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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lsm127

  1. I had my first fill two weeks ago (2/9) and I was fine for a couple of days after fill while on liquids or soft foods. Since then I get dull shoulder and arm pain after I eat and also seem to get it when I haven't eaten in a while. Surgery was 8/31 and I'm 90+ lbs down. Does anyone else have pain?
  2. Surgery 8/31/2010

    Original weight 360#

    Weight as of first fill (2/8/2011) 257.5#

  3. Just had my surgery on 8/31 and I'm home (and sore).
  4. I also was banded on Tuesday A.M. and I'm home (and in pain). I tink that the bloated heartbuen sensation is bothering me more than the surgery pain. I need to find out what I can take for the bloating, heartburn etc.

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