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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RoxyChick

  1. On 2/28/2023 at 10:24 AM, KimJJ said:

    I switched to the BariMelts and have been doing a lot better with them. Why are they not recommended by your doctor?
    the Protein Shakes and powders that I was able to tolerate before surgery now make me sick even thinking about. The powders all smell and taste horrible to me. And the shakes are so thick that they just don’t sit well with me. I will have to try the yogurt!!!!

    Im not sure why my doctor did not put the BariMelts on the recommended list of Vitamins. I asked the nurse at my follow and she said they didn’t meet the minimum recommended levels of vitamins like the others. I compared the ingredients and they were lower doses (lower Vitamin %). I’m fine with that because the higher ones were making me sick.

  2. 37 minutes ago, Bandedbut said:

    HI RoxyChick! I see you had the lap band a while ago, and live in Cali. I had the lapband in 2007, unfilled in 09, then removed in '11. Im in N. Cty San Diego. I'm now 3 days post op with the sleeve.

    Yes, I got the lap band taken out about 6 months after I got it. That was the worst thing ever! Constant vomiting and it was slipping. Ugh!

    So excited for VSG! 3 day post op was when I started telling better. You got this!

  3. Surgery 2/10. First 24 hours was pretty rough with the gas but lots of laps in the hospital helped. During the two week postop diet, I was struggling with fluids and Protein because I was just so over it. I’m not stressing about it. I just do what I can. I’m now 16 days postop and it’s easier to get my fluids in but I’m still so sick of Protein Shakes. I found Oikos Greek yogurt with 15 grams of protein. The vanilla flavor is amazing…. Yum! I’m on puréed diet for the past three days, threw up twice just eating too fast because I was starving. But now I have adjusted to eating more slowly so I don’t throw up. The only issue I have is the bariatric Vitamins. I’ve been taking the chewable ones and they are absolutely awful and they make me vomit. I’ve taken them on a full stomach too, and they still make me sick. I’m trying to find a good Vitamin to take that doesn’t upset my stomach. I just ordered the BariMelts which I know are not recommended by my doctor, but they are known to be gentler on the stomach, so something is better than nothing. I have the calcium chews and those are fine. Does anyone have a good vitamin that they like it doesn’t make them sick?

    Also, I’m down 18 pounds and I’m fine with that as I am a lower BMI.

  4. Surgery Feb 10 (sleeve). First 48 hours just plain sucked! Lots of gas pain and I was walking immediately when I got back to the recovery room after surgery. I remember the gas pain from both my C-sections so I wanted that pain gone. 8 days post op and last night was the best sleep so far. I am so over Jell-O and yogurt and Protein shakes! Yesterday it felt like something was stuck in my throat and all I have been on is liquids but when I talk to the doctor, they said it was just my esophagus stretching out. I have a follow my doctor on Tuesday. I am so hungry like every day. I just feel like I’m starving and hungry. I get all my Water in and protein but I am literally starving all making dinner for the rest of my family. I literally wanted to cry last night because of hunger. I can’t wait for the puréed stage.

  5. ok here is the deal with me - I was so hungry a week after the surgery that my doc put me on phentermine ( controlled amphetamine like drug ) with 3 refills. It works beautifully. I just had my first fill and I feel no restriction at all but my diet pills work so well.

    Good luck.

    I wouldn't take over the counter diet pills I would ask your doc for some prescription ones.

    I'm so glad you posted this. I was glad to finally see that another doctor understood this too.

    Yes, mine were phentermine too. Although the prescription came from my GP, my doctor said it was fine to take with an emphasis on "temporary", which I totally agree. I'm not going to keep taking them for life, just to get me through this huge hurdle before my first fill.

  6. @WrenBird

    Geez! Enough already. First, you basically call me a liar and say that it was impossible that anyone would message me about this topic, then you delete your post. Then you say "I'll hold back on sharing..." and say "Your offending me", but that's right you delete that post too. If you are going to post something at least stand behind what you post. Move on already!

    I came on here and posted because I wanted to see if anyone was feeling the same way. I'm sorry if I hit a sore spot with some people, but if you didn't like the subject I posted about, you could always have moved on to a different post. No wonder people messaged me instead of posting!

    I spoke to my doctor and he was fine with me taking diet pills and said if it helps me get through tough times before my first fill, then it was okay. I'm 40 yrs old and I know what works for my body. I've been on diets most of my adult life, so it's not like I just went out and got this surgery on a whim. I know diet pills are only temporary, but if they help me through the next 2 weeks, ....then woo-hoo!

  7. I'm so confused about the whole thing. I wanted the band until I started reading here!! There are some very inspiring exceptions, but MOST posts are about how AWFUL the band is and how they're ALWAYS hungry and the band does NOT WORK!!

    Does it work or not?? Should I just go on a strict diet and hope for the best?!

    I'm very confused right now as to how the band is helpful, which really sucks because I feel like it's the only surgery I'm comfortable having.

    I'm truly confused about how it works and WHY so many people are feeling unsuccessful with it.

    I have the band (4 weeks Post-Op) and although it's still really early I'm now wishing I got the plication surgery instead. It seems you can eat more normal than with the band, no pressure in the chest, you can actually feel full. I also hear that you have no head hunger like from the band. With the band, you have a foreign object inside you, it needs maintenance such as fills and you have limitations on what kinds of foods you can and cannot eat. My advise: If you are a self-pay go with the plication.

  8. I didn't post this for people to say "go for it"...I posted this because I wanted to know if anybody felt the same way. I'm already taking my prescribed diet pills and actually feel better for doing it.

    Also, I don't know what thread you are looking at but it shows 180 views on this thread... and yes, I did get 3 private messages. All of which were very encouraging. Geez! What would I gain in lying??? :)

    @WrenBird....LOL that you already deleted your previous post below

    Here is the message that has just been posted:


    Also, only 8 people have viewed this thread...and 8 people replied...

    ..So it's quite impossible that someone (let alone several) viewed this thread, hasn't posted and messaged you instead.



  9. Thanks so much for the info & pic....you look amazing. One question...before you got your body lift was your port more noticeable?

    My port is noticeable. With very little fat between it and my skin, I'd say it's about an inch in diameter and sticks out maybe half an inch like a small curved lump. I don't have a low profile port.

    I wear really nice clothes. I wear a bikini. I wear whatever the hell I want, and have never felt self conscious about my port. Nearly no one notices it (and I was single for 6 months and dated quite a lot, and not one guy even realised it was there).

    It's a small imperfection in a body that used to be almost 100lbs overweight. It just isn't a biggie.

    Don't worry about it until you get there. You may find, like me, it just won't worry you like you think it will.

    ETA: got this photo from my album and you can JUST see my port 'lump' through my singlet. And like I said, I don't have a low profile port and my port is located just under my skin after it was repositioned after my body lift.


  10. Thank you for all your responses and constructive criticism...Some were helpful and most were not....

    I posted this because I just wanted to see if there are others out there feeling the same way I do......but NO, most of what I get are a bunch of people tearing into me about it being a "tool" and that I obviously didn't do the research..... of course I know it's a tool and of course I did my research, but all the research in the world does not prepare you for what to expect after surgery. I certainly did not expect to feel like this! I seriously feel much more hungry than I did prior to surgery. Nobody expects that! I knew it was not going to be easy and I still had to work at losing weight, and change my eating habits.....but it just is miserable feeling like this.

    I know this is just the first phase and it's going to get better, but I'm impatiently waiting for when that better starts! Yes, I did expect to feel some sort of restriction after surgery because a lot of people said they at least felt some something however slight it was.....but, I myself have felt nothing and my appetite is actually worse than it has ever been (even worse than when I was pregnant). This is insane!

    2 more weeks until my first fill and I'm hopeful that I will feel better and my attitude will change....but right now I'm in Pre-op Hell!!!

    I know there are people out there that feel the same way, but they didn't post.. Yes, I really did get several private messages from people who felt the same way I did, but didn't want to post their views because they didn't want to get attacked by others.

  11. I understand what everybody is saying and you are right that a "little bump" is better than being obese, but mine is not "little" by any means.

    I've spent years hiding my weight by wearing baggy clothes. Everything I wear right now is black and baggy. So I am looking forward to losing the weight so I can wear clothes that fit. I want to be proud of the way I look in form fitting clothes, but I'm not going to feel great wearing fit clothes with a bump sticking out of my stomach. It is just going to make me want to start wearing baggy clothes all over again!

    I guess what I really mean to say is that losing weight is hard, so when you lose weight you want to feel good about the way you look.

    Some people may not care about their little bumpy, but I do! Or maybe I feel a little more self-conscious about my body than others. I just see a long future of fills and un-fills ahead of me before I can get little bumpy moved.

  12. Hi Everybody,

    I had my surgery 10/14 and am 4 weeks post-op. I am literally hungry and starving every day. I have gained all my pre-op weight back and soooo frustrated.

    Let's face it, we all got the LAP-BAND® because we have no will power. I just want a little restriction, something, anything to help curb my appetite.

    No, I don't eat like crap! I eat relatively healthy (if I ate religiously healthy than I wouldn't have had a need for a LAP-BAND®), but it's not like I sit around eating cheeseburgers and shakes!

    I keep my calories to a minimum (1200-1500) a day. No, that is not too much as I exercise and work 60 hours a week, so I need some extra calories to keep functioning. When I was trying to keep it under 1000, i kept getting dizzy and feeling like crap!

    Come on, I can't be the only one that has gained???:)

  13. Okay, i know this is extreme...but so was going to Mexico to get my LapBand!

    I am 4 weeks post-op and literally hungry and starving every day. I have gained all my pre-op weight back and soooo frustrated.

    Let's face it, we all got the LapBand because we have no will power. I just want a little restriction, something, anything to help curb my appetite.

    No, I don't eat like crap! I eat relatively healthy (if I ate religiously healthy than I wouldn't have had a need for a LapBand), but it's not like I sit around eating cheeseburgers and shakes!

    I keep my calories to a minimum (1200-1500) a day. No, that is not too much as I exercise and work 60 hours a week, so I need some extra calories to keep functioning.

    I just found some of my old diet pills and started taking them to get me to my first fill. Wow, I forgot how great they work! I wish my band felt like this. I know this is really sad that I feel the need to take diet pills when I already have the LapBand, but the band is not working the way it should! I am so frustrated and really regretting the procedure.

    Is anybody else feeling the same way?

    (please don't post a bunch of comments saying "just wait" or "it will get better" as I don't need to hear that... my misery needs company)


    Starving & Hungry with an Alien port sticking out!

  14. Yep, I thought about doing it locally after I was denied and finally just decided to go to Mexico. I was happy with the place, but not so happy with the results so far. I'm 4 weeks post op and have gained all the weight back that I lost pre-op. So frustrating? I think to myself, did I really get a lapband? Why am I so hungry all the time. I still need to go in for my first fill in 2 weeks, but I really thought I would be able to feel something different in 4 weeks.

    As far as time off.... I had mine on Thursday and went back to work (desk job) on Monday. It was a sore, but manageable.

  15. @GalaxyGal

    Yes, it does stick out like a bump right now and I know it's going to get worse as I lose the weight. I thought I did enough research prior to getting the surgery, but I guess I never heard people complain. I now really regret getting the lap band and wish I got the gastric plication. I know I will eventually lose weight with the lapband, but really hate the idea of having this port stick out even more. It is just going to give me something else to be self conscious about.


    You look fantastic....but OMG! Is that what my port is going to look like? Why didn't I see these type of pictures before my surgery? Damn!!!

    I guess some people are just lucky with their ports and some people are the unlucky ones with "aliens" sticking out. You never know how your body will react. I still hate that I'm the unlucky one. I guess I have to start saving up money now so I can afford to get it fixed next year!

  16. @AlienBandit

    Thank you for the response, but yes I know I can get it fixed if I pay for it. Since I'm a self pay, I'm already out the money from the surgery. I certainly didn't expect to have to pay more money for it to be fixed when it shouldn't be sticking out like an alien in the first place. I just posted this because I wanted to see if anyone else was having the same problem and if it gets worse as you lose weight.

  17. I just posted this in the low bmi bandsters, but I don't think many people look at the forum as often....

    I just had surgery last week (Oct 14). I was a self pay because I had a low BMI (35). I know it's still early and I'm swollen, but my port is sticking out big time. I carried my weight pretty well (210 lbs), but I'm wondering if my port will stick out even more when I lose more weight. What if I get really skinny and have 6pack ABS (I know, I can dream) will the port be totally noticeable? I am really worried about this. I did a lot of research before the surgery, but I just didn't really think the port would be that noticeable. If I knew it was going to be a new addition to my belly, I would have opted for a different sugery (gastric plication).

    I know, I know it is still early to freak out....but I'm just worried, because I didn't tell anyone about my surgery and it's going to be hard to hide come summer time in a bikini! (Yes, I know..i'm still dreaming).

    Anybody have any input? Thanks

  18. I just had surgery last week (Oct 14). I was a self pay because I had a low BMI (35). I know it's still early and I'm swollen, but my port is sticking out big time. I carried my weight pretty well (210 lbs), but I'm wondering if my port will stick out even more when I lose more weight. What if I get really skinny and have 6pack ABS (I know, I can dream) will the port be totally noticeable? I am really worried about this. I did a lot of research before the surgery, but I just didn't really think the port would be that noticeable. If I knew it was going to be a new addition to my belly, I would have opted for a different sugery (gastric plication).

    I know, I know it is still early to freak out....but I'm just worried, because I didn't tell anyone about my surgery and it's going to be hard to hide come summer time in a bikini! (Yes, I know..i'm still dreaming).

    Anybody have any input? Thanks

  19. I'm trying to find prices for LAP-BAND®® in and around Los Angeles. I know that the prices have been gettin cheaper in the US compared to Mexico, but wanted to see what recent prices are out there. All I can find is old posts with old prices. Anyone have any current prices?

    Please keep this post only for Los Angeles/ So California area...We all know how cheap Mexico is, so we don't need a bunch of posts promoting Mexico doctors!!



  20. California Fill Doctors

    I think there should be separate threads for each state in this category, so we can find the information we need quicker. I've searched all over and haven't really found out how to organize it...

    So I will start it first.

    Please use this thread to list Fill Doctors in California only.

    Yes, it would be nice to separate it between Northern California and Southern California... but let's just get it started first.

    Please list location, name of doctor and price..... thanks

    (Maybe this could become a sticky????)


  21. I'm trying to find prices for LAP-BAND® in and around Los Angeles. I know that the prices have been gettin cheaper in the US compared to Mexico, but wanted to see what recent prices are out there. All I can find is old posts with old prices. Anyone have any current prices?

    Please keep this post only for Los Angeles/ So California area...We all know how cheap Mexico is, so we don't need a bunch of posts promoting Mexico doctors!!



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