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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by topazz

  1. Well, this is it!! Tomorrow is the day!! I am getting banded!! I am the first scheduled surgery. I ahve to be at the hospital at 5:30 am!! HOLY COW that is early!! I am feeling excited, but very overwhelmed! But it will all be worth it!
  2. I had my medical clearance today and it went well!! So this is it!! Nothing more to stand in my way!! November 11 is jsut about 2 days away and am so looking forward to starting my new life!!
  3. I really want to wish all of our November bandsters the best of luck! This is going to be such an exciting time for us, and we all must remember to be strong and know this will be the best thing we do for ourselves!! You have all been so informative and supportive, and I am so grateful to have all of you walking this road with me. I am looking forward to seeing all of you on the "other side" of the boards...The Post-op side! I'll be there on November 11!! See ya there really soon!!:thumbup: :smile2:
  4. Hi all! Well, I am back from my weekend trip to FL. I did okay for the most part, being that I am on the pre-op diet and was concerned how I would eat atthe baby shower. I actually was okay, but at the shower I did have about 2 mini meatballs, 2 tablespoons of tuna and a tiny bit of lettuce. But that was all. It was jsut very hard to not eat anything without having to give an explanation. But I was really good and did not have a drop of the dessert bar! Go me! This is jsut about home stretch for me. 4 more days to go!
  5. Chic, welcome!! You are going to be fine! You have all the questions and worries that we all have or had. It is a huge decision to do this and will change your life. But it will change your life for the better. The Lap Band is a tool to help lose weight. It's not the end all answer. You'll have to make adjustments. But once you see you are losing weight, you will gain more confidence in knowing you made the right decision. Think of it as this decision will save your life! You can do it!!! Day 4 of pre-op diet. Hard today!! I cheated a tad. I ate a few Veggie chips. My son had some and I am normally addicted to them!! I only had 8 of them, so I got it out of my system! Whew! On a good note, soup for dinner and pudding for dessert!! YUM!! This weekend I have to fly to FL for a baby shower. I do not know how I am going to make it through the shower with nothing to eat!! I'll have to sneak to the bathroom to drink my protein shakes!! LOL!! Deb, I'm heading over to the post-op side to check on ya! Hope you are doing well!
  6. Hi guys!! Just wanted to pop over here and say hi to all!! Hope everyone is feeling well. So anxious to get over here with you guys!! Deb, thanks for heading this up!! Lots of luck to you tomorrow!!
  7. What time is your surgery?? What time do you have to be there?? I have my pre-op testing tomorrow at the hospital. Maybe I 'll see you there!!
  8. Deb, hoping you are doing well!! G Rose, good luck tomorrow! Day 3 of the pre-op diet...I notice I get so hungry at the end of the day!! I had to take a SF/FF Jell-O cup to tie me over till dinner, which is in about 30 minutes. Then my pudding later!!
  9. J, so happy to hear from you!! I am so glad you are doing well! Good to know it went well and not a lot of pain. Please take it easy, get some rest and keep us posted on how you are doing! Day 2 on the pre-op....a little more hungry today. But I am proud of myself, as my co worker brought in candy and Mallomars to lunch today, and I did not cave!! When I go home, I ate a SF Jell-O and now I am waiting a bit to have Soup for dinner. Then my SF/FF chocolate pudding for dessert!!
  10. Well, thinking of all of our Nov 1 bandsters!! Hope you are feeling well and wishing you a speedy recovery! Hoping to hear from you soon!! So, I started my pre-op diet today. It really was not that bad. Here was menu for the day.... Chobani yogurt 8 oz protein shake Healthy Choice chix noodle soup 16 oz. CIB Healthy Choice veggie soup 12 oz fat free/sugar free pudding (I'll eat this in about an hour) I really did not feel very hungry. So for day 1, not so bad. I am proud of myself for sticking to it today!! Hoping I can follow through with it for the next 9 days!!
  11. My dr allows us to use CIB for pre-op as a Meal Replacement. I was looking at the pre-op menu that the nutritionist prepared for me and I noticed it says to have 16 oz or 2 8-oz Meal Replacements for a meal. So if I use CIB, does that mean I use 2 packets with 2 cups of skim milk? That would then equal 16 oz. Does this sound right to you???
  12. honk, thanks for the reply!! That is exactly what I did!!
  13. Here we go!! Good luck to all of our Nov 1 bandsters!! Thinking of all of you!! Please keep us posted on how you are doing!!
  14. G Rose, the PA told me that they reviewed my case and I was a candidate for it. I guess everyone is different. I don't have any other issues like sleep apnea or blood pressure, etc than the weight. I guess you could call the office and ask for Myriam. She is the one who called me. Keep me posted!
  15. ellen, you could not have said it better!! Well, November is here in 2 days, and our members here are about to embark on the best journey of our lives! I posted a note to all of you on the forum, so check it out when you can. I got a call from the dr's office yesterday. They said they now can do this procedure on an ambulatory basis, which means that I am eligible to go home the same day. Based on my case, I can go home the same day as long as there are no complications. The good thing is that if I go on ambulatory status, I will probably be one of the first surgeries of the day. I am hoping all goes well, but am a little torn, as I would not really mind if I had to stay overnight. I have a 3 year old at home, and would rather rest up in the hospital, than be home having him see me, with me not being able to care for him as well. My husband will be with me, but my little guy is all about Mommy these days! I am starting my pre-op diet on Nov 1. I did the rest of my shopping today and got my yogurts, jell-o, puddings and soups. I am so ready to go!!
  16. Bella, I actually like Muscle Milk Light. I have heard great things about Unjury, but you have to order that online. I also hear Premier and is good too. But everyonehas a different taste, so you should get out there and try a few on your own.
  17. emc, I totally understand!! I teach 2nd grade and am eager to get back to work right away. I am having my surgery on the 11th, which is Veteran's Day, since we are off that day. Then I am taking off Friday and would love to get back to work on Monday. But it does depend on how I heal. The less sick days I take, the better!!
  18. I'm on the 11th too!! Good luck to the 3 of us, and of course to everyone too!!!! 15 days to go!!!
  19. My dr. seems to have me on pretty much the same type of pre-op diet. I am getting banded on the 11th and I am also planning to start the pre op diet on the 1st. The more weight I can lose, the better!!
  20. Where do you get your vitamins and what do you use?? The only chewables I see are for children or seniors over 50. I don't even see liquid vitamins. I know I could take 2 children's chewables if need be. Please let me know! Thanks!
  21. topazz

    Any Pre-OP NSV's

    WOOT!! :blushing:
  22. John, hang in there!! There will be ups and downs, but you are definitely staying up!! Way to go to hit #9!! You may just be tired. This diet is life changing, so with the heavy workload you my just be exhausted!! Keep up the super job! Hoping I am just as successful as you are when I start my pre-op diet on Nov 1!!
  23. Ok, this will seem strange, but all my life I wanted to wear this outfit... -white blouse, with blue jeans with a red belt and red pumps. Well, it may sound like the 80's, but I've always wanted to look good in an outfit like that! -smile when looking in the mirror -meet up with old high school friends who have been trying to get me to a reunion -wear a top that can be tucked in -not worry how others see me.
  24. Thanks all!! I guess I'll order it online.
  25. Lashonda, you can definitely do this!! Only a few days to change the rest of your life for the best!! Yes, you can do it!! Ann, looks like you and I are being banded on the same day!! When do you start your pre-op diet? What is your diet like? Mine is 7 days of a liquid diet, with the last day all Clear liquids. Otherwise it includes Protein shakes, yogurt, Soups and pudding/jell-o. My dr office has a nutritionist that sets up a menu, so at least I'll have something to go by. Eventhough it it is a 7 day diet, I am starting Nov 1 to get adjusted and maybe even lose a little more weight. John, thanks for the info. But now, how do they decide which band to use on a patient?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
