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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jguttery

  1. jguttery

    Are there any guys here?

    Hey y'all, I'm 10 days away from my band surgery. Just found this thread and thought I'd say Hi! John
  2. Congrats on beginning your journey. Ask your surgeon any and every thing you can think of. Out-patient vs In-patient, when they normally do the first fill, what type of diets are required both pre-op and post op. Read,everything you can, and become as informed as you can about life after the surgery and what to expect, and above all believe in yourself!!!! John
  3. For the most part I fall under the belief that most all protein's are the same... Protein is protein. It's just finding one that you can drink with out adding too many more ingrediants in boosting up calories. I have been using the GNC AMP Wheybolic 60. I like it but think I may try the Isopure No Carb next. One hint, buy the vanilla, then if you want chocolate... add a little no sugar Nesquick. John
  4. Hey Terri, it get's easier as the days build. At least for me it did. Today is Day 6 pre-op diet, and today is the first day I didn't wake up hungery. and run to the kitchen for my first meal of the day. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! John
  5. jguttery


    Best thing to do is call your surgeon and ask. I went to one seminar given by a surgeon... then found out he was out of network with my insurance and required all the fees upfront, and I would be re-imbursed when the insurance setteled with them. I ended up finding another surgeon that was in network and when I told him I had attended a seminar already he said there was no reason for me to attend another. However..attending the seminar of the surgeon performing your surgery would give you a little more insight of his expectations and what to you should expect from him. John
  6. jguttery

    liquid diet headache

    I had a slight headache on day 1 and day 2... but it was not so bad I needed to take anything. Did you gave up caffeine at the same time? Coming off caffeine will give you terrible headaches!! As long as your blood pressure isn't high...there shouldn't be too much to worry about. John
  7. jguttery

    Can not vomit...problem?

    You're body asborbs the alcohol through the intestines, and tranfered to the blood stream and into the organs of the body, most of it detoxified by the liver.
  8. jguttery

    my poor husband

    Don't you know that's our way of saying "Baby, you look so beautiful tonight." :thumbup:
  9. Well I would hope that some of us "pre-op trollers" are here to become better informed on the journey we have begun. I know personally I have gained unlimited insight from reading the posts of everyone here, and maybe just once and awhile we find a post that we are urged to comment on. Hate to cut it short... but it's time to go troll "powder room gone wild":thumbup:
  10. jguttery

    Did you "transition" into the liquid diet?

    Every surgeon is different, some require a liquid only diet, some put you and the Atkins, some it's High Protein/Low Carb.... and other's it's no diet at all.
  11. jguttery

    Did you "transition" into the liquid diet?

    No liquid only pre-op diet for me, but it did slowly transition into my pre-op diet a few days before. But did not have any Protein drinks until the day I started my pre-op diet. I was tempted, but I wanted to use the Protein Drinks as a way to tell my brain...THIS IS DAY ONE, YOU'RE ON YOUR WAY!!! John
  12. jguttery

    Worth the read

    Very interesting acticle! I'm on day 5 of my pre-op diet, and just 12 days away from surgery. One thing I realized the other night is that it's going to be a lifestyle change....... I'm the one that controls what and how much food goes in my mouth, the band is just there as a guide and tool.Thanks for posting such a great link! John
  13. jguttery

    Day 2 Pre-op Diet

    I look forward to my protein shakes!!!! However, If I had been a a liquid only pre-op I know they wouldn't be so appealing. Day 5 for me..... and 3 pounds gone since Saturday. Been fairly easy so far and I haven't gave into temptation. Even when a co-worker order pizza and offered up a slice. Pizza has always been one of my quantity foods. One thing I like about my pre-op is that it's about portion control and better food choices, which I hope will set me up for healthier eating post surgery. Congrats on begining your journey!!!! John
  14. Okay Y'all, I'm on day two of my pre-op. I guess I am a little lucky, because my doctor on me doing, protein shakes, lean meats and starchless carbs. Feelin' a lack of energy... but overall feeling good. Made a awesome protein drink today. 1 scoop protein powder, 8 ounces of almond milk, and 1 teaspoon of whipped peanut butter, then blend till smooth. It's about 22g of protein and 185 calories John
  15. jguttery

    What about beer?

    Thanks.... I'm fine with giving up beer... just gonna miss a cold PBR now and then. Never been one to fancy mixer anyways!
  16. I have found that each surgeon has different requirements. I went to a seminar held ny one surgeon, received their packet (45 pages), which included a PCP letter, attending one additional seminar, full history of diets, then found out he was out of network with my insurance company. They also required attending one support group a month, and one office visit a month for 18 months after surgery (out of pocket exspense). Called my insurance company and they gave me the name of the only in-state in-network surgeon. Called their office and they mailed me a 4 page package, they called my PCP, no additional seminar, no mandated follow-up support group meeting, no requirement for a monthly office visit.. so after a lengthy answere the short answer is it depends on your surgeon of choice and your insurance company
  17. jguttery

    Protein Shake Ideas

    I used the GNC AMP protien powder too, but only use one scoop instead of the 3 scoop serving size. I also discovered Almond Milk... great stuff. I used the vanilla flavor add too it... for chocolate, it's no-sugar add NesQuick. Made a protien shake tonight with the powder, NesQuick and 1 teaspoon of peanut butter. Great Stuff, and is about 195 calories and 22 grams protien. I've mixed it a couple of pineapple chunks with the plain vanilla powder and it was really good too.
  18. jguttery

    One day to surgery day

    Best of luck to you on Wednesday... .I'm sure you will do fine.....keep us posted. John
  19. Cool! That's my band date too!!! Best of luck in your journey! John
  20. jguttery

    Day 2 Pre-op Diet

    I am scheduled for 11/1.... Doc has me on a 2 week pre-op diet but I started it two days early. Today was better that yesterday as far as hunger pains go and the 8 cups of water went easier today. Best of luck on surgery day to you!!!
  21. I bought the GNC Amped Wheybolic 60, but using only one scoop (20 grams protein) instead of the package listing of three scoops. So I get triple the serving from one container. My Doc has me be on a pre-op of two shakes, plus two high protien/low carb meals a day. John
  22. jguttery

    Is my Nutritionist keeping me fat - Part 2

    I would listen to the Bariatric Nutritionist advice about lower calories. The only way to loss body fat is to eat fewer calories than are burned. Get rid of all starchy carbs, and don't overload on protein.
  23. Protein shakes never taste as good as real food. Think of it as Coke vs Diet coke. Most people the first time they drink a diet drink hate it.... but then you acquire a taste for it. My pre-op diet starts next Monday and I just bought my protein at GNC a couple of hours ago.
  24. I start my pre-op diet on Monday the 18th, surgery on 11-1-10, so it looks like I will be kicking November off banded. I have my pre-op surgeons appt today. The pre-op diet is weighing on my mind, neither is the 2 week clear liquid diet after surgery. It's weeks 3-4 on "mushies"... actually it's the thought of pureed chicken, turkey, or any meat for that matter. Good luck all!!!!!!! John G

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