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About ashleighP

  • Rank
  • Birthday 12/12/1989
  1. Happy 23rd Birthday ashleighP!

  2. 1 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary ashleighP!

  3. Hey everyone! So here I am, 8 days out of surgery, and my doctor said as of yesterday I can start introducing veggies and soft meats back into my diet. So I did. I had chicken last night for dinner and for lunch today, which was all good and dandy. Nothing seems to get stuck, which is a blessing, I think. For dinner I went to Wendy's which I know is horrible because fast food is horrible, but I was in class late and didn't have too much time to cook. I ordered there 2 for 5 thing and got the half baja salad with no guacamole or chip thingees, and only used half the dressing just to coat it as it went down. What you do with that is you are supposed to pour the chili on the salad, which I have heard chili is good, high in Protein, somewhat low in calories. I only poured about 2oz on it. Then I ate like a pig and ate almost the whole salad. It only equaled out to be something like 300 calories, which I know is a lot, but a lot better than some of the stuff I've eaten. Now that I have rambled I wanted to ask this question. Did I fall off the wagon? I feel like I ate like a pig, and whats worse is I feel satisfied, but not FULL. I have a checkup tomorrow with the doctor, but I am freaking out tonight. Anyone have any advice or words of wisdom? Oh and on a side note, I actually have some liquid in my band, something like 2cc in my 10cc band. So I am not COMPLETELY empty. :smile2:
  4. I am also on the mushies right now and I have found food I love, and then to get my vitamins I have to balance it with food I don't love, like baby food. [blech]. Today I had clam chowder and just chewed the clams up really good and it was filling and super delicious. Probably not so low on the calories but since it was pretty much my only food for the day, I'll let it slide. Also have done pintos, FF sour cream, and salsa. Very yummy. Also yogurts have been good meals, especially the yoplait ones that come in a bunch of different flavors. My doctor pretty much told me don't rush into any food but anything you feel will go down can't hurt to try, so I have tried a lot of things. Probably not the best thing but I had a VERY SMALL bite of my husbands chicken sandwich with bread and chicken and had no problems at all, which was a relief. So far the only thing that hasn't agreed with my stomach was a fruit popsicle, and that was on day one, which since there haven't been any problems with food, which either means I am really lucky or just eating the right foods. Good luck to the bandees who are about to go to mushies, it is SOO much better than jello and broth.
  5. Hey everyone! So I was just banded yesterday. So far few complications except I couldn't pee at the doctors for like 5 hours, but that eventually came. I was just wondering did your doctors prescribe you pill or liquid pain medicine? My doc gave me the big horse pill ones and I have been throwing up whenever I take one. The pain isn't unbearable, but should I call my doctor and let him know? Because I would definitely like some of the discomfort to go away, and not throw up, but not sound like a pain pill junkie. Some advice would definitely be helpful! :thumbdown:
  6. ashleighP

    Discouragement already?

    Thank you all for your replies, they are encouraging. I do the protein shakes for at least one meal a day, and they are good, but sometimes hard to take with me on a busy lifestyle. To elaborate a bit more about me, I am a full time employee and a full time student, so many days I am up at 5am and not in bed til 11pm which is really hard and hopefully will get a bit better here soon, but it can be really hard because I binge eat when I am between places and its usually not something exactly healthy. By the time I get home I am usually exhausted and not able to excercise. I try to get in as much excercise as possible. I walk on my breaks, I have cut back to eating just some beef jerky or a protein shake at lunch so I have more time to walk, and a few other things here in there. I guess another thing that is hard is due to having the most ridiculous insurance company I have to get my surgery done 140 miles from where I live. [which makes no sense since there is a well renowned bariatric hospital 4 miles away from my house] but all that aside, it is a bit hard to keep in touch with them and slightly frustrating. I guess I am doing a bit better than I was the other day. Again sorry it took so long to reply, Fridays are my only free day and they are usually clogged with homework or doctors appointments. But thanks again for all of your replies, they are an inspiration.
  7. Hello fellow bandees or potentials like myself. Sorry to just rant and rave here but I don't really know who else to complain to. I have been doing the presurgery diet since July 1st, and my nutritionist wants me to lose 26lbs [10%] before my surgery, which pending approval will hopefully be in October. Had an appointment today, and lost 1 measly lb. I have been following the diet strictly to a T and still nothing major. My Mom and my husband are my support and they just don't understand how stressful this makes me feel. My husband quit drinking soda and lost 20lbs in 2 months, and I gained 10. Irony, and I know its all about his metabolism and all that jazz but its not fair. I know I sound like a whiney baby, and this is a moment of weakness for me, but anyone have any tips on how to speed up this process? I don't want my surgery to be denied because I can't lose this weight. Ugh, anyone else going through this circus act too?

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