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LAP-BAND Patients
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About helgainaz

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  • Birthday 08/03/1955

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  1. Happy 58th Birthday helgainaz!

  2. Happy 57th Birthday helgainaz!

  3. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary helgainaz!

  4. I had the surgery on 09/23 and I'm really hungry too. I've had my first fill to 5cc two weeks ago and I'm scheduled for another one this week. I can eat about 8 ounces of food before feeling satisfied. But 3 hours later I'm hungry again. Just waiting till I get enough fills that will make me not think about my next meal or dessert. I'm losing about two pounds a week but that's because I'm exercising with a trainer twice a week and walking a lot. I'm sure this will get better eventually. Good luck!
  5. helgainaz


    Many insurance companies require that you have a BMI over 40 for 6 months to a year. And have the medical documentation to prove it. Holding your purse or weighing with your shoes on is one thing but adding a 25 lb weight to your purse is insurance fraud. If your insurance company ever does an audit of your case (which they can since they are required to do random audits) they'll be quite surprised to see that you lost that excess 25 lbs and more immediately after the surgery. I would be very careful. Unfortunately I have a BMI of 39 and have to pay out of my own pocket. But I'm not willing to get fatter and wait a whole miserable year to get my insurance to pay.
  6. September 17 - I know my insurance won't pay so I'm not even going to go through that stress. It may be a bunch of money but I figure I'll get that money back in a couple of years without all the restaurant and grocery bills! Though I will probably more clothing expenses! It's time. I need to do this for me.

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