First of all, congrads on your appeal and win!
How stressful it must have been to finally make the decision to do this then not get the support from your insurance company.
Ok, so first let me comment on your tests.. Having just gone through them myself last week-its not that bad-so dont get yourself too worked up over it. However, if they find something wrong, like in my case i had galstones in my galbladder-those have to be removed first, before they band you. Most people who are obese will have galstones. My dr said about 85% of people who have the insurance required ultrasound (not xray) will have galstones. I was hoping they would take out the galbladder and do the lap band at the same time.. Nope. You have to have at least a two week break in between surgeries. This is in order to make sure there is no bile running into your stomach which would cause you to throw up if the lap band was on. On the bright side, the galbladder removal is the most common surgery done today. The only reason im telling you this is so you are prepared -as chances are you will need to get that removed.
Ok, so for the pre op diet which i start next week-here is what i was told:
14 day partial liquid diet:
Breakfast and lunck-
any protien drink as long as its mixed with Water, not milk, like slim fast fruit flavors. Diet juices (not soda), broth based soups-no meat or chunks/veggies.,other options are Optifast, iso pure, myoplex, and whey powder which you can find at any vatamin store like gmc.
Dinner: Very lean chicken breast with no skin, or fish. Broiled or baked. Not fried or broth liquids. If you can stand it, you could still do the slim fast option for all three meals. No veggies, no beef or pork. You need 20/30 grams of serving for each meal if you do powder drinks only.
Good luck and let us know how it works out for you and what your experience was!
Its important that you do this for two weeks without cheating as my dr states you will have complications at surgery.
This is just what my print out says from my dr. He never gave me a "diet option"-GOOD LUCK!