12 hours post-op. Sipping a lovely beef broth. Taking my Percocet elixer every 4 hours. It's best to stay on top of pain as previously stated. Ask for Zofran for nausea, it is the best anti-nausea med on the planet. I had a small hiatal hernia repair (unknown to me) and woke up with 10/10 pain in my chest and left shoulder. That lasted about 3 hours, nothing semed to help but reassurance from the nurse that I wasn't dying. Now I'm uncomfortable 4/10 pain on Percocet so not too bad. It helps to have someone help you our of a chair, bed etc cuz it hurts a lot to pull with your belly muscles. As I posted a few days ago: Visualizing a safe and comfortable recovery in the hands of a caring doctor and curses really does help recovery. You can even visualize liking broth and jello (kind of works). Good Luck to all my November bandits. Visualizing successfull weight loss at this very minute.