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Everything posted by AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

  1. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Baby Quit Teasing

    Onederland we need to talk. You've been whispering sweet nothings in my ear for quit some time now, & baby I want you ! You know how hard I've been trying to pull away from Twoville. I just don't love him anymore. Yes I know I left you YEARS ago to be with Twoville, butI'm so sorry ! I wasn't thinking straight. Twoville was just so sweet to me. He would always bring me chocolates & he'd speak to me in sooo many different languages. Chinese, Italian, Mexican. You name it, he spoke it. Then we'd sit on the couch every night to cuddle & watch tv. He comforted me. But then I started not liking the way he made me feel. He kept crowding me and at times I felt like I couldn't breathe. He didn't make me feel pretty anymore. He started to become controlling & telling me what I could wear & what I would never be allowed to wear ever again. Who is he to tell me what I can and cannot do? I think that's when I realized I didn't love Twoville anymore. Things had been rocky for awhile there anyway & he even had the nerve to tell me that someday soon he'd be done with me & hand me off to his older brother Threeville. Can you believe that? What an idiot! Who does he think I am?? I'm too good to be handed off like that. So I slowly started pulling away from him. It's been hard, very hard, because sometimes he'd start being real sweet again & I'd fall for it & get pulled back in. Things would be ok for a bit but then he'd start up again with trying to control my closet & I'm just sick of it. This is my life & I'm DONE with him controlling me! You've always been on my mind, Onederland. Always! I think about you all the time. I can't wait to be in your arms again. I've been working hard to get there, too. I swear I have. I've been ignoring Twoville everytime he starts trying to sweet talk me with all his different languages, I just look the other way. I've been trying to stay out of the house as much as I can too. I'll go running at the track just to stay active & clear my mind. I think he's finally getting it. I think he understands that I don't love him anymore. He sees me changing & I don't think he finds me attractive anymore. But I don't care cause it's YOU I want, Onederland. It's always been you. We'll be together very soon, I promise! I'm going to make it happen. You just wait and see. No one will ever take your place again. The love you give can't ever be replaced. So keep looking out that window for me cause here soon I'll be knocking on your door so you can let me in, and we can finally be together again. You don't have to be playing hard to get anymore,because i'm here, just a couple steps away. Besides, you know what I want I always get. So quit teasing me some room in the house. Beause when I get there, I'm there to stay. It's gonna be me & you baby.......till the end of time.
  2. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    106 pounds lost in a year!

    This was so inspiring ! I'm only 23 and I'm worried to death about being banded next year, while I feel scared and not quite sure about it now, I know getting rid of the feeling I have when I see myself in a public dressing room now will outweigh any worries. you look amazing and I can't believe you've come so far in just one year ! :]] Congrats
  3. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Anybody being banded July of 2012?

    I know it's a long time from now, but I'm so excited I just want to know if anybody else will be banded when I am next year ! am going to the OCC in Tijuana, because I can't afford self pay here in the states, and I don't have great insurance with my company. I'm only 23 years old and SO NERVOUS but i'm ready to be happy with myself, for the first time in my life I hope to meet new people,and learn alot of new things !
  4. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Anybody being banded July of 2012?

    I wish I was being banded in February I have to wait until July because I figured that would give me enough time to save all of the money for the trip,passports,and everything else I'll need to do before then, not to mention pay it all off. I'm 23, I work from home and I don't have any help financially so i'm trying to save up about 6-7,000 on my own,from scratch. I hope to make a big dent in it come tax time though, who knows maybe i'll get to go sooner ! As of now it's on the calendar for July 16th. Oh and Congrats on your upcoming banding ! I'm soo excited
  5. ; Little by little, one travels far. Nothing tastes as good as skinny will feel.

  6. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Any July 2011 Bandsters?

    I'll be getting banded in July of 2012 ! I thought I'd be like the ONLY one out there waiting sooo long to do it :[[ I wish it was tomorrow, or would of been today. But due to finances and work, I'll have to start the beginning of my lift next July 16th ! I'm so excited and so terribly nervous. Who knew excited and terrible could be in the same sentence Anyways where is everybody getting banded at ? I want one of those cute flashing banners too !
  7. ; I've been gone for far too long ! I've finally decided to take the leap and get banded. Too bad I'm going to have to go to Mexico. Please don't judge me. I'll be going to Dr. Ariel Ortiz, what does everybody think of him? I hope I don't die on the table or mugged in Tijuana HA ! :D

  8. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Full Body BIG GIRL! :D

    From the album: STEPHANiELEiGH

  9. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Full Body BIG GIRL! :D

    I didn't get your request :[[ Were you omega green? If so i'm terribly sorry I ignored I didn't know who it was :[[ Sorry Sometimes I get lots of requests from people I don't know,I hope you can look for me again. My friend got really big after having babies too,I'm so not ready for that especially not right after I lose all my weight LOL. I still enjoy sleeping in,lol. The doctor I've been talking about i'm pretty sure is a good match for me,although he is in Mexico he's trained other surgeons for the procedure here and he's been on oprah as well as a few other magazines,I'm made friends with a few people that went to him and have read alot about him from this site,peoples positive testimonials,I'm sad I have to wait until next year but it is so worth it,I've been fat my whole life :[[
  10. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Full Body BIG GIRL! :D

    sure,i'd love to,search for me on FB it's mikeshinodaism@yahoo.com My name is Stephanie Perez...go figure there's ten thousand of them so you'll have to look by email LOL. I've actually been reading ALOT about Dr. Ortiz and so far I still haven't read anything bad. I've talked to them and can't get my fills here in Georgia so i'm super excited about that,too :] GIRL I know how you feel I can't do it until at least march and that makes me sick,i've been fat forever 'im ready to lose it already,as far as lipo,I don't think you'll need it,this one girl went fro 290 to 170 in one year just by being banded and working out,nothing hanging or anything she looks as if she was never ever big! i couldn't believe it :]] I found this store called Rainbow that has super cute fat clothes but i've decided to buy one more pair of jeans to last me through winter and thats it,i'm done searching for cute clothes to put on a fat person,i'm ready to go to Victoria's secret and the body shop! Just think this time next year,you'll be in those stores too! :]] isn't it exciting lol oh and my BMI says i'm morbidly obese..yikes! lol oh about the kids i love kids but not at this time in my life,i'm not married and haven't even finished school,being fat taught me one thing. not to rush having kids and getting married,I still want to do something with my life and even though i'm in a commited relationship now if not the time,I just own a dog and two birds LOL :]] I can still stick them in the cage and go to friends lol
  11. Oh i'm so excited to start working out again! Before my back got SUPER bad,to the point i'm at now,unable to work or even cook and clean... I had a membership to curves for about 2 years,i worked my ass off and lost about 50 pounds and about 20 inches all over I was looking really good,but my back started getting really bad and I had to quit :( I haven't been since January and that's how fast all my weight piled back on,I'm hoping that as I start to lose weight my back will strengthen up some so I can start out walking then exercising little by little,i'm super excited,you look great and give me the motivation to know it really can be done with alot of hard work! :]

  12. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Full Body BIG GIRL! :D

    LOL! I know you're not hitting on me! ;]] You should do it now! you only live once and what better time to start on a better life than right before the holidays when people gain the most! I have a ton of faith in you especially if your doctor is here and sounds that good! I'm thinking about going to a Dr. Ortiz, Oprah had a story on him at one point so I'm hoping I don't die! Also...I'm a 22 :'[ People say that to me too but they just don't see me without clothes or feel how I feel,you will be fine I can't wait to see your progress if I were you and I could I would schedule it tmrw! I'm so excited I almost cannot contain myself and I can't do mine until next year :[[ It's so hard for me because i've wanted a better life for myself since I was a fat ugly teenager :[
  13. Hey! That's so exciting you have already had such success,thing is i'm so used to nothing i've tried working i'm scared i'll get this and it won't work either...or help withmy back pain :[[ I was born in Clearwater moved to GA when I was younger :]] Good luck and I hope you keep getting such success,i'd love to be friends! :]

  14. Oh yeah,also I just spoke with the obesity control center and they really sound like something i feel safe in doing! unfortunatellyyyy being a broke,big girl I will have to wait until about this time next year :[[ It's rather depressing,I wish I could just go rob a bank HAHAHA

  15. I GOT IT! THANKS SO MUCH! :]] i SEE YOURS,TOO! :]] It took me foreverrrr to just figure out how to upload a regular picture yesterday I was beginning to think I was either blind,or just stupid! LMAO

  16. How do I get my picture to show up instead of a question mark avatar? I'm so confused! lol

  17. That's my current size :[[ This is very inspiring and super close to me as your younger,were my size and you give me the confidence and drive to go after it especially seeing first hand what I can look like!! :]] Where were you banded? If i may?
  18. Oh yeah ...HAPPY BANDIVERSARY!! :]] :thumbup:

  19. I'm about 285 now,my scale is a little cheap one so I know it's off some. Where did you go to get banded? OMG you look so beautiful! I got tears in my eyes! thing is with me i'm so crippled i'm unable to workout anymore,I'm not even able to cook or anything and i'm only 22 years old! I have alot of ambitions and goals and can't even start my life or career because I am unable to do anything! I'd love to be your friend your the person i've talked to on here! :]]

  20. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    This year...my biggest :[[

    From the album: More

  21. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels


  22. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    Desi :]]

    From the album: More

  23. AsGoodAsSkinnyFeels

    My loves--the biggest baby is sick,hah.

    From the album: More

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
