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Lorraine Ann

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lorraine Ann

  1. Well here I go. With fear and hope. Friday Sep 24 at 6 am. every hurdle seems a test of committment. I have my husband's support and for the first time have involved him totally in how important this step is to me. How essential it is. I am married (duh). A new grandma! And I need to change my health outlook and my inmost feelings about myself. So here I go ....
  2. hi folks, I had my surgery Sep 24 in Sarnia. it went very well and I was home 6 hours after it started. First week went very well. Second week I ran into some muscles spasms in the left neck and shoulder that kept increasing in pain but I think that is pretty much done now.

    I have followed the diet provided to me post op and I am happy to report no major hunger. I have to laugh at myself at how much I am enjoying Garden Cocktail vegie juice, jello, and cream soups right now. I think it is the flavors I am savouring. My home is tidier than normal because I keep getting up to walk around because of gas issues the first 2 weeks. All in all it is a win-win situtation.

  3. Lorraine Ann

    sept 30, 2010..138 pounds! down 120 pounds

    Hey sapphire, I always admire how upbeat you are. thanks for posting the pictures. You look great and have an awful lot to be proud of. Congratulations. I hope that I am as successful.
  4. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    congrats Jillian. hope all goes well for you. :drool:
  5. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    Hey bnwalker - how is it going for you. My abdomen seems to be coming along nicely. Left shoulder pain from gas is a real "pain". Toots are coming easier every day but I can't wait for them to resolve fully. How has your fluid intake been? I am looking forward to getting off clear fluids and into vegetable juices and milk starting tomorrow.
  6. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    Nappy, thanks for the well wishes. the same back to you. Other than the discomfort in my right shoulder things seem to be ok. I really thought it would be worse. I do find it ironic that now when I need to burp or pass gas I find I can't... what is that all about? My clinic called today to follow up on how things were going and they said the shoulder discomfort - absorption of the air they pumped into the abdominal cavity - would take about one week to go away, even with the walking. So far following orders has been easy to do, highly motivated. I don't want to lose fast, I just want to lose permanently!!!!!! Hope all is going well for you.
  7. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    Hi all, I am 15 hours post op and things are going well. minimal gas pains, mostly left sided neck pain that is manageable/tolerable. Hiatal hernia repaired. I am taking the pain meds right on schedule just in case but for now it is better than I thought it would be. I have to sleep in an upright position tonight because of the sleep apnea. I made it!!!!! I can't believe it!!!! Surgeon said liver was in excellent shape because of the pre op diet so the surgery went quick. I dozing off now as I type so it must be time for another cat nap. Bye all.
  8. Shellyh. will connect in a day or so to let you know how it went. good omen - you are the 3rd really positive experience response. Gives me a lot of comfort.

  9. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    Stormrider, you really should post more often. your comments made my day. thank you:rolleyes:
  10. Lorraine Ann

    Sep 24. the door to a long and healthy life

    Thanks to all who read and responded. This site has helped me to stay focused. The number of positive examples really inspires. look forward to talking with you all in the future. :biggrin:
  11. hope all went well today. good luck post op. I go sep 24

  12. Hi Shelly, I am going for banding sep 24 and was looking for ohers in Sept. glad i found your link, enjoyed your comments. how are things going

  13. :thumbup: Went to my family MD and he recommended them. Are they ok? How do I reply in this forum without attaching the initial comment?
  14. Hi Heather, I am from outside of London and am being banded in Sarnia at the end of September. How has your experience been? Any Advice? Lorraine :smile:
  15. Lorraine Ann

    Talk with myself

    Thanks Banded - I think I will just post this note throughout the house. It sounds like the conversations I am afraid I will be having with myself. Going for banding end of Sep and I'm working on the mental gear up to succeed.
  16. Lorraine Ann

    238 from 321 8/30/2010

    congrats. I am so impressed with your success and the dedication it must take. My banding is Sep 24
  17. Lorraine Ann

    My lapband surgery is tomorrow!

    Hey C.G.. I am Canadian also. If you are having this done in Ontario I appreciate the financial committment. I am booked near the end of Sep. I wish you all the stamina and will that you need to succeed. I just visited the chat room and there are some amazing success cases there and that will be us soon!!!

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