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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jdaycare

  1. jdaycare

    4 wks. post op!

  2. jdaycare

    October 2010 Bandsters

    Hi, I got banded Oct. 7th. and am also a tricare patient, they approved me within days.....so you will have no problem with that! I am alot older than you, but I will say you have the best years of your life ahead of you, I wish I wouldn't have wasted so many of my good years being fat!! I'm so ready though.....I've lost 32 #'s already and hope to keep it coming off that quickly! My body kinda gave up on me this last week, but thanks to a wonderful husband I should be on the mend soon!! Good luck with your journey! Jen
  3. 3 days till surgery! I cant wait! 25#'s down!

  4. jdaycare

    So far I

    You look amazing! Can I ask how tall you are? You did not look that big to begin with....at least I know with my height, I could never wear a dress like that! Great job, I cant wait to start posting my after pics!!
  5. Got a jump start on the pre-op diet, still 10 days out from my surgery date! Down 18 #'s!

  6. I had my pre-op Dr. appt. and labs today! My LAP-BAND?? date is Oct. 7, 2010! I cant wait! :w00t:I start my pre-op diet tomorrow! I will post my weight after those 2 weeks are complete!:thumbup:

  7. jdaycare

    Side view!

    From the album: 4 wks. post op!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
