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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by vivalady

  1. Hi Everyone, I was so relieved to find this tread I was beginning to think there was something wrong... I was banded on the 27th of September 2010 and I have to say its been an eye opener...!

    I have been sleeping on my back since the operation and just as I started to get over the swelling, gas and generally feeling tired from the anaesthetic my back has now gone into spasm's. Don't get me wrong I am still determined and happy that I have gone through with the band but you do feel very isolated and frightened and reading everyone else’s experiences really helps. Now I know that within a week I will feel much better, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, thanks everyone..x

    Vivalady x :smile2:

  2. Hi Guys, I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed reading all your posts. I was banded on the 27/09/10 in Sheffield so I am now 4 days post opp and I am pleased to say that today I feel so much better. Wow, the trapped wind was a real killer, I am still having a little shoulder pain but its much better today so my swelling must be going down. I would love to find out what kind of foods you are all finding to eat at different stages, I'm just making some homemade vegetable soup...its making my mouth Water, I can only take so much daytime t.v, cup a Soup, bovril and slimfast. :thumbup:

    Speak soon...x

  3. Hi, I can't offer too much advise on who to choose but all I can say is that I chose to stay close to home with local support and unlimited fills for 2 years with Gateway. I was banded on the 27th September 2010 by Dr Ackroyd in Sheffield, it all went really well, lovely hospital and helpful hospital staff who made me feel really comfortable. My Gateway consultant has contacted me every day since being home by telephone and talked me through the early stages. I think you have to look at all the options, I have read lots of threads where people have gone abroad and been really happy, for me I have a family and did not want to be too far away from them. I hope you find whats right for you, I am sure it will be a success whatever you choose.

    Good luck...:drool:

  4. I got my surgery date Thursday and it is set for September 21st. I am so excited and nervous as I am sure many people are. I have to be on a 1200 calorie diet till the 19th then I am on full liquids till surgery which is two days. I started the 1200 calorie diet today and I have such guilt because I did so great and then blew it tonight and ended up at 1700 calories for the day. Now in the past that would be awesome to stay at 1700 calories but, I am just nervous that its my first day and I have already gone over. I am probably being too hard on myself but it just makes me question my willpower. I will try not to dwell on it and start a new day tomorrow. Just wanted to vent. :w00t:

    Hi Melissa, I too have just received my surgery date, September 27th. I am yet to start me pre opp diet but can only imagine that its hard. I have been told I must try to eat only 3 pints of skimmed milk and 2 yogurts a day. :smile:

    You have to keep going tomorrow is another day and it will be a better one. Keep up the good work and good luck :bored:

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