I have had a few stuck incidents, but only two slime incidents. If I take too big of a bite or eat to fast and get stuck, I can usually just go to the bath room and it will come right back up. However if I REALLY get stuck and it won't come up or go down.... then the slime starts. For me is a thick mucusy substance. I was told it was caused by the esophogues trying to create lubercation to pass the food thru. Worst instance was about a week ago..... go stuck on a flour tortilla and american cheese. As soon as a swallowed that last bite I felt it........ waited it out, nothing. After about an hour, realized it was gonna be a long wait and headed to the drug store to find some papaya enzyme tabs. They didn't have any.... went back home and was running to the sink about every 3 minutes. A friend and I left for a road trip, and for the next 3 hours I sat in the passenger seat, plastic bottle in hand., sliming the entire way. Finally when we stopped, for gas... a restroom trip and a good heave later it cleared. Neeless to say, tortillas and cheese don't have any appeal to me anymore.