A pre requisite to surgery is to lose 10% of your body weight. I understand this is good for a successful surgery and to show a commitment to your weightloss. The second reason may make sense but what can not be measures is the mental preparedness. I went to see my nutritionist today and i did not lose any wait form my first visit. It has been a stressful two weeks, i have lost my job and well life was a little draining. This will happen after surgery also .... I am aware of this. It sounds very pepeevish, but the Nutritionsit kind of aggravated me. maybe she just struck a chord idk but when she had said "We want our patients to wait 6months so we can track their commitment and see some type of weight loss progress, this is not just a quick fix." I may have taken it a little personal but i felt like saying to her ok I can lose the weight, don't worry about that, not a problem.. done it many times... I guess I feel they focus on that 10% but we all have lost that 10% that was not the problem, the problem was keeping it off. For safety and percaussion I can see the neccessity but to phrase it as a commitment just aggravates me. There is no real measure for mental growth where the real change happens.
Sorry for the bitterness just needed to vent and wanted to see what other think of the 10% loss requirment.