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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by cyndilou29

  1. cyndilou29

    lump, scared!!!!!

    I'm so glad you posted this. I've been having that problem too. Everything makes me feel like that. I eat very little so I don't think I'm "Pouch Packing" (never heard that one before - yuck!). Mine feels like I have a lump of mucus or something. I'm going to call my doctor. And I thought I was opening up! Darn!
  2. cyndilou29

    Help-Incision not healing?

    Had the same issue. Until you see your doc, try peroxide and a "bandage that breathes" - not plastic. That's what he had me do. It's fine now. If not, he can open it up and take out the stitch. That happened to me with a previous surgery - sounds worse than it is, I swear.
  3. cyndilou29

    Pain in Lower left side (ovary area?)

    Did they do an ultrasound of your pelvis? I had a large cyst on my ovary and it felt similar to what you are saying. Worth asking, but Annie is right, it is very difficult to pin down pain. I hope you feel better soon and keep us updated
  4. cyndilou29

    Help.....Covered in hives!!

    You should call your doctor asap. It appears as though you are definitely having a reaction to something. While I'm not a doctor, I doubt you would have a reaction this severe after 3 weeks. It doesn't follow the typical progression for an allergy. Keep us posted. I hope you are feeling well soon!
  5. cyndilou29

    Clear Protien Suppliments

    Actually, Isopure makes a clear protein drink. I didn't think they tasted bad at all. The Grape Frost is the best but the Pineapple one isn't too bad. Didn't love Fruit Punch so I added some Crystal Light Fruit Punch to it and it was much better. 1 bottle is 40 gm of protein.
  6. I had the exact same problem. You are probably just a little swollen. I was told to either empty the capsule or take it with very warm liquid (it dissolves quicker). Check with your pharmacist to see if you can empty the capsule. Just go really easy today, stick with warm liquids. If it doesn't get better call doctor in the am. Keep us posted
  7. cyndilou29

    What was the last straw?

    The thing that did it for me was a trip to Florida. I've always loved roller coasters and I've been there a thousand times. Well this time, on the Hulk (ironic, isn't it?) I couldn't get the bar down. I was too fat to go on the ride and the stupid kid working it made it loud and clear to everyone on the ride and waiting in line. I was humiliated and said "that's it". I knew I was done dieting and failing and this was my last choice.
  8. cyndilou29

    self pay concerns/questions

    I went into this assuming I was paying the whole thing myself, approximately $18000 including pre-op, surgery, and 1 year of follow up visits and fills. This includes "complications", ie I had to go back in the hospital because I was swollen shut and couldn't get any liquid down. However, even though the surgery is excluded specifically on my policy, they have so far paid $2500. Not much in the grand scheme of things but every little bit helps.
  9. Hello Hello Kitty, Honestly, it is so different for everyone. I know many that cannot get bread down at all while others can get it down no problem. Thin crust pizza seems to be okay for most but not all. Pasta, sometimes yes and sometimes no. It just depends. I got my "mushies" down fine but got stuck on some vanilla pudding. You'll just have to see what happens. Trust me, if you get stuck on a food, you won't miss it that much. You will be able to eat it but it will be so unpleasant, you really won't want to.
  10. Thanks Deb. I got my mushies down and feel good. It was tough because I was nervous but it was fine. I'm surprised at how well it went down but I literally chewed and chewed plus I took teeny little bites. It's funny, I don't think I ever really chewed pudding before but I do now! Who knew ff, sf pudding could taste so good!
  11. cyndilou29

    What was your first consulation like?

    That's a crazy amount of money for just a consult. Why won't your insurance cover the psych and the nutritionist? Maybe they would be willing to split that out? Sounds weird to me....
  12. If you were just banded a few days ago, I would avoid anything too thick. I know the clear liquid phase stinks but you're almost done. I would stick with broth, as distasteful as it is, until you can have full liquids (the 13th?). Then you can have all kinds of creamed soups and such. It's 4 more days, you can do it.
  13. cyndilou29

    I need Advice

    Mercy, I would re-post this in another thread. I think you will get more response. If you are not keeping things in you need to take some saline out. If you continue to vomit, you are risking the band slipping and you definitely don't want that. They can take SOME of the saline out without completely emptying the band, don't give up. You are probably just overfilled this time. A little out will help keep things down. Don't second guess yourself. Sometimes, it's a process to get everything "just right". You'll get there. Please call your surgeon and tell him/her what you are experiencing and your fears. Keep us updated.
  14. cyndilou29

    HELP! 1st, 2nd, 3rd PBs

    I haven't had a PB (hope I never do) but I've never heard anyone say it was "easy". Most people I've heard say it is similar to throwing up. I may be wrong here but that's exactly what it sounds like to me. You just have to lay off until things settle down and I would stay on liquids for a bit. If you are concerned, call your doctor now but I would definitely call on Monday either way.
  15. I'm 2 weeks out and supposed to be moving to mushies but I'm terrified! I'm sitting here with a plate of cottage cheese and I'm so scared to eat the stupid thing. Terrified of being "stuck". Do you think it was the bread? What did the doctor say you should be eating right now? I thought mushies were okay (ie hummus). Aaahhh! You scared me!
  16. cyndilou29

    Travel concerns

    I was banded 2 weeks ago and I've been on a trip already. I didn't have any issues. The only problem is finding food that I can eat. I brought my protein shake stuff with me but eating out is a chore when you are on liquids. If you can wait, it would be better. It's always better to be healed before you travel like that. If not, you won't have too much trouble with the band itself, I wouldn't think. I felt tighter while flying too for some reason!
  17. cyndilou29

    New member

    I walked in with years of history too but my doc wanted it so that you "shrink your liver". Every program is different, unfortunately. There really isn't one uniform requirement. Tracy I love looking at your tracking sheet. You can really see the changes, it's amazing. Good for you!
  18. cyndilou29

    Denied for only being on 1 med

    I think Lauren is right. I did it completely self pay and I had a few complications in the beginning. The hospital included the "extras" that I needed in my original fee. We thought we might have to remove the band because I wasn't getting anything down (it was swelling related) and my insurance would pay for it. Anything that is medically necessary, they will pay. Mine just didn't think putting it IN was medically necessary. They stink.
  19. Well there's a thread that gets your attention! I'm recently banded so I don't think I'm a good example. I'm on liquids only and let's just say this: liquids in, liquids out. If you get my meaning..... LOL
  20. cyndilou29

    Happy with Lap Band?

    I've had a lot of complications (minor ones) and I'm only 2 weeks out but I've been in and out of the hospital a few times since. However, I would do it again in a heartbeat. I really think it's the best thing I have ever done. I've never spoken with anyone that were unhappy. My mother in law had it done in March and she's thrilled too.
  21. I'm so sorry you are feeling the gas pain. Honestly, there is no quick fix. You just have to walk, walk, walk and maybe, if your doc okays it, take some Motrin to take the edge off. It will get better, just try to hang in there....
  22. Walk, walk, walk, walk. And then walk some more. I found a heating pad helped a little and the Motrin definitely helped too. Honestly though, it was the walking that helped the most. Hang in there, it gets better I swear!
  23. cyndilou29


    Yay!!!! Congratulations and Happy Bandiversary!
  24. Hi guys, I'm feeling a little scared and need someone to talk to me down off the ledge here. I am 5 days post-op and I'm not getting enough down. I am currently getting about 8oz of Water, 6 -8 oz of broth and less than 8 oz of Protein in. My doc said I need a bare MINIMUM of 48 oz of liquid a day. I'm not even close and I have to force the little bit of liquid I'm having. When he placed the band he said it was really loose and that I probably wouldn't have very much restriction (HAH!) but since the surgery I'm having a LOT of addominal swelling and I can't get anything in. My stomach is ENORMOUS. I'm down 20lbs and clothes that I wore before I lost the weight are too tight - that's how swollen I am right now. Has anyone had this happen? I'm terrified as I'm self pay and I just don't have the money to have a lot of tests or take this out. I had a barium swallow and the barium went down okay - slow but okay. I just can't get things in. What am I going to do? I'm trying so hard not to cry because I know that will only make it harder to get things in but I'm just frightened and sad.
  25. cyndilou29


    Missy, I am so sorry. My heart is breaking for you and your family right now. You are fine on liquids, don't even worry about it. When you are stressed sometimes that band tightens up and it will be difficult to get anything else down anyway. I know you are worried about your surgery, but I am having a similar issue. I feel bulgey on the left side and it hurts me too. I've had trouble getting things down as well. I met with my surgeon who told me all is well I'm just healing a little slowly. Given your ordeal I am sure it is the same with you. When you are stressed, your body does not heal as quickly. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. You are going to get through this and you are going to be okay. Please keep us updated.

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