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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dontcallmemushy

  1. dontcallmemushy

    Will it slip off?

    Ok so I had surgery on Friday and this morning Tuesday I felt really hungry and I was fixing the kids pancakes on a stick and I ate one. Now I am very worried that I may have slipped my band. I feel awful. There is tightness in my chest and lower stomach area and i am very worried that it could be slippage. It could also be gas which seems to build up. I have a doc appointment tomorrow but I am very worried today.
  2. I went to my seminar on the 25th. I have not gone over websites researching this but I have heard about it and knew what it was before my seminar. I am in the process of getting the tests scheduled and have gone thru the psych eval and the nutrionist is tomorrow. I am ready to get rid of this extra person that I have been lugging around for 15 years. I don't want to develop the diabetes and other problems that come with weight. My knees are already protesting as I climb the stairs and do other things. I have never stayed in a hospital for longer than it takes to have a baby and I hate needles and pain but I am commited to doing this so that later I won't have to deal with worse.
  3. dontcallmemushy

    Pics of me before...

  4. dontcallmemushy

    Me and hubbers

    Nice top...how much have you lost?
  5. dontcallmemushy

    THATS ME NOW 7-2-10

    oops inspiration...I have to watch what I'm typing better.
  6. dontcallmemushy

    THATS ME NOW 7-2-10

    Something else that may be an insiration to you is that when you shed the pounds you will look younger. Right now you and your mom look the same age...imagine how hot and young you will look and feel when you have reached goal! I'm so excited for us all!!
  7. dontcallmemushy

    After-One year mark-

    This is what I look like now after 19 months

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
