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About alilbittyna

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 07/13/1970
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday alilbittyna!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday alilbittyna!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary alilbittyna!

  4. My husband and I are in the process of moving. Because we had been working so hard on the house, he decided to order pizza for him and the kids. There was nothing else (Protein wise) that I had available to eat, so I decided a 1/2 slice of pizza would be okay. I took baby bites and ate the whole freaking slice including the crust!!!!! In my opinion this should not have gone down so easlily and I should have gotten full on just the 1/2 slice! I am really upset because I have been so strict with myself for two months and have done great on the weight loss. I am thinking that I need another adjustment (have only had 1 but it was only 1cc on Oct 5). Will the do an adjustment within 4 weeks of the last? I am so upset about eating that piece of pizza you have no idea!
  5. alilbittyna

    3rd fill - very disappointing

    Even though you seem disappointed in your fill results, from your diet ticker, you have lost 39 lbs and that is fantastic!!!!! You don't want to be over filled. I have heard that is a nightmare! Slow and steady wins the race. Great job so far!!! Be proud of yourself.
  6. The only regret I have is waiting so long to have it done. I am 7 weeks out and down 30lbs already. I was banded on Wednesday and back to my desk job on Monday and only took the pain medication for 4 days. I get upset sometimes when I watch TV and every single commercial is about food. I am VERY strict with my diet and do not allow myself any cheats. I aim high on Protein and low on calories. I began walking 1.5 miles per day starting the second week after surgery. I feel really fantastic. The only thing is that my menu is limited because I don't eat red meat, chicken I have twice a week and if I dont cut it down real small I do get the "stuck" feeling. I eat a lot of fish (tilapia) because it breaks down real nice. I have not been out to dinner since having the surgery and I miss that, but I am saving a lot of money!!!! lol Bottom line.....well, my bottom line is shrinking!!! No Regrets!!!!
  7. Since having my kids and a hysterectomy I just continued to gain weight. Yes, much of my doing, but also a hormonal thing as well. I have tried every diet out there, Weight watchers, south beach, body for life, slim fast, nutrasystem, slenderlife (like LA weightloss). I would lose 20 lbs and gain 30, lose 20 gain 25. I finally ballooned up to 255 and had severe problems with hips, knees and ankles. I was tired of playing games, so when I discussed my concerns with my doc he suggested the band and said I was a prime candidate for one. I have no regrets other than not looking into this sooner!
  8. alilbittyna

    First fill and no effect.

    I had my first fill on 10/5 and I am still filling hungry as well. I only got 1cc and am thinking about asking him on my next appointment for another adjustment even if just 1 more cc.
  9. alilbittyna

    Can't rush things!! :-(

    You know it's funny, I lost 10 lbs pretty quick and then slowed and plateaued. When I brought in the mushy foods I stopped losing and actually gained a little after going to solids. I am now losing a pretty steady 2 lbs a week. Just give yourself a chance. Every little bit you lose is a good thing. Slow and steady wins the race!!! Best of luck and keep your chin up and dont give up!
  10. alilbittyna

    I need help...

    I have to agree Heather. You can not compare yourself to others. Metabolism varies by individual. I suggest a food tracker that will assist you with calorie and Protein intake. You need to be sure that you are getting enough protein. I use www.fitday.com I love it. I input every single thing I put in my mouth so that I can get a physical view of what I am doing. I do limit my calories to 1200 or under a day. Even if your body goes into starvation mode, eventually it realizes that the additional calories are not coming and it will start to react. Since you can not exercise you really may have to limit those calories. Dont use your knee as an excuse for too long. Once you can get even just some light walking in...do it. It can be very easy (especially if you hate exercise) to be complacent and not do it. Besides, once your knee heals, you will have to rehab it and get the muscles around it stronger again, just dont push it. I wish you the very best of luck doll!
  11. alilbittyna

    fear of vomiting

    I was banded on Aug 25, 2010. I have not yet vomitted once. I have gotten stuck about 4 times, but remained calm. When and if you do get stuck the first thing you need to do is NOT panic. I have learned a lot from this forum and two of those things were that if you get stuck, DONT DRINK ANYTHING to try and get it to go down (this will just make you want to throw up worse)stand up and flap your left arm like a chicken (yes I did just say that) it has worked every time I have gotten stuck. The other one I heard was to keep papaya enzyme chewables at your reach at all times (purse, desk, home, car). It is a digestive aid. I got stuck last night and I just stood up kind of walking around my house breathing, flapping, took two enzyme pills and after about 10 min it all went down. The reason I got stuck was because I was eating too fast, didnt cut it small enough and did not chew long enough. You do need to pay attention. I refuse to throw up and I have not done it once yet. Not everyone throws up and it is not going to make you a belemic if you get this surgery. You just need to pay attention to what and how you are eating and you wont get stuck and you wont throw up!
  12. I wanted to welcome any of the folks that I spoke to at Dr. Gritsus' office in Paquannock, NJ last evening. As I said, this forum is fabulous to view others' experiences and to ask questions that may be lurking. I encourage you to also visit the post op section to ask some questions and view some threads too. Just remember everyone's experience is different. Welcome to the journey! :biggrin:
  13. alilbittyna

    MUSHIES! What are you eating?

    Don't laugh but I ate baby food. It's the perfect consistency and portion size. I liked the gerber mixed veggie and beef and added a small amount of salt and it tasted like vegetable soup!!! Chobani Greek yogurt and EAS myoplex premade choc shakes. sugar free jello, sugar free icepops.
  14. alilbittyna

    ohhhh-so embarrassed!

    I have been burping a lot. I do have a lot of gas too, but I notice that it is mostly in the morning as I am waking up. Thank God my husband thinks it's funny and not gross!!! ; ) I have starting taking papaya enzyme and gasX chewables to assist. The burping happens at work, but I try to keep it real long and low so it doesnt just burst out and embarrass me!
  15. alilbittyna

    2nd thought

    The first two weeks are pretty hard, but commit yourself to it. Dont give up or have regrets. Once you can start bringing in the softer foods, the hunger will lessen and once you start shrinking your stomach, the hunger will continue to lessen. Once you are on solids, just be sure you get enough protein, eat slow, chew good and it should keep you full for a while, then add in the protein drinks you should be sipping on all day long (starting 30 min after eat) and it should resolve all your doubts. I had my first fill on Tuesday and I feel a bit more constriction even though it was only 1 cc. I have been VERY strict with my diet and am very happy I did this. Get your head in the right place and your body will follow. Stop thinking you are depriving yourself. You just gave yourself the gift of life...now live it!!!

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