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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by topazz

  1. Vicky, MM Light is lactose free. Weird that it didn't agree with you! I heard good things about Isopure too. I've only used MM, but was looking into Isopure as well.
  2. Kassy, just hang in there!! the holidays have been a trying time for a lot of us, and many of us have had some woes, completely including me!! These past 3 weeks have been so hard, and I keep yoyo-ing between gaining and losing 2lbs. I had a fill 2 weeks ago, that has done nothing for me!! But this week, I vowed to get back on track. I know that this is the most weight I have lost in about 10 years, and I feel good! Getting compliments about how I look has helped me too!! I keep thinking about how proud my family in FL will be to see me when I go down to visit the in Feb. These things are helping me to refocus. I also went back on liquids to get back on track. So far, I ahve lost the 2 lbs in 2 days, and am happy!! Keep up the great work!
  3. topazz

    Muscle Milk....

    I've been using the MM Light since I started and love it! I use the RTD. It's lactose free too, so it easy on the tummy too!! I buy mine form BJ's too. 18 pack for $25. That is not so bad!
  4. Oh, I got so caught up in the holidays. Then I have been home on vacaion too, which did not help that much either!! I only gained 1 lb., but that is not the idea!! I really could have tried harder. I got my first ill of 2 cc's right before XMas, and it is not helping at all. I thought I felt some restriction, but it did not last long! I go back in 3 weeks and will ask to get another fill. in the meantime, I need to refocus and will do a few days of liquids to get back on track, then move on to solids again. We will slip from time to time, and that is just what it is, This is a long hard battle, and none of us went through all of this to be defeated!! Hang in there!!
  5. My nutritionist who works with my surgeon recommended Muscle Milk Light. Either that or Medifast. As for the CIB, it does give protein, but like I said, it should not be used right after surgery. Later on, it can be used as a source of protein it you would like it to be. It's pretty obvious every doctor has different opinions. But this is what my dr recommended, and I am going with it. It's working for me so far!
  6. I was able to have protein shakes the day after my surgery. I use Muscle Milk Light. These have been the best tasting for me. I get a case of 6 for about $25 in BJ's. I also use Sugar Free Carmation Instant Breakfast, which tastes good too. I didn't use the CIB in the beginning, but but now I use it for breakfast or a snack when i have to get my protein in.
  7. topazz

    Goodbye 300 pounds!!

    Oh that is such great news!! Congrats to you and keep up the great work!
  8. I'm so sorry to hear about you grandfather. I would call your dr. immediately about your incision. It seems like it may be infected. Make sure you take care of it before leaving for your grandfather. Hope all goes well. Please keep us posted!
  9. At least I stepped on the scale this morning, and I am at my pre-holiday weight! WHEW!! Now to focus on getting back on track!! I go back for my next appt Jan 18, and would like to lose at least another 5-10 lbs by then!
  10. At least I stepped on the scale this morning, and I am at my pre-holiday weight! WHEW!! Now to focus on getting back on track!!
  11. Jeez, stuck in the house for 3 days. I am stir crazy and feel the need to eat all day long! I am doing the best I can, but it is so, so hard! I have been trying to get back on track from the holidays, but I keep flubbing! I purposely went out to shovel some more today, just to get out of the house!
  12. I love mixing Vanilla or Honey Chobani with a packet of oatmeal. I also like chopped chicken mixed with shredded cheddar, a little mayo and a bit of hot sauce
  13. Cangel, that is great news!! You are such an inspiration! So proud of you!
  14. topazz

    Post Op is rough

    Kim, how are you feeling? Yes the first few days are rough, but you will feel better! I did not sleep through the night until a week later. But before that I was hardly sleeping at all! The first 2 noghts I slept in a recliner and could not sleep. I could not take the pain meds because it make my mouth so dry and pasty. I had the gas pains and just felt miserable. It took about 4 days for me to start feeling better. You will get there!! Just hang on!! I ate a lot of broth, along with the shakes. I use Muscle milk light and I like it a lot. It is the ready made ones, and they work for me. Keep us posted on your progress!
  15. Ugh! I totally blew it this holiday!! I reaally tried! I tried to stay with protein, like the meats and cheeses, but there was too much tempting going on and I gave in! I did okay with dessert though, I had one chocolate covered Oreo, and that was all. With the dessert spread they had, I really had to hold back! Maybe because I was full form the other bad foods I ate!! UGH!! Now I am homebound for the next 2 days due to a blizzard coming and that will make things harder!! i tend to want to eat more when I am home. Hoping I can really get back on track. I will not even step on my scale, as I am terrified to see my damage! GRRR!!! So mad at myself!!
  16. I was off to a good start, but then I took a nosedive!! I just got a fill on the 21st, but it is definitely not enough, so I have no problem eating at all! I did try to stick with protein foods like the meats and cheeses, but went downhill from there! Now with a blizzard on the way I am stuck in the house, so I am hoping to refocus and get back on track!
  17. [quote Sorry for venting a little too much! Never aplogize for venting!! this is why we are all here...to help and support each other. You are doing great, and you will continue doing well!! Everything is a whole new learning experience. We are still working out our kinks. Soon it will all fall into place! I am hoping to behave the next few days. I had my fill of 2 cc's a few days ago and do feel minor restriction. I usually eat Chobani mixed with oatmeal for lunch, and yesterday, I could not finish the whole thing. Hoping that is a good sign of things to come. But I still do get hungry. Like the dr said, it could take about 2 weeks to feel if it is working, so I'll wait and see. Have a great holiday everyone!
  18. Had my appt today and got my first fill. They put in 2 cc's. Liquids for the next two days and mushies 2 days after that. She said I may not eel anything for about 2 weeks. I go back in a month and we'll see what happens from there. I have lost 8 lbs since my last visit a month ago. She was very pleased. She said I should lose about 1-2 pounds a week, so to keep up the great work!! But I am hungry like crazy all the time! i'm glad she was happy though. For some reason, I thought I was supposed to have lost a little more, so I feel better about my weight loss. I'll be back on solids by X-Mas , so let's see how I do!
  19. topazz

    Christmas loss

    I completely agree with you! I have not had a fill yet and I go back to the dr on the 21st, hoping he will give me one. It would be so easy for me to gorge myself like I do every year. But like you said, it is different this year. I know my limits, and I will not deny myself. I just know to be more careful.
  20. G Rose, did you go in to the appt knowing you were getting a fill? I have my appt with Dr. Geiss on Tuesday. When I was there a month ago, she told me at the next appointment we would discuss if a fill was needed or not. But I don't know if that means I will have to come back again after this appt. How long did it take to get a fill? What was involved? I am asking because I may have to bring my 3 1/2 year old son with me to the appt. and need to know waht the appt entails if I do get a fill. How much did they put in the band??
  21. YESSSS!! I am so annoyed about that !! I have to scroll through the threads every day to find our thread!! UGH!! How are you? i have not gotten back here in a few days with things just being so hectic!! It's one errand after another, gifts to buy, wrap, etc! Funm but exhausting! I try to keep busy so that I dont think about eating. I find I do so much better at work where I am preoccupied, and not think much about food. It's the weekends that get me. But like I said, I try to keep busy and not stay home so I don't sit around and eat. Today is one of those stay at home, rainy days, so I anticipate doing a lot of cleaning and wrapping to keep my busy! Deb, when are you going for your fill? I have my next appt on the 21st, but don't know if they plan to give me a fill or not. I am hoping they will. Otherwise, I will be doomed at X-Mas! I'd rather have a fill before, so that I am not so tempted to gorge myself! How is everyone else doing??
  22. It just seems like it has been so much longer than that! Maybe because I started the liquid diet on November 1? I don't know. So far I have lost a total of 26 lbs. It's been a struggle. I am hungry all of the time. But it's a struggle and I fight every day and remember my goal! I have my next appt on Dec 21, and hoping I can get a fill. I am still able to eat normally and am very careful not to. I am fighting a psychological battle right now becasue I want to keep losing weight. So I do not eat as many solid foods as I should. I still have about 2 shakes a day and a lot of Soup and yogurt. I do my best to get my Protein, but it gets so confusing! Anyway, Happy Anniversary to me!
  23. Thanks everyone!! It looks like we are doing so well!! It is really encouraging to know that we have one another here to support us through this crazy journey!! I jsut hope i make it through!
  24. evvie, I had my surgery at North Shore at Syosset. Dr. Geiss is my doctor.
  25. Thanks all!! evvieNY, are you from NY? Where are you? I am on LI

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