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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by flowerpot

  1. you are all right. i am going to my dr. today to discuss my concerns and ask more questions. while i did research and tried to listen pre op - i think i was in a haze. just plain hoping it would be the answer to my lifelong battle.

    i didn't even consider the "regularity" issue. that's been a whole other problem!

    thanks to all of you who let me share, you are who i have....

  2. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR THIS! i didn't tell people because of all the past failures. You lose 10 lbs. and friends/family say "keep going, you look so good!"...next time they see you, you put it back on and feel like double the failure.

    i appreciate your advise and will order that stuff pronto. i keep saying to myself, if i'm on liquids and not eating...i should be losing without the fill. but i'm not. so that's what i accept.

    your words helped more than you know.

  3. i got my lap bad a week ago. i went through the process alone. didn't tell my family or any friends. i was banded on december 3rd and went to work on the 4th - tired but did ok for fear of people finding out. people around me think they are fat at 125 pounds. but i need support so i reach out to all of you.

    is it normal to be hungry still? i have another week of liquids and have not cheated but it's getting harder. the gas in the back and stomach can be so difficult to deal with and my incision itches and hurts but is not hot to the touch, red nor does it smell bad - so should i not worry? can i put something on it?

    i go to my dr. for a checkup on thursday. what is done on that first post op? why do they wait so long for the fill? and how do i know what is the right fill for me?

  4. I am new to this board today. I was banded on December 2nd, 2006 and went thru the process myself -I even returned to work two days later. I felt no pain, didn't take any meds but seem to just be more tired at the end of the day. I decided to tell no one. Now I realize that I have to do this with people and decided to reach out to all of you for support and answers.

    I'm 6 days out of the operation and have not eaten any solids of course. I am beginning to get really really hungry but can't seem to keep down the Protein shakes. I have been eating the slim fast. Anyone have other ideas for me? Mostly, i just drink tea, broth and Water.

    When the fills start, does the hunger subside?:help:

  5. I am new to this board today. I was banded on December 2nd, 2006 and went thru the process myself -I even returned to work two days later. I felt no pain, didn't take any meds but seem to just be more tired at the end of the day. I decided to tell no one. Now I realize that I have to do this with people and decided to reach out to all of you for support and answers.

    I'm 6 days out of the operation and have not eaten any solids of course. I am beginning to get really really hungry but can't seem to keep down the Protein shakes. I have been eating the slim fast. Anyone have other ideas for me? Mostly, i just drink tea, broth and Water.

    When the fills start, does the hunger subside?:help:

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