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Posts posted by missjoany

  1. I have to catch up on my reading, but I wondered if anyone else was having this problem. My incision looks good, does look like it is healing, but it is really pulling and is painful. I am hoping its just the scabbing up of the incision? Has anyone else had this problem??

    Made it through day three at work, and the gang getting Smithfield barbecue and bringing in cupcakes. I want to thank whoever told me about nuking Egg Beaters cause they have been a lifesaver!!

  2. I returned to work yesterday too. Unfortunately I did not sleep well the night before so was really tired. Getting to midnight was a challenge, I think I could hear the clock tick away each minute, and then the drive home. But I am so excited to share!! I had found a Klondike bar in the freezer, and I threw it out. And when I got to work there was birthday cake and ice cream. I pulled out my egg beaters and cheese and didn't really think about it. I was extremely hungry all night however, but hung in there. When I got home, I was starving. In the past I would eat whatever I could find. This time though I ate a cottage cheese and had a Protein drink. I fell asleep on the couch, woke up around 0330 and then went to bed. Two people had noticed I lost weight.

    I am kinda bummed though, as my doctor's office never signed any of the paperwork for my disability claim, and it's about to be denied. So no pay for three weeks. They never even signed my work release form to go back to work yesterday. But I think it was worth it.

  3. Good Afternoon, it's looking like winter is coming here- not really but cold and rainy.

    I am back to work, of course many yummy treats in the kitchen that I am ignoring. no one here knows, no one but my husband knows- oh yeah and all of you!!!

    feeling pretty good, but I could just lay down and take a nap.

    and today I was able to have some drinkable yogurt- oh was that yummy. Kefir here I come. I'm actually looking forward to a protien shake later this week. that Isopure is some kind of foul- it's like Syrup. I made my family some killer Soups this week so I could take the broth.

    7 days post op! wow.

    Thanks all for being here.

    I heard kefir is really good. Sorry you didn't like the Isopure. They have drinks that are like kool aid that I drank for the first week, those weren't bad. But homemade Soup certainly does sound awesome. pureed Soups are quite tasty.

  4. I was looking for you guys!

    Yesterday was my first day that I was able to keep my fluids down.

    I went for my post op visit today and am very dehydrated. I wasn't surprised because because I knew I had not been drinking like should since it came right back up again. Dr. Gorjala wanted me to go have IV fluids at the hospital, but since I am able to drink today, I asked him to let me see if I could do it on my own with gatorade and my other drinks. I go back tomorrow morning, so I am hoping things will be better by then.

    I tried to go back to work yesterday and could only make it for half a day and went home at lunch. I am taking the whole day off today, but might try half days for the rest of the week.

    On a positive note, I lost at least 10 pounds since the day of my surgery. My personal goal is to be less than 200 lbs by Halloween.

    Glad you are coming along. You did the right thing but going back slowly. It is nice to set a goal, good luck.

  5. Hi to the new faces!

    Ok, folks, I need some cooking help. This week I am very excited to be adding baked fish to my diet BUT, shameful admission ahead. . .

    I have ruined every piece of fish I've ever tried to make at home.

    How the heck do you cook fish so that it is done, and soft, and flakey, and not overcooked? I am generally a good cook but fish flummoxes me!

    First post-surgery appt tomorrow afternoon-- I'll find out then when my first fill is.

    I'm afraid I cheated when it comes to cooking fish. I bought Gorton's tilapa and salmon. Already portioned out. You just pop it in the microwave. It's really good.

  6. Hi MissJoany !

    Does your Doctor allow you to eat right after a fill ? I don't want to be a spoil sport and for all I know your Doctor is different but My Doctor says I have to do a shortened modified food plan after every fill. 2 days liquid, 2 days Mushies, 2 days soft for me to adjust to the fill. Just like right the initial surgery but only 2 days for each phase. It is tohelp me adjust to the fill.

    Every Doctor is different as you can see by their eating plans / stages after initial surgery ... so your Doctor might be different.

    -Brian :unsure:

    I'll be sure to ask on 10/15 Brian, I certainly don't want a mishap at the luncheon. Maybe I will just take some Protein Drinks with me.

  7. Boy this is difficult... I really had a giggle imagining taking a tub of cottage cheese to bed with me. You are full of great ideas and Ihadn't thought of that at all. Roll on first fill.... we'll just have to do what we can to stave off the starved feelings with fat free stuff. All the best for the new week - my second week of pureed food. hmmm

    Thanks for that laugh Bunny. I had to keep a spoon on the top of the cottage cheese to keep four footed friends from having some!! The only people food they like is cottage cheese and yogurt, go figure.

  8. Hello, All! This is my first post since being switched to the new Sept Bandsters thread. Thanks, Brian, for doing the switch! I've been banded since 9/22 and I'm getting ready to go back to work tomorrow. I'm kind of on the fence about it. There's been a lot of changes taking place in the last week and a half! Anyway, I'm still on my liquid diet for two more days, but as of Wednesday packing my mushy food to work should be a lot easier. My biggest concern at this stage is being so weak. I work 10-12 hours days and I'm not sure I can do it this week. I've been sooooo tired I can hardly go without a nap! Where is everyone else on this?

    It's been great reading about everyone and how we're all coping with the same issues. I look forward to a long journey will all of you!

    I felt the same way Kitty. I ended up taking another week off. I forced myself to exercise though, and that has helped. But I did sleep when I felt like it. I was up all hours of the night and day, and napping whenever. After a few more days my energy started coming back. But that extra week did help. I go back to work tomorrow too, and I figure I will be just so pooped I will fall asleep once I get home. I work the 2nd shift, so I won't get home till midnight. I also increased my food, because I was told being extremely tired can also mean you are not getting enough food. I know we can do this!!

  9. I was banded on 9/28.

    I still can't keep anything down and the foul taste I have in my mouth is just horrible. I sucked on a lemon without swallowing any pulp and that actually helped a little.

    I plan to go back to work tomorrow, but I just feel so weak since I haven't been able to keep anything down.

    We have a new thread now, "Sept 10 bandsters." started by Brian.

    I hope you are feeling well enough to go back to work. You might want to take off tomorrow and check with your surgeon to make sure all is well. See you on the other thread, to let us know how you are doing.

  10. I messed up!! I had been wearing a pedometer, and last night I laid it on the table by the recliner. When I got up this morning, POOF, it was gone. It never occurred to me that my four footed friends would take off with it. I have been looking for it for an hour, but I walked anyway. I did 12 minutes today! Going back to work tomorrow, and since I work nights, this is the time of day I would need to exercise. I just finished and it wasn't too bad. It is getting easier. I hope I have the committment to walk each morning before I go to work. Since I don't get off work till midnight, it won't be practical to work out then. But I was going to wear the pedometer at work and maybe take a five minute walk. But I promise to walk anyway until I can get a new pedometer.

    I gave up looking for the pedometer and ordered a new one. Tanita PD-724 3-Axes Activity Monitor. This one is special because you wear it around your neck on a lanyard. That sounds neat, I can just pop it on first thing when I get up no matter what I am wearing. You know I did hear kitties running around last night while trying to sleep, I wonder......

    And because I put my promise to walk tomorrow before I go in for my first day of work, then I gotta do it!!

  11. I messed up!! I had been wearing a pedometer, and last night I laid it on the table by the recliner. When I got up this morning, POOF, it was gone. It never occurred to me that my four footed friends would take off with it. I have been looking for it for an hour, but I walked anyway. I did 12 minutes today! Going back to work tomorrow, and since I work nights, this is the time of day I would need to exercise. I just finished and it wasn't too bad. It is getting easier. I hope I have the committment to walk each morning before I go to work. Since I don't get off work till midnight, it won't be practical to work out then. But I was going to wear the pedometer at work and maybe take a five minute walk. But I promise to walk anyway until I can get a new pedometer.

  12. Hi everyone. I was banded on September 23. Down 12 lbs so far. I just started stage 3 or pureed foods but still have to make the Protein shakes my priority intake. Can only have one or two pureed foods including applesauce, pudding a day. I am starving but hanging in there. How do others deal with being hungry?:smile2:

    I'm glad someone else is feeling the hungries too!! I contacted my dietician, and she said a Protein snack of 15 G protein is ok, if you are really hungry. I find cottage cheese pretty filling, and egg beaters nuked in the microwave. Drinking lots of Crystal Light does help as well. I found a Klondike bar in the back of my freezer. So far it is just sitting there. That will be my test. I think I should throw it away.

  13. Hi there Brian. I am feeling exceptionally well and enjoying the pureed food after the liquid diet. My BIG WORRY is that I think I'm eating too much! The 'baby food' jar sized portion just doesn't nearly satisfy so find myself going for seconds an hour later. I'm pretty good with the type of food - fat free veg Soup, low fat smoothies. I feel like I'm in a no mans land pre first fill and my body isn't talking to me about having enough. Do you experience this????

    I have been exceptionally hungry. My next visit (and I hope my first fill is on 10/15). I have been eating cottage cheese to fill me up, and a high Protein Isopure drink. I wait 30 mins to drink something (and that has been really difficult) then find my appetite has gone down somewhat. If I am hungry again in two hours, then I will have a Protein Drink or cottage cheese. I started counting calories and am averaging 1200-1400. The worse part is at night, I have been waking up STARVING. But last night I took a carton of cottage cheese to bed, and had a few spoonfuls before I laid down, woke up several hours later, and had a few more spoonfuls. This is the first morning I have not woken up so hungry I was sick.

  14. Hi Maxi !!!

    No I don't really worry so much about food because I have already felt Restriction a few times, I have thrown up twice and I have felt ' stuck ' a few times already too. It wasn't too bad and it just reinforces that I did the right thing because the Band is keeping me honest.

    I am not really on ' Real food ' yet but I am slowly inches there. Most days I am still basically liquid / very soft or mushies BUT in the last few days I have started some real food. My Dr. allows soft fish and eggs in the mushy stage so the last few times I have gone out to a restaurant I have ordered eggs / omelettes and fish entres. I was NEVER a fish person but I am actually enjoying fish A LOT. Tonight I had a really nice and tasty Grouper ( sp ? ) which was one of the Chefs Specials. I ate half and took the rest home. I was totally full which is a new experience for me. I am not scheduled for a fill until October 24 or something near there too. I think I will ask to get it tighter.

    -Brian :smile2:

    Thanks for the hints, Brian. I have eaten some Tilapa. It's already cooked and frozen, I just heat it up in the microwave. It was great. I was worried about my luncheon on 10/16- the day after my first fill, so will order fish or eggs and eat really slowly.

  15. I guess I will re-introduce myself.

    I am Brian. I live in Los Angeles / Santa Clarita, California. I work in the Motion Picture Industry. I was REALIZE Banded on Wednesday Sept the 8th, 2010 by Dr. Michael Feiz. Right now I am a little over 3 weeks Post Op. So far I am down 20 lbs since the 8th. I am feeling 100 % back to normal except that I have felt Restriction a few times and I have actually thrown up about 2 times.

    Right now I am on Mushy / Soft Foods stage. So far so good. I got Banded because I was sick and tired of being overweight and the price it has caused me in terms of self confidence and my social life. I have been overweight my entire life and I am so glad I decided to take action and get the Band.

    -Brian :smile2:

    Thanks Brian for the new thread. I don't think I have felt any restriction yet, but this is the second time I went grocery shopping, and it is all about choices. Once a week when I went grocery shopping, I used to buy myself a treat, a piece of cake or some Cookies. But I have not done that at all since the surgery. It's not worth it. All the pain and suffering we went through, I am committed to losing weight. I agree it has made me suffer as well. I keep getting told I am one of the division's best workers, yet I don't get even close to the raises some of the others get. I feel the management knows I don't have the confidence to find a job anywhere else- who would want an old, fat sea hag. But I know my confidence will get better as I will have more energy. Thanks for you postings.

  16. Hi everyone, I feel like I just graduated! It has not been an easy journey but so well worth it. I was banded on sept 7th and have not had a fill yet so basically i have been running on sheer will power. I am hoping in two weeks when I get a fill my body will be trained to pick up the signal of fullness. Thanks Brian for getting us together on the other side. Keep in touch sept banders!

    I too have not had a fill yet, and a few times I was really really hungry. But even with 1400 -1500 calories yesterday, I could still lose a pound a week. That's 12 pounds by Jan 1, which for me would be awesome! My next appointment is 10/15- I heard we have to go back to liquids after a fill to make sure everything stays down. I have a luncheon the next day, so am kinda scared, but I will try and chew, chew chew, some Soup, or maybe they will have some yogurt.

  17. Thanks for starting the thread, Brian!

    And John, thanks for the inspiration from a 2009'er! It's amazing to think where I might be in a year.

    Yesterday was my 2-week anniversary for my band and I am very happy I did it. Most of the time I feel normal and I haven't really had any problems with following my diet. I get to add more natural Protein on Monday, so I'm excited for that since I'm having a hard time getting Protein in. I'm looking for a truly unflavored Protein Powder I can just stir into stuff-- any suggestions?

    But, I have to admit, there are a couple of things I'm bummed about. #1, I have an incision site that the dermabond came off of too early and it is a little open (not bleeding open, but definitely not closed skin). My surgeon looked at it and said it would be fine, though will probably take longer to heal/have a larger scar, but the bottom line is he didn't stitch it back up. So now I'm taking nasty liquid antibiotic and I have to be even more careful with lifting/bending etc. It's a bummer when I see other people healing faster than me. Maybe related is the fact that I STILL cannot sleep comfortably on my side and forget the stomach! My back and neck hate me from sleeping on my back and I'm just really tired of it. I know absolutely that it will go away eventually but I'm so impatient!

    The good outweighs the bad though. I'm looking and feeling better everyday. My in-laws sent me a Macy's giftcard as a "get well" present and I went to spend it yesterday. I hit the clearance racks and grabbed 1x, thinking that I am currently at 2x and I could shrink into them. But, the thing was, they all fit or were even too big so I ended up in the shoes instead. I've got a great new pair of calf-length gray boots :smile2: Thanks in-laws!

    I found some unflavored Isopure in a pouch at BariatricEating.com - Protein powders

    The flavored ones are awesome as well. I too bought some clotes a size too small. As soon as the weather gets cooler I hope they will still fit. I have been sleeping mostly in my recliner with the kitties. It's been 4 weeks for me, and I still cannot sleep well in the bed. But it will get better for us.

  18. hi people...i'm 3 days post op and i'm still pretty sore. I'm hungry and so ready to eat food but that is still a week away!

    can anyone tell me how to get the ticker on here? i've cut n pasted but all it shows is html..not the actual picture...

    anyway...Brian..glad you started another thread!

    Go to tab "FAQ" then to *General Forum Usage, then to *Adding a ticket to your signature.

    There is a great tutorial, otherwise I would not have figured it out.

  19. So glad I found this thread. I had surgery on 09/11 and have not had a fill yet. The past few days I have been so hungry, that I wake up at night, nauseous. I upped my calories as well. Will be between 1300-1400 today. My next appointment is on 10/15-hopefully will get my first fill. I feel much better eating 6 little meals as well to keep my blood sugar stable, even though my nutritionist says to eat 3 meals and a snack. Thanks for all the ideas.

  20. Had my first fill on Monday...boy has this week been a change. I have had a couple episodes of things getting stuck. Not only that, but I'm so much tighter in the mornings than at night. I barely eat now, my poor husband is so sad. He said he feels bad because he feels like I don't eat at all now. I just keep reminding him of the good that is coming. Off to work tomorrow, then off for the weekend and lots of grocery shopping to do.

    Have a good Friday everyone!

    What a wonderful goal to look forward to. I can't wait to get my first fill, as I am STARVING. That is why I am up so early, I ate a cottage cheese, and just now an instant Breakfast, so hungry, feeling ill. Can't sleep. Good luck to you.

  21. Part of my LAP-BAND®® journey is OA (overeaters anonymous).

    There you will find people just like us. Trying to obstain from compulsive overeating, which clearly we all suffer from. There are people who have had different types of weight loss surgery who are aware that the old habits do return without a support system. Hope no one is offended but I just want all of us to be successful!!!!:drool:

    Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking that or Weight Watchers, some kind of support group. I am three weeks out, and so VERY hungry. My next visit is Oct 15, hopefully to get my first fill. It has been a difficult day to not overeat, but I am drinking tea, and making better choices. For dinner I had 6 soy meatballs with 1/2 c. spaghetti sauce. I mashed up the meatballs, and it was satisfying. I went to the hairdressers to get my hair done, and she did my eyebrows too, so when I go back to work on Monday at least I will look better. I turned down the coffee and cream, and also the McDonalds iced coffee as well!! As you said, it's our choices that got us into trouble the first time around.

  22. Hi Everyone, I was banded on the 21st September 2010 and after 7 days of having nothing but liquids lost 8kg post op, but found nothing was filling me up and I could drink as much as I wanted, so I tested the band and had a pancake (big no no) I know it was wrong, but I thought the band would stop me from eating it, but it went down fine, so the next day i rang the doctors surgery and told them and they said they do not fill the band for eight weeks (what the?) and the band was completly open at this time. The reason they do not fill it at surgery is to give the body time to heal itself. I am from Australia is this the norm? Trying so hard not to cheat, really upset the band won't be filled for another 6.5 weeks. :-(

    My recovery is the same. My surgery was on 09/11. I have not had a fill yet. No fill for at least a month,till I heal more, so I think that is why we can eat more. But I am following the plan, and chewing and chewing. Hopefully it won't be a big shock when we get our first fill ( I have a luncheon the very next day) and certainly do not want to puke! I am often hungry as well, but having egg beaters and cheese, and tilapia has been filling me up. Been mashing up bananas and carrots. Good luck to ya, I think it's all about choices. My

    nutritionist said if I am really hungry, it's ok to eat something just make it healthy and about 15 G of Protein.< /span>

  23. I don't know if your eating plan will allow this, but I plan to make the "fake lasagna" tonight and add sausage to the marinara (pureed of course) to get in extra Protein. Basically it is layering ricotta, mozz cheese, and marinara like you would with lasagna, just without the noodles. Everyone raves about it.

    Oh this sounds yummy too. Now I have some recipes to take to the grocery store tomorrow. Maybe I will try ground turkey with it, or if I can find some low cal sausage. Thanks.

  24. I had pureed chili twice earlier this week and it was heaven! It was definitely the first thing I've eaten since surgery that was satisfying psychologically as well as physically B) My recipe is different though!

    That recipe sounds awesome. How many servings does it make? I am going to try it tomorrow. I had tilapia and mashed carrots for dinner last night- Wow it tasted wonderful. I think if I don't try anything sweet, it won't wake up those taste buds. It will be three weeks and the only thing I have had resembling sweets is the Isopure drinks.

    My biggest downfall was coffee with lots of Creamer. I have had only black cherry tea for three weeks now. I guess my real test will be when I go back to work on Monday.

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