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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by topazz

  1. Time, I have the Ninja that I use and love! It is super easy, but I like to wash it right away, being that it has such a sharp blade and don't want it left in the sink. Hence which is why I'd prefer to prepare it at night to cut down on time in the morning.
  2. I guess maybe I could make the milk, PB and banana the night before and add the CIB in the morning. That seems pretty easy. Could I do that?? I have one on those shaker bottles to use and drink right out of. Thanks!
  3. topazz

    What do you eat each day?

    Breakfast is a shake, greek yougurt mixed with a packet of oatmeal or 2 hard boiled eggs and a fruit. lunch is salad with chicken, soup, tuna with fat free saltines or a Protein like turkey meatballs or leftover chicken from dinner Dinner is a protein and vegetable like turkey meatloaf, piece of chicken, hamburger patty or something like chili.
  4. topazz

    Then and now....

    You look incredible!!
  5. I am about 7 months out post-op and still getting fills. My last one was about 3 weeks ago, and they put in .5 cc's. I think I am at 6 cc's now. I wonder how much longer I have to go until I am at a good place!
  6. SIGH....Been so frustrated lately!! I've gone about 6 weeks and only lost a pound!! The dreaded plateau!! So with that frustration, I strayed and struggled the past few weeks. But I am finally seeing some change again, and I motivated again! At my last fill I told the PA, and asked if I was loing inches, which I know I am. But I need to see the numbers!! Hopefully, I'll be back on track and continue in the right direction!!
  7. I agree with everyone to be sure it is not a blockage. I had a similar situation, did take laxatives. I also make sure to drink A LOT of Water. I also make sure to take Fiber pills/gummies daily, as well as a stool softener. This has helped me tremendously and I have not a had a problem since. Hope you are felling better soon!
  8. Oh you look wonderful!! Of course you were wonderful before too!! But you are a skinnier wonderful now!! ) You are an inspiration.
  9. So, for over a week, I cannot lose more than a 1/2 lb. Very frustrating!! I am following all the advice here, and trying really hard to be a straight arrow and not stray. But no matter what, the scale is not moving! I think in 3 weeks, I only lost 3/4 lb. GRRR!!!!! But lately, I have a lot of pain in my port area. The pain is like soreness. Do you think there is any relation??
  10. Thanks guys!! I appreciate the words of encouragement and wisdom. True it only has been 2 weeks. But when you are on a good roll for 6 months, and then you get hit, it is frustrating!! i wish I could have lost 20 more lbs first before it hit! Now??...when I am really trying to get more weight off before the summer? I guess bathing suit shopping will be put on hold a little longer!! LOL!!
  11. First time and hoping the last time for me! I got a fill a week ago, that is finally giving me some restriction. I can feel that when I eat certain foods, they do not go down as smoothly as before, so I have been extremely conscious of making sure to eat small bites and chewing well. Well, today I was in a rush and took a piece of roast beef for lunch with some veggies. I just took a bite and the doorbell rang. I got up to answer the door, and I swallowed way too fast, and it was not pretty! I had those horrible pains in my chest and back, a little sliming, and then finally after 10 minutes, I threw up a little bit, and it was over. I kept taking deep breaths and walking around until it was over. Whew!! It was awful! I've consisntently read about these episodes, and never truly understand the feeling until now! The one good thing out of all of this, was that it was the UPS man at the door bringing me a package that contained some new clothes that are 3 sizes smaller than what I have worn! So at least I got to smile a bit after it was all over!
  12. Definitely yes!! I'm down almost 60 lbs and I feel great! I would not trade one second of it for anything! I still have a way to go, but I am looking forward to looking and feeling better and better! I have a 4 year old son who I live for, and will live for as long as I can! My mother and aunt both passed away from complications from diabetes, and I will not follow suit!
  13. My pre-op diet consisted of shakes, Healthy Choice Soup, Chobani yogurt and fat free pudding. It was not so bad for me, but I missed chewing! You need to up the Protein and lose the carbs as much as you can.
  14. Well, Spring is approaching, and 45 lbs later, there is no way my pants are fitting from last year. It is a great thing, don't get me wrong! But I am trying to figure out what to do about buying clothes for the Spring and Summer without having to spend too much money, since hopefully by next year at this time, I will need smaller sizes, and will have to buy again! I can get away with summer since, I am a teacher and do not work for the summer. Therefore, I will be happy living in my favorite Hanes tees and shorts that I buy from Wal-Mart. But I still need to get through the school year in the Spring, and need to buy a few things to get me through. I can get away with my shirts, as I often wore full cut tunic shirts. But I have to get some new pants for sure! I tend to buy the elastic waistband and roll them over to get them to stay up! Anyway, I just wanted to hear what you are all planning to do!
  15. lakegirl, it's just one week! I bet next week will be different! I had my 0 last week, and I was mostly to blame. Actually it was the back-to-back baby shower, bridal shower and birthday party that I had to attend, and all the amazing, tempting food that was there! But i lost about 2 lbs this past week, and am trying to move on. You will too! Missy, 12 lbs??? How did you do that?????? That is great!
  16. I went for my fill today and I think this is the one I have been waiting for! She put in 1cc, bringing me to about 5 1/2 cc's. Well, I am on liquids until tomorrow, and I ate a bowl of Soup for dinner. I am really full! Usually I am looking for what I can eat next, but not now! Now I really have to be extra aware of chewing my food, and swallowing to avoid stuck episodes. Normally, I have been able to chew and swallow regularly, though I always try to not do that. I am really keeping my fingers crossed, that this is what I need!
  17. topazz

    Who are you??

    I'm Tricia. I am 41 years old. Another NEW YORKER!! I am married 10 years and have a 4 year old son. Battled wieght all my life! My turnaround moment came when my mother passed 2 1/2 years ago from eventual complications from diabetes. I realized I did not want to be like me mom, who was ill for so many years. Diabetes also runs in my family. I have a 4 year old that I need to live and be there for. So I was so grateful to be given the chance to do this surgery. Best thing I ever did! I feel better and am starting to look better. I still have a ways to go, but I am headed in the right direction.
  18. topazz


    ITA with Jackie. You also need to make sure to chew your food really well and eat slowly. Let whatever is in your stomach for a minute before taking another bite. i ahve also read here that there is a papaya enzyme that you can take to help break up food quicker, but I have not tried that yet. Just remember to eat slow and small bites!! Try cutting your food right away as you get it. this way you woll not get distracted and accidentally take too big of bite that may cause a stuck episode!!
  19. Jackie, I sometimes do that with my yogurt too. I especially like to do it with the Stoneyfield Chocolate Underground. YUM!! But your lemon and strawberry sound delish!! Going to try that!!
  20. Lost 2.5 this week. Better than the ugly 0 from last week!! Feeling much better!! Thanks for all the support everyone!!
  21. Good for you!!! Hoping to get there one day!! Thanks for the inspiring news!
  22. topazz

    Jean shopping..

    Good for you!! I bet you look amazing!!
  23. I eat broccoli, peppers and lettuce without a problem. I cook the peppers and broccoli so tey are soft. But I have no trouble with lettuce. I eat either romaine or iceberg. When you start out, just take little bites and chew very well.
  24. Pam, please let us know how the book is!! Good luck on your journey and keep us posted!
  25. I'm going with the anesthesiologist thought. This happened to me where the surgery was covered 100%, but the anesth was not in my plan. So I got hit up for $1750. I had to pay it. It stunk, but I then realized that this was a drop in the hat to pay compared to what the entire procedure cost, and am fortunate to have insurance that did cover it.

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