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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jguttery

  1. It was probably day 4 before I really got a great nights sleep in bed and that was making sure I didn't roll over to my port side. I found taking some pain med, just before bed helped a lot!!!!
  2. It's great to hear you are feeling better. 15 pounds is amazing!!! Go pick up an object that weighs that much, and you will realize just how much you have stopped carrying around.
  3. My gas pains were never in my shoulder either....maybe the first night but after that it was just mainly a bloated full feeling. I had the stomach grumbles too, but someone had said that was part of the healing.... felt like hunger grumbles but they weren't. Also Ducolax was a great relief for me..... got things moving!!!! However it wasn't the gentle overnight relief like it said on the box... more like 4 hrs and off the couch and headed to the bathroom in a hurry, LOL.
  4. Hey Everyone, It's been a few days since I've posted, but hope everyone is doing fine. I'm doing well... still some discomfort in my port site, but the gas. The steri strips on the incisions are gone, and all but one band-aid is gone. Still keeping the largest incision covered. I go back to work Friday night, so I am wondering if there will be any discomfort at my port site with my body armor over it. The great news is that the scale read 280lbs this morning. That's 17 pounds lost post-op!!!!! Deb, I know how you are feeling.... after over a week on liquids, I am ready for some kind of texture. I too have added a little more into my diet..... no major meal yet, just stopped straining all the cream soups, so there are small bites to chew on. I'm totally off my pain meds now, but like you was taking one right before bed and that really helped me through the night. Congrats to all the newest bandsters!!!! John
  5. jguttery

    10-31-10 Pre-op

    From the album: Post OP Photos

  6. jguttery

    Week 1 post-op 11-8-10

    From the album: Post OP Photos

  7. The Isopure Zero Carb flavors mix fairly well with water. I'm not a huge milk fan, but I did like using almond milk instead of dairy milk. less calories, less carbs. Also I found fat free yogurt, and puddings were a great subsitute when mixed in with some water. Just be careful and watch the calories/fat/carbs you are adding into the shakes.
  8. I'm feeling a lot better today.... still have that bloated feeling, but not near as bad as yesterday. I know exactly what you mean about wanting to chew on something..... chicken sounded really good right now!!!!
  9. jguttery

    full liquid diet

    I've been on full liquids for a couple of days so far.... and canned soups are starting to get boring..... so this morning I made cream of chicken, with a can of Rotel, cilantro, and a little bit of fat free sour cream.... it was a nice change from most of the plain cream of whatever soups.
  10. I'm sure liquid Tylenol is fine... you might want to call your Doc and ask. My doc told me to take medications as normal and not worry about if they were liquid or not. I haven't had a problem yet with any of them... and I was banded on Monday. I had a slight headache yesterday, but once I increased my fluid intake it went away.
  11. jguttery

    Turned away for cheating

    Most people will tell you that the pre-op diet is intended to shrink the liver... and it is. Trust me you want that to happen. It keeps the procedure from becoming an open procedure. My surgeon told me after the operation, that he could tell I pretty much stuck to the pre-op diet... and for the most part I did. My only cheats were a few cucumber slices and three pork rinds over a 16 day period. I know all the pre-op diets are challenging... but do your best to stick to it.
  12. jguttery

    Stomach bloated??

    I understand exactly what you are going through, I was banded on Monday... never did have too much shoulder pain though... however I feel bloated and heavy. It's from the gas they use during surgery to expand the abdomen. Like the others said... it will eventually go away, it just takes time. I've tried Gas-X, I've tried walking......it's just gonna take time.
  13. Hey Y'all, Hoping that everyone who has had surgery this week is doing just fine, and anyone having surgery today the best of luck. Yesterday was a no energy day for me. I didn't take my pain medication all day.... and felt miserable. Not because of the pain... just a general no energy, bloated gassy day. For the most part it was just a day of the blahs!!!!!! Transitioned to full liquids... so creamed Soups were a nice change. Would love to be able to actually chew on something though. Had one nice discovery... in the hospital I was told I had four small incisions and two larger ones.... pulled back one of the lager band-aids and it was just a small 1 cm incision. So that makes 5 small and 1 larger (which isn't that large anyways, probably about 2"). Hope everyone has a wonderful day... I plan on making today better than yesterday!!!!:frown:
  14. jguttery

    Hungry and scared

    I wouldn't worry about being hungry.... it's normal. Your body is healing. Just follow your post op diet instructions and you'll be fine... Yesterday was day 3 post op for me and my appetite has increased... John
  15. No leg cramps, just a tingling in my legs every once and a while..... mainly when I've been sitting or laying down to long.
  16. Yea for you Deb!!!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!!!
  17. Congrats on beginning your journey. Your doc will probably tell you no carbonated drinks... besides sodas and sweetened drinks are a bunch of empty calories and self defeating. I was a huge soda addict too, however I quit them cold turkey and haven't missed them one bit. Some docs feel that carbonated beverages may stretch the pouch. As far as lifting, I had surgery on Monday and am not allowed to lift anything more than 20 pounds for 2 weeks. It's a precaution to make sure the body heals well after surgery.
  18. I would recommend taking the cpap with you., Right after recovery when I was drifting in and out of sleep, my o2 level dropped to 83% but came back up after my cpap was put on.... just my 2cents.
  19. Best of Luck today Deb, and my prayers are with you. You will do great...... my diet is clear liquid for a few days then to cream soups and regular liquids for a week. Let us know how you are doing.
  20. Hi Dana,

    Hope you are doing well ...... thanks for the add!!!!

  21. Thanks Dana,


    I hope you are doing well! You're right, It's gonna be an exciting journey!

  22. As of yesterday I am banded. The surgery went well, and a one night stay in the hospital. I'm sore, especially around the port area. Feeling a little better tonight than I did this morning. No bad gas pains....thank God!!! Trying to stay hydrated.. and sipping, sipping sipping.
  23. Deb, Best of luck tomorrow! You will be fine. Now ya got me hungry for McDonalds, but will have to pretend with my broth and SF popsicles. Had my surgery yesterday and feeling a lot better tonight. Sore but not unbearable. No gas pains... maybe a little last night... but not bad.
  24. I'm Banded!!!! Had my surgery yesterday morning. Everything went fine. I'm sore and moving slow but nothing unbearable. Guess I got lucky no bad gas pains.... just a little last night after I got moving around some. Came home this morning, the pain meds are good and sugar free Popsicle are great.

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