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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AMAZED1

  1. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done Jo Jo. Pleased everything went well. Xx
  2. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I felt restriction after 5.5 mls in February. My third fill. I haven't lost a lot of weight since then buy struggle to eat so I think I have enough restriction. I go to florida on Thursday and im still worried about what I will be able to eat and how far away the toilets are!
  3. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Anyone in Newcastle Uk fancy meeting up. Got 5.5 mls in and have restriction. Not losing very much. Maybe a pound a month.
  4. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi everyone. Just to say I've lost 45 lbs so far and love my band. Have 5.5ml in and don't think I need any more. Good luck to every one. Amazed1
  5. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I have 5.5 ml in and definitely feel restriction but have only lost couple of pound since that third fill I think I'm eating the same things and need to change my diet from crackers and philadelphia lite and yogurts to something more substantial cos my body conserving the fat. And need to exercise more. What do you eat at your best restriction?
  6. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hope you make it upbeith hubby. Just tried eating Sunday dinner but wouldn't go down. Managed a few crackers and Philadelphia.
  7. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Freckles how is your daughter doing? how much fill do you have? Mine is 5.5 and think it's enough. Lovely to hear from you again.
  8. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hiya this is amazed checking in. How is everyone? I had surgery October 27. Lost 43 lbs in total. Have restriction but haven't lost for couple of weeks. Need to exercise more. X
  9. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    My weight loss slow. Need to exercise more I think. It's my weigh day tomorrow and don't think I've lost anything this week. I should be grateful that I haven't out on. Keeping everything crossed that a pound comes off by the morning. 2nd week of mushy starts tomorrow. And .... This forum is quiet, where is everyone??
  10. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi wyliecat it's me Jude xx
  11. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Oh dear!!! Why? I was told to eat chicken the size of an eraser on end of a pencil. Did you eat too big a mouthful or not chew enough. Haven't tried chicken yet.
  12. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Freckles, I've booked in for my first fill, has your daughter? Unfortunately he's not doing any December fills in Edinburgh so I'm going to have to go 25th November. four weeks after surgery. Do you think its too soon???
  13. AMAZED1

    2 weeks post op HELP

    you lost 19lb in 2 weeks - blumin heck thats fabulous. i'm 2 weeks post op on wednesday and i lost 11lb pre surgery and 7 lbs in the 2 weeks - would loved it to have been more but at least i'm not putting on yet. first fill on 25th november. sorry to hear about the reflux - i think if you search in the forums for reflux you will get some tips. good job on the weight loss. jude
  14. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi. I managed an hour gentle cycling in the gym. Didn't lose weight and ate more too. Looking forward to mushy on Wednesday.
  15. hiya saoirseghirl, i'm doing good - just had a bit of a binge tonight but haven't been sick - had those crispy toast things with philadelphia cheese on then 2 chocolate mousses. back to soup and yogurt tomorrow - feeling guilty now. but been to gym and did 1 hour gentle cycling.

  16. Hi, lovely to hear from you - i'm down six pounds since surgery so i'm elated! finding it hard keeping to yogurts and soups but i'm not hungry. One more week on that then i'll go onto the mushy stuff. I didn't get ANY gas trapped - don't know if thats cos i got up 3 times in the night after op and walked up the corridor.


    how's your weight loss been? i'm craving pasta and pizza.


    jude x

  17. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi. Dr Chris de bruyne said that one in three obese people have an hiatus hernia he will repair it but if you know you have one he would like an X-ray. Why don't you email his general manager Frederick serneels at Belgium surgery services.
  18. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I was banded on 27 October br Dr Christiaan De Bryune at the AZ Jan Portaels hospital in Vilvoorde, Belgium.* On the same evening I was able to get out of bed and walk the corridor three times which I heard alleviates gas pain.* I must say that I refused pain medication when offered it after the operation as I really did not feel in pain.* The next morning I did ask for pain relief because I knew the drain was to be removed and I was scared of what that would be like but the drain removal happened before the meds came. And honest that didn't hurt.* I still accepted the pain relief because I was pretty certain pain would kick in at some time.* I was then taken for an X-ray and asked to take three big sips of liquid so they could get a picture of the band position and liquid going through it. Again painless. *I walked down for my X-ray.* Doctor Chris then came to see me and told me everything went well. I was given a bag of medication, tablets in case I feel sick (I haven't needed them) tablets for pain (I took 2 night before travelling home and 1 in afternoon and 1 before bed 3 days post op). And injections to give myself in stomach to stop blood clot for five days - the needle is so fine it can't be felt. He also gives special socks like those used on flights to wear for about a week.* A nurse came to see me in the hotel the night before I travelled home. I was given lots of information throughout this whole procedure and is great to refer to.* Don't ever be afraid of using Dr Chris he is amazing. They have set up a direct service now called Belgium Surgery Services and the General Manager is Frederick Serneels.* Good luck everyone who is thinking of having the procedure. *I know I'm lucky to not have much pain and that everyone is different. *
  19. AMAZED1

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    I was banded on 27 October br Dr Christiaan De Bryune at the AZ Jan Portaels hospital in Vilvoorde, Belgium.* On the same evening I was able to get out of bed and walk the corridor three times which I heard alleviates gas pain.* I must say that I refused pain medication when offered it after the operation as I really did not feel in pain.* The next morning I did ask for pain relief because I knew the drain was to be removed and I was scared of what that would be like but the drain removal happened before the meds came. And honest that didn't hurt.* I still accepted the pain relief because I was pretty certain pain would kick in at some time.* I was then taken for an X-ray and asked to take three big sips of liquid so they could get a picture of the band position and liquid going through it. Again painless. *I walked down for my X-ray.* Doctor Chris then came to see me and told me everything went well. I was given a bag of medication, tablets in case I feel sick (I haven't needed them) tablets for pain (I took 2 night before travelling home and 1 in afternoon and 1 before bed 3 days post op). And injections to give myself in stomach to stop blood clot for five days - the needle is so fine it can't be felt. He also gives special socks like those used on flights to wear for about a week.* A nurse came to see me in the hotel the night before I travelled home. I was given lots of information throughout this whole procedure and is great to refer to.* Don't ever be afraid of using Dr Chris he is amazing. They have set up a direct service now called Belgium Surgery Services and the General Manager is Frederick Serneels.* Good luck everyone who is thinking of having the procedure. *I know I'm lucky to not have much pain and that everyone is different. *
  20. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Took three walks during night. Had drain removed by seven am. Had X-ray. Saw dr Chris got meds etc and now back at hotel. Will definitely see u later. It's not freddy tonight he's in Uk it's a different nurse called Chris. See u later xx
  21. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well I'm off for a walk now. Down the corridor cos I feel good. The pain meds DID wear off a while ago via since surgery young girl next to me had two more pain drips put up but she sounds good and looks well. So see you tomorrow freckles!
  22. AMAZED1

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hi. Writing frm my hospital bed. Had surgery almost twelve hours ago and haven't needed pain relief at all. Not allowed even a sip of water. Just have to sponge a bit around mouth. But hey all good. Get X-ray tomorrow and drain removed and go back to hotel. X good luck those tomorrow.
  23. AMAZED1

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi. Just up from recovery. Feeling bit fuzzy around edges. Not great pain. Fab!!
  24. AMAZED1

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hi. Me too. Wednesday. Check n on each other!!! Good luck us!
  25. AMAZED1

    October 2010 Bandsters!!

    Hi. Me too. Wednesday. Check n on each other!!! Good luck us!

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