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LAP-BAND Patients
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About quattro9999

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/23/1969
  1. Happy 43rd Birthday quattro9999!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary quattro9999!

  3. quattro9999

    Ice Cream?

    You are not supposed to have ice cream.
  4. I recently had to fly for a family members funeral. My Dad asked in front of others if I had problems with the airlines being so heavy/seating. He has no idea that I have lost 100lbs. I said I have been working on my weight and have lost quite a bit and his reply was "You are still a big guy.". It is that exact reason why I have not included hardly anyone in my banding surgery. So I have not noticed any difference yet in the amount of weight I have lost especially from family members.
  5. Good Luck!!! My first fill was 3 ccs. My 2nd fill was .5 and I still don't feel any restriction. I can eat way to much. I have the Realize band. How many ccs before I get to the sweet spot?
  6. quattro9999

    Post Diet Question!

    It washes the food down instead of the band holding the food making you feel full.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
