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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by missjoany

  1. :wub:There may already be a thread going for Sept, but I was not able to find it.

    I just found out to day that my insurance approved me for the surgery!! YAH! It has been a roller coaster from day one. My surgeon called me on Thursday and told me I had been denied and was going to have to re-do my 6 month physcian wt loss program, but that I could call the insurance and talk to them and that is exactly what I did lol. Come to find out my Dr's office hadn't faxed all of the paperwork to them and since I had copies don't you know I got right on that :eek: Two hours later the APPROVED call came.

    I have been working on getting the band since Jan and now that I know it may happen I'm a little nervous. I don't have a date yet, my drs office won't sched until they get the ok from the insurance co, and then I was told that I had to do the liquid diet 7-10 days pre-op and see the nutrionist again. ( why do they not tell you this in your appt? )

    I am a little upset with the office staff at my surgeons office. They are not friendly at all and in fact can be quite rude. No information and they seem to act like they are doing you a favor by helping you sched your surgery. I keep telling myself just let it go and get this done....

    I figure I will be sched in Sept since I have to do the pre-op diet and see the nutritionist again so I thought it would be great to hear from more September peeps and compare notes! Good Luck to all who are about to enter BANDLAND!!:)

    Started 260:scared2:

    Now 242:tongue_smilie:

    Goal 160:rolleyes:

    Approved 7-30-10:thumbup:

    Hello, hope you are doing well. Come on over to the Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!! under post op forum.

  2. Where do I start? I am 31 years old, married and have a 7 year old son. Well, all my life I have struggled with my weight. I always stayed about 30 to 40 lbs over my ideal weight. I started diet programs when I was 17.

    In 2006 I was diagnosed with Mulitple Sclerosis. Everything seemed fine until 2008. I was taken to the ER with pain in my upper left abdomen and stomach severely swollen. After numerous doctor appointments and tests the only thing they could determine was that I have an allergy to something I eat which causes my intestines to swell and my stomach to distend. I had an allergy test ruling out over 200 items but preservatives couldn't be tested for. So, I tried to avoid MSG, aspartame but still nothing helped.

    Now two years and 80 pounds heavier, I started feeling very miserable. So, Feb 2010 I started looking into getting the LAP-BAND® after every other diet program seemed to fail. My doctor feels that by limiting the amount of food intake it will help the swelling of my intestines. Also, the weight loss will help in decreasing the fatigue which causes my MS symptoms to be worse. After months of waiting, I finally had surgery yesterday Sept 27. 2010. It went well but I feel like I have been beaten by a hammer on abdomen and ribs.

    I am hoping to feel like a 31 year old not a 60 year old. I want to play with my 7 year old in the yard, exercise, look good, and feel good on the inside about me.:)

    Hello!! I hope you found the Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!! forum under post op, we have all been banded in Sept. Most of us felt like we were beaten up after surgery, but coming along better every day. Hope to see you in the Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!! formum. Sept. 2010 Bandsters !!!


  3. Sorry everyone I don't know how to start a new thread. Yesterday I went to the doctor for my 1st adjustment. But sad news my port may have flipped and now I have to wait until Dec. 10. 2010 to have the doctor check with a x-ray. I was told to be happy because I have lost 35 pounds since my band day Sept 20. But I can not help but feel SAD. I don't remember anything happening to my port site. I'm have a hard time with this. Has anyone else had this problem.

    I just saw your entry. I too thought my port had flipped because I could only lean down to a certain point, then pain. they poked around in there yesterday and said it didn't appear to have flipped but I am going in tomorrow for a CT scan with contrast just to make sure. They think there could be a hernia under the port site or an adhesion. Do you have any pain? I hope all works out for you. Let us know.

  4. Good Morning everyone......

    My name is Theresa....I was banded on Sept 29. First fill was Oct 26 with 3cc. I have lost 15 lbs and feeling good.

    Alittle bit about me....I am 29 yrs old. Recently married on Sept 1. Together we have 2 sons one 9 one 10. I have tons of support at home, but want to talk with yall who are also going threw this life change. I am ready for this journey.....

    Congratulations!! You are doing awesome. It's great you have so much support. I have one person, and you guys on this forum. Thanks for being there. This is definitely life changing. I must now change my views towards food.< /p>

  5. Happy Hump Day everyone.

    Its been a while since Ive been on... been kinda in a slump and don't doing so great with food/exercise... But thats okay... Im back and ready to get focused again.

    Goal for the next 3 weeks before my next doctor appt... at least 3 pounds! Should be do-able as long as I stay focused and avoid candy (past couple weeks I gave in to my old habits, fortunately I did not gain any weight from it (yet)).

    Sounds like most of you are doing really good! :rolleyes: Happy to hear that! Keep it up everyone!

    You can do it. This forum has been my lifeline. Let us know how it goes.

  6. My nutritionist said to try one new food a day. Today I am going to try spaghetti squash with meatballs and sauce. Tomorrow I will try a microwaved yam. I need something fast and simple. I am afraid, though, of going berzerk and eating all kinds of stuff.. Are you guys eating a variety of foods, or just sticking to a "tried a true" few. I told the doc today I had not tried chicken or beef yet, only turkey meatballs because I was afraid of it getting stuck.

  7. I was banded on the 29th of September and have only lost 12 pounds. My first fill is on the 10th. Can't wait!!!

    Though I wish I was losing faster, the one thing I keep thinking is that I did weight watchers for 5 months and lost and gained the same 3 pounds over and over. At least I've kept this weight off and it will probably get better after the fill. Hope that helps.....

    Yeah, I lost the same 10 lbs over and over as well. But it's slowly coming off. I know we want it faster, but if it stays off that will be a major accomplishment for me. Let us know how you feel after your fill.

  8. Oh Joany, I must have misread your post, I thought you were worried about insurance. I think it will be covered, seems common. I also thought you were self pay, but if your insurance paid for the procedure then it definitely will for any fixes. and even if it didn't cover the procedure many people get fixes covered. So don't worry about anything but getting better, and walking. 1200, that's about where I'm trying to stay, although I'm spending a couple days like at 900, to sort of shake things up- I had a bad weekend LOL. Happy haloween.

    Hello!! It felt like self pay, since it took like 6 weeks to get any money. NE way doc said my port did not flip, he suspects it was overuse. But just to make sure I don't have a hernia at the port site or an adhesion, I'm going in for tests (cat scan with contrast) this week. At least that won't be painful. And when they accessed my port, I was told that would be how it felt if I had a fill. Not bad at all. I like your idea of switching up the calories to keep your body guessing. Yea I worked on Halloween so I did not have any candy around. I lost 6 lbs in three weeks so we are not going for a fill yet. I still feel jealous many of you are doing yoga, and zumba, while all I can do is walk.. but I am alot older than most of you.. maybe that is why I am taking so long to heal. But it's still more exercise than I have done all year. I am not cleaning the house (we think I did too much in the yard, and cleaning the bathtub). My new philosophy for awhile will be, if the dirt ain't moving, I'm ignoring it!!!

  9. Oh MissJoany, I am thinking of you, I hope you haven't flipped either- I wonder if you do need surgery if your insurance will cover it- some times I've read that people that were denied coverage for the surgery, had luck when things went wrong? I don't know. So did you never get your disability paperwork figured out- like did your doc never turn that paperwork in. I might consider trying a different doc if that's the case, and his port flipped, and he doesn't offer you any help with paying to fix it.

    Well hopefully none of that will be the issue. good luck


    I called today to see if I could get in sooner, I was sent to some answering machine, and no one called me back. Glad I have an appt tomorrow. I didn't do much bending today and thought I might be getting better. But when I leaned down to put on my sneakers, OUCH, can't bend to the left side. It took me 10 mins of maneurving to get them on, then thought (after thought) I better be careful in case I puncture something. Now that I have them on, I guess I better walk huh? :thumbup: I finally got my disability check on 15 Oct followed by a paycheck on 23 Oct. So I went from 09 Sep till 15 Oct with no income, glad I had some savings. WOW I did not even consider surgery not being covered, I won't go there till tomorrow.... But I had a good meeting with my nutrionist. She wants me to try and cut back to 1200 calories, she thinks I will still be satisfied and lose more. So I will give that a try. Well I am gonna exercise before I change my mind. Till tomorrow everyone. Keep up the good work and thoughts.

  10. Hi Everyone!!

    I found out a HUGE secret!!! How to help us get the “hurt”, “discomfort”, “pain” feeling go away when we get food stuck!!! Are you ready…? Papaya Enzymes chewable Tablets!!!

    I had an episode the other night and ran to the internet to see what I could do… I read about these tablets and how they help break down Protein. So I went to CVS Pharmacy and found them in the Vitamins section. I bought them for $8.50 for 250 tablets. The bottle says to chew 3 at a time, but a person on YouTube says 4 will do the trick. So last night I had another stuck incident and I got the 4 tables out… and in less than a minute I was normal. No more pain, hurt or anything!!! I waited about 3 minutes and continued eating normal… slowly and chewing a lot more and had no more problems. I am so excited and couldn’t wait to tell you guys about my experience =)

    Here is some info:

    What Is Papaya Enzyme?

    BySabah Karimi

    Papaya enzyme is a potent mix of proteolytic enzymes derived from the papaya fruit, and offers several health and digestive benefits. The enzyme can speed up certain chemical reactions within the cells, and also breaks down certain types of protein. Papaya enzyme, also known as papain, has practical and medicinal uses. People can enjoy its benefits by eating raw papaya fruit or taking a papain dietary supplement.

    I put some tablets in a zip up baggy to keep at the office and another one to keep in my purse… just in case. I hope to not have any more incidents, but if I do… I will be prepared!

    On a non-scale victory… I put on my first size 16 today (Friday jean day at work). At pre-op I was a size 22 and 268 pounds. Today and only in week 5 post-op I am down 35 pounds (233) and happy… I started walking this week and noticed a 3 pound loss, so my friends… walking is my best friend right now.

    I hope this little secret helps you in any way. Have a wonderful weekend and stay focused, NO Halloween CANDY!!!



    WOW you sound so proud and happy!! I can feel it from here!!!!!!:thumbup: Yea walking is about all I can do, but its a start. No one has noticed my 23 pound loss yet, but that is ok, I can. I will definitely look for your "little secret" at my CVS. And I chose to work on Halloween so I would not be tempted to buy any candy. Of course folks brought in cupcakes, etc, but I wasn't even tempted to go over and see what the "spread" was.!! Yeah. Tomorrow I have an appt to check that pain at my port (mine is on my left side). Keep your fingers crossed its not a flipped port, and just over use. -

  11. hi september bandsters! i had surgery sept 17th and did not have too much difficulty, started having hunger by week3. i got my first fill oct 20th, 5cc in 14cc band. at this point i have only lost 9 lbs, i keep thinking maybe i am doing something wrong, i have read so many of your posts and most have lost way more? i am sticking with mainly Protein for all meals and Snacks. the day i had my first fill it felt like someone slammed me in the chest, now i feel no restriction, and i don't go back till nov 18th, i thought weight loss would be much more by now. do you have any suggestions? so frustrated!!:wink2:

    I am losing 1-1/2 pounds a week which is what is recommended. I also count calories and stay between 1300-1400. Are you counting calories and Protein as well? But 9 pounds is awesome!! How long would it have taken you to lose that much without the band? Think of it that way, and you can see you are making great progress. I have not had a fill yet, not sure if I need one. Alot of it is willpower too.

  12. :wink2: I think it's normal as most people seem to mention this for quite a few months. I also feel pain if I twist my body or lie on my stomach when I sleep. The only thing we have to be concerned about is if there is redness around the port or if the pain is excruciating generally. These are good questions to ask though and ultimately your doc is the one to talk through it with you.

    My appt is on Tues. I called "on call physician" today and he thinks it's possible my port had flipped and I might need surgery to correct it. Will let everyone know as soon as I have the Xrays, etc. The only exercise I can do right now is treadmill and am having a difficult time even leaning down to tie my shoes. With all the hassles I had with no pay and no disability for 1 1/2 months, I sure hope I do not need surgery. Will have to catch up on my reading tomorrow. Have to endure another day at work, sure was painful last night. But only one more day till my appointment.

  13. My port is located just to the right of my belly button. The port site is still a bit tender, but not painful. I cannot wear pants with a tight waist. I used how much I could bend over as a gauge of how well I was healing. My biggest issue ended up being able to sleep on my side without port site pain. I finally can do that comfortably.

    Each person is going to heal at a different rate and the location of the port and the "attachment" method seem to also be factors.

    Thanks, that makes me feel somewhat better, and I can wait till my DRs appt next week then to ask about it.

  14. Hi everyone!! I am so proud of everyone, I wanna cry!! We have been through alot and ya'll are so upbeat.

    I wanted to ask a question. I was banded on 09/11 and the area where my port is, is still tender. I can't lean over to tie my shoes without some pain, or lean down to pick up something off the floor. Do you think something might be wrong? Or is everyone else still tender. I hope my band hasn't slipped or something? I don't want to go back for more surgery now, I still haven't gotten paid from my job since Sept 09... What do you think. My next appointment is Nov 2nd. I'm still walking on the treadmill though.

  15. hhi all

    wanna b this is what my doc puts out.

    The following suggestions are good rules of thumb and will greatly increase your chances of getting a good fill.

    1. Make sure you are very well hydrated when you come in for your fill appointment. That means at least 6 to 8 full glasses of liquid every day for at least several days before the fill.

    (Remember, Water is your friend).

    Drink especially well the morning of the fill. If you're flying in, it can be much harder to stay hydrated, so take an empty drink bottle and fill it after you pass airport security. TSA rules state you can bring an empty Water bottle past the TSA security check point. Ask the flight attendants for a refill of your water bottle if needed. They say that every hour you’re in the air, you lose 8oz of Fluid. So, If your flight is 3 hours long, your down 24oz of Fluid. So drink up!

    2. Do not to have any solid foods for at least 6 hours before the fill. Don't eat a huge or late dinner the night before. If you're having any trouble (reflux, possible slip, etc) please have nothing but fluids after dinner the night before.

    In some cases, food can still be in the pouch for 12 or more hours.

    Any food in the pouch will make it impossible to give a good fill, or get a good fluoro.

    3. Don't drink cold fluids for an hour before the fill. That will shrink your stomach and give a false fluoro reading, and a poor fill. Room temp fluids are fine.

    4. Avoid getting a fill during a menstrual period or a few days before an expected one. During this time, girls are usually retaining water, and the fluoro will not be as accurate, and the fill will not be either.

    5. If at all possible, hang around for at least a few hours after a fill. Don't run right back home or to the plane. It takes the normal swelling after a fill 1-2 hours to develop, and by that time you might be too tight and need to come right back.

    6. If you fly in, If at all possible, stay overnight and catch a plane out the following late afternoon or evening. If you are too tight, this will allow time to get a small unfill before you leave. This is not very convenient, but sure beats having to possibly return to TJ in a few days, on short notice, in pain, and at high last-minute plane fares! This is "prevention!" Overfills are not common, but they do happen, even under the best of conditions. Be prepared, and think about this overnight stay. Test your fill the next day before you leave.

    7. After a fill, please have liquids only for at least 24 hrs. This allows the stomach to rest and heal. Then, a day of soft foods, then back to regular foods. Full liquids are fine, no need for clears. Remember, if you staying over night test your fill before you fly out.

    8. Review the eating and food guidelines again before every fill. You’ll need to refine your eating more and more with higher fill levels, and there will be less and less room for goofs. As you reach a higher fill level, you'll no longer be able to "get away" with things you might have before!

    9. Please don't get a fill if you are having any trouble with the current level of fill. This means any regular pain, PB or barfing more than maybe once a week at the very most, not able to get enough

    calories in, not able to drink enough, able to eat only soft foods or fluids.

    More fill will NOT help, and will make things worse. Discuss all this carefully with your doctor. You may even need an UNFILL, to keep your band and stomach safe.

    10. First fills are routinely given at 6-10 weeks after surgery, but only as you need them. Many people do, some do not. Your doctor will help you decide if you need a fill, just ask. There is no rush for fills. Too much can very easily get you in trouble, and you end up further "behind" than if you had gone slower with fills.

    11. Give a fill at least 2-3 weeks to test it. Some fills don't "settle in" for a week or two, and sometimes more. Your weight loss is what determines how a fill is - not any feeling of restriction, necessarily.

    12. One of the most important things in determining if a fill is good is choosing proper band foods. Soft foods, liquids, junk foods, sweets, etc, will never be well-restricted, and will never tell a thing about having a good fill or not. Only solid foods give useful info.

    A good test meal is 2-4 oz of solid meat or chicken - be sure it's soft and moist - and about 1/2 cup veggies. You should be able to eat about a cup of food (no less) and this should keep you satisfied for about 3-4 hrs.

    13. Plan regular meals. A good fill will keep you satisfied for 3-4 hrs, but no longer. If you are hungry 5 hrs after lunch, it is not because you have an inadequate fill! Regular meals at planned times are important for a number of reasons; including avoiding snacking, maximizing your calorie burn and normalizing metabolism, which is essential for weight maintenance later on.

    14. Learn to recognize your "soft stop" sign. Common ones are chest tightness or "fullness", a sudden runny nose, a single hiccup or burp, an eye twitch, back pain, left should pain. All mean the pouch is full enough and we should stop eating, even spitting out the bite that may be already in our mouths. If you do not, you could progress to the "hard stop" - slimming, pb, barfing.

    Please remember that good fills are very elusive, even with highly- experienced docs and fill people. There are just too many individual factors involved that the doctors cannot control. Even the fluoro is only a clue, and not entirely accurate - for some of the reasons above.

    It usually takes 3- 5 fills to slowly and safely creep up on a good level, and they can be safely given a month apart.

    Trying to go faster with a bigger fill is not the solution, and the stomach rebels at big sudden fills. The goal of the first few fills is not to achieve a good restriction, but to gradually get your stomach used to some pressure so you can tolerate a good fill later.

    SLOW and GRADUAL is the key!

    Going slowly with fills can be frustrating, but is well worth the wait to avoid problems.

    Thanks for the info!! I did not receive anything from my doctor on getting a fill. I have had two post op followups, and no fill yet. I still have some pain where I can feel the port below the skin and have difficulty leaning down. I hope that doesn't mean I have some slippage. Three times this week I wanted to "eat" when I got home from work, but instead I had some cooked veggies and cottage cheese. So far so good! And today, even though I was running around, getting info to refinance my house, I said I had to work out. I started using some hand weights while on the treadmill, and today I didn't forget what I was doing, and stayed on. Guess this compares to walking and chewing at the same time. haha. Well I gotta get to work, ugh! Will catch up tomorrow. I love reading everyone's postings.

  16. Hi everyone!! Yea Brian is back! I know what ya mean by working and working. I hate working nights. I just now got up, and I need to work out before work, but am not even quite awake yet. But if I don't I cant see me working out at 2 am. Try to fit some exercise in there Brian. I found a resistance band workout at Sparkpeople, for the office. I was thinking of bringing the band to work, and maybe get a cuple of the resistance exercises in while I am waiting on the phone. Maybe that is something you could consider, Brian. Yes, I too, was told my face was getting thinner, too. But what about my butt!! Or stand up when on the phone. I have a co worker who once an hour tells me to get up and stretch. Nice to hear everyone is hanging in there. I have had two post op visits and no fill no far. I wanted to go to a support group, but was told I can't join until I have had a fill~ go figure.

  17. Hi everyone,

    I will be going in for my first fill on Saturday. I am looking forward to it because I feel hungry more than I did. I have nothing in right now, but have lost 15 lbs since surgery. I have not lost any in the past 2 weeks though. I am hoping the fill will restrict me and allow me to see some weight loss. 6 weeks in and ready to get this thing really going. I want to look good for a cruise next year!

    I do feel my port. It is too close to my ribs I think because I really feel it when I am sitting down, almost like my ribs are pushing on it. I don't want to go through the trouble of having it moved because I can remember the pain the frist time. The buring and the pulling were terrible. I was told that I experienced this because my Dr. sewed the port to the abd muscles. Other doctors told me the no longer do that, but use mesh to keep it in place because it it is less painful for the patient.

    I do have a question....has anyone else experienced a numb belly? The surface of the lower right side of my stomach is very numb. I can't feel it. Been that way since surgery. Thought it would get better, but not yet. anyone else experience this?

    Enough rambling on....I am proud of all the progress I see here, it gives me hope!

    Hmm it's possible I have some numbing there, it does feel a bit different. Glad I don't touch there very often!!:) Yea I feel my port when sitting, and certain pants really press on it, and I cannot wear them. So right now I am wearing baggy pants. I think some of us gained a pound or two around the two week mark, but then it started going down again. I am saving up for a cruise too, to Canada, with my sorority in Aug. Neat!!

    Last night my credit card number was stolen and I spent three hours getting that straightened out. But it did not stress me out to overeat, I ate my regular meal. I think I am getting that willpower. Yeah!

  18. Well, I'm down 38lbs since starting pre-op diet on Sept. 2nd (banded on 9/13). It feels so good. I had my first fill on Monday and have to say I don't feel much different, but then I have only eaten the recommended portions and haven't had any problems. Thank goodness! I did have a seroma when my surgeon went to fill the port. It drained and no other issues. I wasn't expecting that for sure. I've since looked it up and found it is not that uunusual. For those who don't know (like me) it is a build up of Fluid around the port. Mine was only a few cc's so not something I would have noticed.

    I, like many, didn't tell anyone but my husband and daughter, before the surgery. Now that it's done and I am on this interesting journey I have told more people than I ever thought I would. I think I had to get comfortable with the fact that I needed this help to do this. Hard to admit that I couldn't do it on my own. Now that I have accepted that fact I have really been able to move on and not feel guilty anymore.

    I started working with a personal trainer this week. Can I just ask where in the world those muscles came from. Did you know you have muscles in your upper back that apparently need exercising? LOL I never knew I could feel good about exercise. Everyone have a great weekend!

    I applaud you for being brave to tell others. I am afraid to, because what if I want to try a piece of that Christmas cake (I am not anticpating wanting to do that...but) then certain people will berate me in front of others. I am excited that you are working with a trainer. Can't wait till I am healed enough to do so. We have a training facility at work, and I could work out before work. Let us know how it goes, and how many muscles you didn't know you had are not sore. he he...

  19. Hi there

    I'm so impressed that you are activating your lifestyle ... the thing that I really battle to keep up :) You are doing so well and you're going to reap the benefits with your weight loss so keep going.

    :sleep: I felt concerned about you being so tired - are you getting to sleep before 10pm? The best, most healing and stengthening sleep period is between 10pm and 3 am. Also, are you on Vitamins - mine are really helping me feel clear headed though the energy does flag toward afternoons. High blood pressure can also make you feel exhausted - trust me I know this one:eek: but thankfully it's sorted. I'm not sure when you were banded but I'm coming up to the 6 week mark next Tuesday and am only now starting to feel the tiredness lessening. Our bodies have taken a huge knock. Hope there is something in all this that helps you to identify the root of your tiredness. Be tender to yourself :thumbup:

    Hi thanks for the good thoughts. Unfortunately this entire year I have been working the 3pm- midniight shift and find it difficut to sleep when I get home. I toss and turn all night. I get up around 0930 and work out, by the time I get showered and hair dry and make my lunch it's time to go to work. Not much time for any relaxation at all. I am coming up to my 6th week as well tomorrow! Maybe it will only get better from here. I have to think of something to reward myself for all my hard work- besides food. My sorority wants to go on a cruise next Aug. I am debating, but it will be expensive, but this year has been plagued with health issues and recovery. If I don't start getting untired by New Years, i will definitely get checked out. My next Doc appt is on Nov 2, I hope my port is less tender by then. I want to start with a trainer too, but I am having trouble even bending over, because it still hurts. I hope the band has not slipped. Will let ya know.

  20. It is exciting reading everyone's posts. I was not much of an exerciser but am plugging away on the treadmill. My port sticks out a bit and is still tender, so I don't think I could do much ab work right now. I found a 20 min resistance band workout on Sparkpeople, maybe I could do some of that and leave out the ab work. You guys have some great ideas though, and working up to a 5K would definitely be a goal, even if I walked the entire route. I am still really tired, but not working out does not make me less tired, so I might as well work out, right??

  21. Lots of entries to read today!! I will be ordering some of these books tonight. Glad someone else can feel their port, it is still tender. I have only been walking so far, there is no way I could do sit ups or crunches with the port area being so tender still. Mine is on the left side.

    I had my first incidence of the dreaded "vomiting" today! I made salmon and some veggies and kinda forgot and didn't chew it very well. So I know there is some restriction, even though I have not had a fill. I hope I can get off my CPAP soon, I still don't sleep well anyway. I have been back at work for 8 days and am still dragging around. Take long naps on my days off. But I am still walking on the treadmill cause it does not matter if I work out or not, it does not affect how tired I am, so I might as well do it, huh? Kitty got on the treadmill today when it was turned on- so funny, watching him fall off the back!! he he.

    Thanks for everyone's entries- it really does help to see we all have some of the same problems, and some new ones- and we can discuss them with each other.

  22. WOW all kinds of entries since yesterday!

    monicaleon18 Great gift and you are doing awesome.

    vhayes You have made excellent progress! I know we want it to move faster- but my doctor says loisng slowly at 1-2 pounds a week will keep the weight from coming back and you won't be so hungry.

    Desiree1972 Can you eat cottage cheese? What about pureed Soups? I found those quite tasty.

    LisaA I haven't had a fill yet, but I think I have some restriction too. I had something get stuck several times, and drank a bit of Water. When I told the doctor's office they told me not to drink Water as it would make me throw up. I only had a sip, and sat there for 10 mins till it went down. Glad I was not at work.

    Rambunctious Yea the only person that knows is my GF that took me to the hospital. She had bypass and is doing great and runs 5K's all the time. What an inspiration.

    Guys I have a question. Can you feel your port? I can even see it sticking out, and if I press on it, it hurts. (yea I know don't press on it:tongue_smilie:

  23. I was horrible this week-- didn't work out a single time.

    Not once.

    I'm shooting for doing 30 minutes on my treadmill every day this week. I think aiming specifically for 5 out of 7 days gives me too much permission to "use" the off days early and then never get started.

    That's OK, GF!!. I have not worked out in three days. I have pain shooting down the front of my leg, it's hard to even walk. Let's both of us start again tomorrow, ok, baby steps. If we don't I will make you lift up my kitty!!!!

  24. Please keep us posted on your progress and success. I am considering doing C25k when I get approval to do more strenuous workouts...my appointment and probably first fill is Tue 10/19. Banded 9/17/10.

    I did my first post-op hike last Sunday. I was pooped at the one hour mark, but it was hot that day.

    I'm back up to 3.5 mph and 2% on the treadmill. I do a few 3-4 minute commercial breaks at 5%. Hopefully next week I can add resistance training.

    Great idea to raise the incline during the commercials!

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