that will be there that I cannot have! :smile2:
  7. Ape, great news!! It's funny that you pushed yours back till November, as I did the same thing for the same reason. I am a teacher and waited till Veteran's Day to do it so that I would not have to use so many days. Nice to have you here!
  8. Poppie, so sorry your doc changed it! But you'll soon be on your way!! How is everyone doing? I had to attend a 2 1/2 hour education course about the Lap Band on Tuesday. It is required by the doc and insurance company. It was very interesting. It was a lot of info that I already knew from research, but a lot of new info too. So my surgery is 11/11. I have to fly to FL the weekend before my sister in-law's baby shower. I am going to have to be on the liquid diet and that time and it is going to be hard to stick with it!! All this great food, and not a morsel for me! Ugh!! But it is all worth it in the end!!
  9. The reason for the pre-op diet is to lose weight and hopefully shrink the liver somewhat since it has to be moved around for the band to be placed. It depends on what the doctor wants you to do.
  10. Keep me posted!! :o)

  11. topazz

    baby food

    Now that is a really good idea!! I may have to do this too! Great tip!!
  12. topazz

    9/28 Is finally here

    Lots of luck to you tomorrow!! Welcome to the new you!! Keep us posted on how you are doing!
  13. Dizzy and Skat, welcome aboard!!
  14. Sheryl, congrats on the weight loss!!! I chose the Lap Band exactly for the same reason that it's reversible if needed. Amy, I would love to know that I have lost that much weight a year from now. How did you do it?? I think I will need to lose about 125 pounds. Do you still use the shakes as a meal supplement? Busy weekend, here. We sadly had a funeral to go to for hubby's best friend's mom. So sad!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend though!
  15. Roc, nice to meet you!! I have heard so many great things about him!! He really was so helpful and friendly when I met him. I have the 2 hr ed course on Tuesday. Have you done that yet? Good luck to you!!

  16. Purple, We're almost neighbors!! I am on the other side of KI in Elmont. My doc is Dr. Geiss in North Shore at Syosset. Kfields, Happy Birthday to both of us!! I am scheduled for Nov 11, so no birthday cake for me!! Maybe they make a birthday cake flavored shake!! LOL!! Abraxasbear, I get a double gyp!! No Thanksgiving and no birhtday!! But it will all be worth it!! I kn ow that for sure! Melissa, I so agree that this site and these boards are amazing!! I also have learned so much and gotten a lot of support! It's almost Friday!! YIP!! :biggrin:
  17. topazz

    tests before operation

    I had a slew of tests!! Here is what I was required to do.. Upper GI series Chest X-ray Pulmonary Clearance Cardiological Clearance Psychological Eval Bloodwork Stress Test Thank goodness I was on vacation for the summer, so i could do these tests! Every week was another test!! Whew!! :smile2:
  18. Purple, welcome!! Where in NY are you? I live on LI. I also have a 3 year old son. Who is your doc?
  19. Abraxasbear, great news!! When will you fidn out from the insurance company?? LD, did you have your appointment? I don't know what is going on, but lately I am hungry all the time!! I think it could be that time of the month for me!! LOL!! I ordered a few samples of shakes from Medifast. I want to try them to make sure I like them. I may give unjury a try too. If I can use the Carnation Instant Breakfast, that would be a huge plus since it a lot cheaper!! What brand are you planning to use? Will you use ready made or powder packs? I think I will both so I can make them when I can , and use the ready made when on the go or in a rush.
  20. topazz

    Got my date

    toyrenee, that is great news!! So happy for you!!
  21. Lilly, So funny that you posted the question to Amy about post-surgery eating. I was coming here to aske the same question!! I dont think I have to do all shakes beforehand. If I recall correctly, I can have Soups, yogurts, and puddings too. I can also do the Carnation Instant Breakfasts too. I have a required 2 hour education course next week, so I'll get the official info then. Btw Lily, so jealous you are 18! You have your whole life ahead of you!! This is going to be such an amazing experience for you!! Looking forward for all of us to take this journey together!
  22. Welcome Lilly!! :thumbup: Jenn, I have BCBS, and I only needed the pych eval. I did not have to go to amy more sessions after that. Amy, I am hoping I am in the right frame of mind to start from the beginning and win my way through!! I am going to really try to continue to do the shakes for lunch. I will do what I have to do to get this weight off! But I know me, and I am sure I'll cheat. But I am determined to do this so I hope I do this right!
  23. I completely agree!! :thumbup:
  24. LD, so sorry your appointment got pushed back!! But you are so right to be lucky to find out now!! Too bad they decided to tell you right before the appointment! You would think they had a month to tell you that!! But as anxious as you are, the 21st is not that far away. Amy, you are truly an inspiration!! It never occurred to me to think that I could maybe lose that weight a year from now. Good for you! Which shakes did you use pre and post? I am looking into Medifast, and want to try a few before I have to do the liquid diet. I want to make sure I like what I have. I also heard unjury is good too. Also, how long did it take for you to return to work? I am having surgery on a Thursday, and hoping to return to work on Monday. I am a teacher, so there is no lifting involved, just walking up and down stairs a few times in the day. Any info you have for us here would be helpful! Jenn, how are you??
  25. topazz

    Signature Tickers

    I don't know why, but everytime i try to post my ticker, it shows a red square, that says "Incorrect Ticker" inside of it. When I click to preview my siggie, it shows up, but not when I save it. Just don't know why it's not working!! GRRR!!! You can also try tickerfactory.com too. I think I got it finally!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
